
Monday, April 2, 2012

Goodbye, Little Mosque on the Prairie

Tonight marks the final episode of the groundbreaking CBC series, Little Mosque on the Prairie. It's a controversial show even though though its humour is decidedly gentle and low key.  I wrote about it on my blog posting of June 25, 2011 entitled : "Little Mosque on the Prairie: It's Portrayal of Muslims."  I am a fan of Little Mosque because there is no other show of its kind on North American television.  It's the first attempt to portray a Muslim community on TV in a lighthearted fashion.  It may have its faults, but it is an oasis in a sea of mindless reality programs.

If you are a fan of the show, I'd like some feedback from you.  Please tell me what you think of the final season of the series.  Were you surprised that Yasir divorced Sara after more than 31 years of marriage?  I guess the writers had to figure out what to do with Yasir Hamoudi's character because Carlo Rota, Yasir's portrayer, left the cast and has only made token appearances on the show since.  Yasir, a construction contractor, has been away in Lebanon.  He did, however, make an appearance at his daughter Rayyan's wedding last season to Amaar Rashid (Zaib Shaikh).

What about Reverend William Thorne (Brandon Firla)?  What happened to his attempts at romance with the librarian?  That story certainly ended rather abruptly. Perhaps they didn't have anywhere to go with it.  At the very least, however, they should have made further reference to the librarian and what transpired.  Did she leave town?  Did she reject Thorne completely?

I'm pleased that Amaar married Rayyan (Sitara Hewitt), but he seems a bit lost this season.  It is obvious that he has missed being the Imam.  That's why he was so excited when he came up with the idea of building a new mosque for the town.  You could see the fire burning in him again.

Speaking of fire, in the first part of the series finale, Sarah (Sheila McCarthy) inadvertently set fire to the Anglican Church and its accompanying mosque with an incense burner.  The horrified citizens of the fictional town of Mercy, Saskatchewan stood helplessly watching the blaze.  We'll find out the repercussions of that in the second part tonight.  This evening, I plan to sit back on the sofa and enjoy the concluding episode of Little Mosque on the Prairie.  It's a had a good run for six seasons and it will leave its mark.


I can't imagine CTV or Global airing Little Mosque on the Prairie.  It is so CBC.  That is exactly why we need a public television network.  It's a shame that the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesn't see it that way. In their recent budget, the Tories slashed more money and more jobs from the publicly funded network.  They would happily kill the CBC, but they can't do it outright because there would be too much opposition.  Instead, they are doing it piecemeal, little by little and very insidiously.  With less funding, the quality of CBC programs will deteriorate and its product will be harshly criticized.  The Tories will attempt to starve the CBC until it is too weak to be saved.

- Joanne


  1. LOVE this show! I'm eternally grateful for Hulu airing all of the seasons, otherwise I would have never come across this wonderful series. I wish more television shows were this open, fresh, funny and CLEAN as Little Mosque, as Hulu calls it. I'm so sad to be at the end. Oh, Yasir, what were you thinking?!?!? I was devastated LOL. I'll tell all of my friends about this series.
    Kirksville, MO United States

  2. I found this show refreshingly funny at no particular body's expense, I found it sweet, kind, gently humorous and very winning of my loyalty and affection. It always made me laugh in a good way.

    The ensemble was beautifully wrought. So much so that when Derek McGrath left after the third season I had a hard time accepting the new Rev. It was perhaps wise that they wrote him as a scoundrel so that I wouldn't HAVE to like him, at least not till he earned it. Anyhow, it made for a wonderful new dynamic between Ammar and Thorn, faith against faith, christian against muslim, new guy against old favorite, but in a sweetly gentle way that preserved both of their humanities and dignities, such as they had.

    I also had a very difficult time with the unlikely and rather sudden surprise divorce of Sarah and Yasir Hamoudi. Up till that plot device the character development was flawless. Now whoever wrote that POS substituted the adorable, loving, roguishly conniving, devoted family man Yasir with some Yasir-esque selfish, craven, low creep we see only one more time. My heart broke at the news of their breakup. I was more hurt about it than Sarah and Rayyan put together. Another serious problem with this new direction. Impossible to believe or accept. It cast an awful shadow on the final season. But I did follow through to the entire final season. There were still others I cared about too much to abandon.

    but for the unfortunate deviation of the brilliantly lovable Team Hamoudi, this show is a total winner. I would recommend it as great viewing, especially family viewing. The tv viewing world is sadly all too devoid of thoughtful, respectfully crafted stories. This was like a breath of sweet air. I am sorry that it had to end.

    If I may advance a possibility, why not have a made for TV movie return to Mercy, and have Sarah and Yasir explore a reunion, use that time to explain to some satisfaction a decent, believable reason for the dissolution of an iron clad marriage such as they had. I know I'd feel much better if I could know that they were at least trying to make things right.
