
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Y&R Report (December 6, 2014): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Did you enjoy the episode in which a drunken Nick Newman dreamed about facing all the women in his life?  I certainly did.  I called it a Nicholas Newman extravaganza.  Maybe the experience will help Mr. Dimples recognize that his behaviour hasn't been so great and that he's a hypocrite to condemn Sharon so harshly. I wouldn't hold my breath for that to happen, though.

Meanwhile, Nick's sister, Princess Victoria Newman, has named her new baby daughter Katherine (Katie for short) after the late Katherine Chancellor.  That was a good choice, in my opinion.  The big news, however, is that the little girl's father has finally been revealed.  The proud daddy is Billy Boy Abbott, which doesn't sit well with Billy's former father-in-law, The Great Victor Newman.

Victor is once again a fan of Stitch.  However, I don't think Stitch'em-Up realizes what it would be like to have The Big Man as a father-in-law if he should ever marry Victoria.  He doesn't yet understand how controlling Victor can be.  J.T. and Billy sure found that out soon enough.

Now that it has been determined that Billy Boy is Kate's biological father, I certainly hope we don't learn later that Stitch is actually the daddy.  We've already had enough tampering with DNA tests in relation to Summer's paternity.

How do you like Justin Hartley as the new Adam?  He's definitely the male model type - but can he act?  That remains to be seen.  I'll reserve judgment until I see more of him.  However, I'm doubtful he has the acting range and ability of Michael Muhney, the former Adam.

There seems to be a connection between Devon and Gwen, his not-so-pretend girlfriend.  At least Gwen is falling for Devon. Devon doesn't seem to mind Gwen's attention either.  In fact, this charade appears to be backfiring on Hilary.  She's jealous of Gwen already and she's trying to discourage her from becoming too interested in Devon.  Yet, the impact of Neil finding out about Devon and Hilary would be lost if he actually got together with Gwen.

Dylan has an engagement ring for Avery - but will they ever get married?  I don't think so.  I think their relationship is doomed.  Joe Clark will see to that.  The real estate man is very slick and I wouldn't trust him.

Ashley has it bad for Stitch'em-Up.  He's definitely a ladies' man and he doesn't need any love potion perfume to be attracted to her, as we saw on yesterday's episode.  However, I hope Abby doesn't fall for him too.  We don't need another story about a mother and daughter competing for the affections of the same man.  Stitch wouldn't mind the attention though.

Victor Newman just has to stick his nose into everything.  Now he's paying some guy named Tobias to spy on Ashley and to find out about the new product she's developing.


Here are some comments from regular contributor CC from Etobicoke, Ontario:

Phyllis is still the crafty one, isn't she.
She knows what Jack and Kelly are up to and knows exactly what she is doing when she sets those situations up and comes out with the verbal digs.
Jack is just reduced to being a bumbling, stumbling idiot as all this happens to him.

CC also suggests the possibility of a future plot with Nick and Adam falling for the same woman . . . again

There's no doubt, CC, that Phyllis is crafty.  However, I'm still trying to figure out her end game.  Does she really want Jack or is she just setting him that he'll end up with neither her nor Kelly?  Phyllis is quite vindictive and I doubt she'll let Jack get away with what he's done.  She has already made him squirm by requesting Kelly as their wedding planner, but I don't think that's good enough for Phyllis.

Your are absolutely right, CC, that Jack has been reduced to, as you put it so eloquently, "a bumbling, stumbling idiot"  As I pointed out in my last Y&R Report, Jellyfish Jack has been behaving like a spineless wimp.

As for the possibility of Nick and Adam falling for the same woman . . . again, I'm not so sure. Nick will probably become involved with Sage, once he finds her and thanks her for rescuing him from the bear trap, but Adam's mind is on Chelsea right now.  He may eventually become involved with Sage, but it doesn't look that way to me right now.

Nick is finished with Sharon for the time being, but don't rule out the possibility that they will get together . . . again sometime in the future.  The Genoa City merry-go-round keeps turning and turning.

I also heard from Fifi from Collingwood, Ontario:

Fifi says that she enjoyed the "touching scene" between Phyllis and Michael at the Katherine Chancellor Park. 

Y and R honours friendships over time.
Also, I think the actress who plays Chelsea looked better with her natural darker brown hair.
I am also impressed with the way they are developing the relationship between Kevin and Mariah.

Well, Fifi, I have to agree with you about Chelsea's hair.  She definitely looks better with her natural brown hair.  Speaking of hair colour, what do you think of Supergirl Summer's as a brunette?  I think the Supergirl looks more attractive with blond hair.

As for Mariah and Kevin, I am also impressed with they way her relationship with Kevin is developing gradually.  It will take a while, but they will eventually get together.  By the way, I like Mariah more than I used to, especially since she's started to look upon Sharon as her mother.


Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters) has suffered a devastating loss.  His 24-year old son, Julian St. John, passed away on November 23, 2014..  Julian, an artist, took his own life after a long battle with severe depression and addiction.  He would have turned 25 on December 5th.

Julian's mother is Kristoff' St. John's ex-wife, Mia St. John, a professional boxer. She has vowed to continue to promote mental health issues.

That's all for now.  I would like to remind you that the next Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, December 20, 2014.  I'm looking forward to all the Christmas happenings in Genoa City.  

- Joanne

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