
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tribute to Art Carney

Carney is a champ.

- Jackie Gleason
1960 interview with Rocky Marciano on The Main Event
Art Carney passed away on November 9, 2003, seven years ago today.  He died in Connecticut at the age of 85.  He is best remembered for his role as Ed Norton on The Honeymooners.  Norton was Ralph Kramden’s best friend and everybody’s favourite sewer worker.  He always wore his trademark rumpled fedora and and dressed in a plain white t-shirt with a vest over it. He liked to call his friend “Ralphie boy.”
Although he made his reputation playing Ed Norton, Carney was a terrific actor and gave some fine performances outside of The Honeymooners.  He won an Academy Award in 1974 for his role in Harry and Tonto.  He played a retired teacher in the film.  As a fan of The Twilight Zone, I also remember Art Carney’s touching performance as a drunken, down-and-out Santa Claus of that show.  He starred in an episode entitled “The Night of the Meek.”
To watch a video tribute to Art Carney, click on the link below.

All right, I admit it.  I watched The Partridge Family in the 1970s.  David Cassidy, who rose to stardom as Keith Partridge on the show, was the Justin Bieber of that era, although he was not quite as young as Bieber.  The teenyboppers would swoon when he sang I Think I Love You.  Unfortunately, Cassidy never found much success after the Partridge Family went off the air.  He is now 60 years old and recently he joined the growing list of actors who have had their mug shots plastered all over the Internet. On the night of November 3, 2010, he was arrested in Florida for driving under the influence.
-  Joanne

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