Saturday, July 23, 2016

Y&R Report (July 23, 2016): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

It appears that Mal Young, the new Executive Producer of The Young and the Restless has already made some changes.  Travis Crawford (Michael Roark) has bid adieu to Victoria and sailed off into the sunset. Although Travis invited Victoria to accompany him on his boat, along with her children, she refused his offer because she did not want to keep the kids away from Billy.  

It seems to me that the decision to end the Travis-Victoria storyline was made quite abruptly.  It was decided that the character of Travis no longer fit into plans for the show; thus his sudden departure. Now that the blond bartender is no longer in the picture, what does that mean for Victoria?  Will she try to reconcile with Billy and reunite their family?  Will she compete with Phyllis for Billy's love?  How will she react when she discovers finds out about Billy Boy and his sister-in-law?  

There's a lot of turmoil ahead for Billy.  He is going to have to face the wrath of Jack when the truth comes out about his secret romance with Phyllis.  Understandably, Jack is not going to take a betrayal from his own brother well.  Then there's his mother, Jill.  Not only has she made sure the horrid paint colour is being removed from the Chancellor mansion, but she has taken control of Brass & Sassy. Billy is also going to have to face mad Chole again.  As viewers know, the disturbed woman has returned to Genoa City where she will wreak havoc upon its citizens.  Adam is her prime target. However, Billy will be thrown for a loop if he turns out to be the father of Chloe's daughter, Bella.

It's hard to imagine Snowflake at the helm of a multinational corporation like Newman Enterprises. I realize it was just a ruse to entrap Luca Santori.  Still, Summer is sorely lacking the experience and the expertise for such a demanding position.  Why would the slippery Spaniard believe that she would even be considered for the position of CEO unless there was some kind of setup?  How many 21-year-olds run major corporations?  But wait!  It seems that Luca isn't so slippery anymore.  He's suddenly discovered that he has feelings for Summer.  He is willing to give up everything for her sake and wants nothing in return but her love.  Fans, are we to believe that Luca is so in love with Snowflake that he has sacrificed his lofty ambitions?  Has the leopard really changed its spots?  Have the writers decided to soften Santori's character and make him more likeable?

Luca Santori's ambitions don't really matter now that Victor Newman has won his appeal.  "The Moustache" will soon return to his desk at Newman.  Could there have been any other outcome?  Did you really expect Victor to spend a decade in prison?  He'll be in complete control again, as usual, and he won't be too happy about seeing his granddaughter and Santori together.  

Not surprisingly, Victor has won yet again.  Is he remorseful  Is he a chastened man?  Did he take to heart the reprimand he received from the judge?  Well, I don`t think he`ll do anything as bad as the Marco Annicelli fiasco again.  I also think that Mal Young wants to redeem Victor`s character somewhat.  He will probably return to way he was before he became really evil.  That means he will remain controlling and powerful.  

Victor's biggest problem right now is dealing with Chloe.  She has really gone rogue.  She's a loose cannon.  Internet spoilers say that she will conceal her wicked intentions.  According to the spoilers, Kevin will fall for Chloe again, much to the chagrin of Natalie.  Chelsea will even be fooled and renew her friendship with the woman who wants to utterly destroy her husband Adam, 

Now that Victor is no long in prison and he has reunited with Nikki, the character of Dr. Meredith Gates is not really required any longer.  Alicia Coppola, who portrays Dr. Gates, has finished her run. I'm glad because her "romantic" scenes with Victor left a decidedly sour taste in my mouth.

Isn't it about time for Jack Abbott to discover the truth about Phyllis and Billy?  Those two are really playing him for a fool.  Jack even asked Billy for advice when Phyllis left him and moved into a suite at the athletic club.  Billy, of course, advised his brother to give the redhead some space and stay away from her.  Meanwhile, Ashley wondered why Jack would take relationship advice from his wayward brother.

Jill is back on the scene again.   From the previews, it appears that she will be the one to discover Billy and Phyllis together.  Will she tell anyone else or will she keep the secret in order to protect Billy?  Maybe she'll use her discovery as a means of getting her son to do her bidding.  Will she force him to return to Victoria?  

Cane Ashby seems quite arrogant and full of himself these, especially now that Jill has made him co-CEO of Brass & Sassy, along with Billy.  I guess you could say the name of the company is a perfect description of his character of late.  He`s much more aggressive.   He didn`t hesitate to punch out Billy Abbott.  What's gotten into Sugar Cane, fans?  I think his new attitude is bound to get him in trouble.

I hope Mal Young is going back to the show`s roots again.  I think that`s why he`s brought back Jill and Colin.  That`s why the damage Billy to the Chancellor mansion is being undone.  The estate is returning to the way Katherine Chancellor would have wanted it.


It's official, fans.  Michael E. Knight (Dr. Neville) is leaving

I was disappointed when I read that Michael E. Knight (Dr. Simon Neville) was reportedly checking out of The Young and Restless. However, I held out hope that the unfortunate decision to let him go would be reversed.  After all, the decision was made before the firing of Executive Producer Jill Farren Phelps. It was reasonable to believe that new Executive Producer, Mal Young, would find a way to keep the talented actor.  Alas, it was not to be.  Michael's last appearance on Y&R will be Wednesday, July 27, 2016 on CBS (Tuseday, July 26 on Global TV in Canada). He was originally supposed to be on the show for only eight episodes, but still . . .

Michael Knight's departure indicates that the whole storyline about Neville's miracle drug will be dropped and forgotten.  Hilary will recover and Ashley will be back at Jabot.

Tristan Rogers (Colin Atkinson) will be back in August

Jill's bad boy hubby, Colin Atkinson will be returning to Genoa City.  Tristan Rogers, the Australian actor who plays Colin, wrote on Twitter that "Colin is back to being Colin."  He said he has "some interesting scenes" coming up with Jess Walton (Jill Abbott), Jason Thompson (Billy Abbott) and Daniel Goddard (Cane Ashby).  Tristan will return to the screen on August 24 (CBS) and August 23 (Global).


Amelia Heinle  Photo Attribution: Mingle MediaTV

Well fans, do you think Victoria (Amelia Heinle) should go back to Billy Abbott?  Should she forgive him yet again?  Let your opinion be know by participating in the poll below.

Now that Travis is out of the picture, should Victoria (Amelia Heinle) reunite with Billy?

Yes, they have a history together and they have children.
Maybe, if Billy smartens up.
No, Billy is a jerk. Victoria should find someone else.
No, Amelia Heinle had better chemistry with the previous Billy, Billy Martin. She doesn't have good chemistry with the curent Billy (Jason Thompson).
Billy should stay with Phyllis.
I don't care.
I don't know. I havven't made up my mind yet.
My IQ Test

That's all for now.  The next edition of Y&R Report will appear in the space on Saturday, August 6, 2016.  Meanwhile, keep your eye on Chloe.  She's the character to watch.  She's really going to stir things up.  


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