
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Y&R Report (April 29. 2017): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Well fans, it turns out that Scott Grainger is not only an investigative journalist.  He is a secret agent too.  He had a clandestine meeting with his Auntie Cricket (Ooops, I mean Christine). Cricket has been trying to persuade her nephew to become involved in some further undercover work, which he is reluctant to do.

Some of you may wonder how the Cricketmeister is Scott's aunt.  Longtime Y&R viewers will remember that Scott's father, Scott Grainger, Sr., was Cricket's half-brother.  Scott Gainger, Sr., played by Peter Barton, was a doctor who died of an unnamed terminal illness back in 1993.  Scott Sr. was the result of an affair between Cricket's mother, Jessica, and Scott Sr.'s father, Jim Grainger.

Peter Barton as Scott Grainger, Sr.

Wasn't it was creepy to see Lauren encourage a love match between her son and her best fiend, Phyllis?   Lauren later back tracked and told Scott she was just encouraging a friendship between the two..  Sorry, Lauren, but I don't buy that for a minute.  Neither did Scott.  He and Phyllis agreed not to pursue a relationship anyway.  Scott is now interested in Sharon and Phyllis has reunited with Billy Boy Abbott.

Fans of Billy and Phyllis are naturally quite pleased about the couple's reunion.  However, some viewers would prefer to see Billy Boy with Princess Victoria Newman.  Those fans, of course, are not so happy about the recent turn of events. This time around, however, the circumstances are different. Billy and Phyllis are both legally single, although they have been meeting secretly. The two have not gone public yet and they are still hiding their relationship from Jack and Victoria. They can't bring themselves to reveal the truth to their former spouses.  It leads one to believe that they actually enjoy sneaking around.  They find it exciting, especially Phyllis. Will her ardour cool once everything is out in the open?

A feud between Candy Cane and Billy is escalating.  The Australian has the goods on Billy.  He knows about his clandestine reunion with Phyllis.  Will he use the information against his rival or will he take Lily's advice and mind his own business?  Given Cane's lack of judgment, I suspect he will divulge the secret.  That would be a bad move on Cane's part since he is concealing a secret of his own. His drunken escapade in Tokyo with Juliet will soon be exposed.  Hasn't he heard the old proverb about those who live in glass houses?

The "Who's the Daddy?" suspense is over where Bella is concerned.  Kevin is the father.  It's going to be interesting to see Kevin adjust to his new role as a single dad.  Gloria also has a new grandchild, as does Esther.  Imagine that!  Gloria and Esther have something in common.  As for Bella, she will be surrounded by quite an unusual family.

Young Reed caught in a triangle with Betty and Veronica (Oooops, I mean Zoey and Kendall).  One is blonde, the other brunette. Kendall, the brunette, is quite the manipulator, isn't she? She tricked Reid into going to a movie with her. They viewed the classic 1953 film From Here to Eternity with its famous beach scenes and ended up kissing.  (Just wondering . . . do today's teens watch 1950s moves at theatres?  Do they read Archie comics?)

Reed wasn't allowed to keep the car he received from Grandpa Victor for his birthday, but I didn't feel too sorry for him.  After all, he was also gifted with a cool new guitar.  When the car was taken away from him, the spoiled rich kid complained about having to walk or take a bus.  Ah, poor boy!  Life is tough.  My heart goes out to him.

So, Abby has made a secret deal with her Uncle Jack.  Jack will buy a warehouse where Abby will secretly launch a pilot project for new tech companies.  The deal was made behind daddy Victor's back while he was out of town.  Victor designated Abby interim CEO of Newman Enterprises during his absence.  She is really trying hard to impress her father in the hopes of becoming the future head of the company.  She is insecure and fears that the position will be given to her sister, Victoria.  Abby has been working hard. She's young and ambitious, but she lacks Victoria's business experience. She's still rough around the edges.  The fact that she made a deal with Jack proves that she is not polished enough to take over the reins of Newman Enterprises.  She isn't ready for prime time yet.

I don't think Victor has any intention of retiring yet anyway.  He's got something up his sleeve.  He always does.  However, if did choose to retire soon, I doubt he'll choose Abby as his successor.  Abby has one black mark against her in Victor's eyes.  Her mother, Ashley, is an Abbott, so Victor regards her as somewhat tainted.  When he discovers that she has made a deal with his arch-enemy, Jack, he'll never trust Abby again.  He'll regard her as a disloyal, half-Abbott daughter.

It's obvious that Devon still has feelings for Hilary.  He always looks jealous when he sees her with Jordan.and Hilary is not pleased that he is dating Mariah.  She made a snarky comment about it being a "rebound" relationship.  It was a catty remark, but so true.

Phyllis loves fashion and she bought Ravi a new wardrobe.  So, why does she overdress for the office?  Instead of wearing office attire, she wears dresses that are appropriate for a fancy cocktail party.  Victoria sometimes does the same thing.  Speaking of the head of Brass & Sassy, she was in a generous mood and decided to treat her staff to dinner at the Top of the Tower.  The dinner was filled with intrigue because Genoa City is so full of jealousies and secrets and lies.  Almost everyone is trying to cover up something. Victoria's latest deception was to inform Billy that her mother's MS had flared up again. Nikki gave her the idea, but the Princess didn't have to follow through.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  
My email address:

Here are some comments from regular contributor CC in Etobicoke, Ontario

Not liking the whole Victor thing.  The writers will have to be very creative to work this one out. They may even have to resurrect Adam.  

I am finding the storylines very ho-hum.   Ashley and Ravi are ridiculous!  Scott the womanizer. . . . Yuck!  Billy is screwing up again!  Does Nikki really think she and Victor can live one kind of life for the public and another behind closed doors!  Too much water under that bridge.

Well CC, I think the writers will work out the Victor storyline..  I also think it's unlikely that Adam will be resurrected for the second time. That doesn't mean I'm ruling out the possibility.  We're talking about a soap after all.  Still, I doubt it will happen.

I don't find the storylines ho-hum at all.  The show has improved since Sally Sussman took over as head writer.  No more look-alikes and explosions.  The focus is on relationships and families.  The history of the show isn't being forgotten.

Actually, I've been enjoying the Ashley and Ravi storyline.  The recent New York episodes were fun. By the way, Ravi's hair annoys me.  He often has this one long strand that's always falling over his eye. I'd like to get a pair of scissors and cut it.

I agree with you that Nikki is being unrealistic.  She and Victor are never going to be able to live that kind of a double life.  As "The Moustache" would say, "It ain't gonna happen."  Nick and Victoria will eventually regret going along with their mother's plan.

Regular Y&R viewer, Fifi from Collingwood is pleased that Kevin turned out to be Bella's biological father.  She points out that Kevin really wants Bella in his life.  For Billy, on the other hand, Bella would be a complication and an obligation.  He would certainly do right by her, but his heart would not be completely in it.

I received an email from Elba, a long-time Y&R viewer.  Elba has a much different point of view on Kevin's fatherhood.than Fifi.  Here are her comments

Kevin is Bella's real biological father!  How this ex-rapist and doofy "Chipmunk" will raise a child is another story indeed!  Tessa, the guitar teacher/babysitter is up to no good, it seems.  Is she planning to kidnap little Christian right under Nikki's nose?  Gosh, not another baby-snatching which takes one or two years to unfold! Just saying . . .

You don't like Kevin Fisher very much, do you?  Yes, he has an unsavoury, criminal past. I am not excusing his previous actions, Elba, but he was locked in a closet by his father, the despicable Terrible.Tom.  That really messed him up.  Soap writers sometimes transform a bad guy into a good guy for plotline purposes.  Kevin's brother, Michael, is a perfect example of that.  Many years ago, he tormented Christine (Cricket) and tried to rape her.  He spent some time in prison.  Now he's one of the most upstanding citizens in Genoa City.  It seems that the writers are trying to reform Kevin, the way they reformed his brother.  He is behaving in a much more mature manner and he even risked his own life to save Scott.  Kevin sincerely loves Bella and wants to be a father to her.  He will get plenty of assistance from Grandma Esther and Michael and Lauren.  They will all help to raise Bella.

I don't understand why Nikki trusts Tessa so much, especially since she is so desperate for money.  I agree with you, Elba, that she seems to be up to no good.  I also hope that viewers don't have to endure another baby kidnapping episode.  I'd like to think head writer Sally Sussman will avoid that kind of a storyline.


Gina Tognoni (Phyllis)

Billy (Jason Thompson) and Phyllis (Gina Tognoni) are back together - for now.  After all, few relationships survive on a soap.  We'll see what happens this time.  Of course, we know there will be complications.  Victoria will fight her rival tooth and nail and she has history on her side.  The Newman family members tend to break up, make up and remarry the same person over and over. Witness Victor and Nikki, Nick and Sharon and Victoria and Billy.  The pairing of Phyllis and Billy, however, is quite popular among some fans. Respond to the poll below and let me know what you think.

Are you pleased that Phyllis and Billy have been reunited?

Yes. They are a great couple and they have great chemistry.
No. He is better off with Victoria. They have a history and a family together.
No. They are very selfish and their affair was very hurtful to Jack.
I'm not sure.
Please Specify:

That's all for now.  The next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, May 13, 2017.  Don't miss it and don't forget that the 44th Daytime Emmy Awards will be held tomorrow. Sunday, April 30th.  The show will be streamed online, but I wish it could be shown on traditional television too.  The merry month of May should be a lot of fun on Y&R.  I'm looking forward to how the Abbott children will be affected by the return of their long-lost mother, Dina. This will coincide with the May sweeps too.

- Joanne

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