
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Y&R Report (May 27, 2017): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Well!  Well!  Well!  Sugar Cane Ashby is not so sweet anymore. He's displayed some appallingly poor judgement of late.  First, he wound up in a compromising situation with Juliet in Tokyo, thereby opening himself up to blackmail and putting his marriage at risk.  Then, he became involved in a feud with Billy Boy Abbott.  In order to get Billy into hot water, he tampered with a video. He deleted the "just kidding" part from the end of the video and made it appear that some hockey players had been gambling on their own sport.  By his actions, Cane put Brass & Sassy's advertising contract with the hockey league in jeopardy, but the sly Aussie didn't stop there.  He bribed the video man not to reveal what he had done.  Maybe he is more like his daddy, Colin, than we've ever imagined. 

Hilary learned about Cane's wild night in Tokyo and practically salivated at the prospect of spreading the news to her nemesis, Lily.  The mischievous look on her face was absolutely priceless.  Now that Hilary knows the truth, it's just a matter of time before the whole world finds out. Cane is sweating bullets, as he should. The Candy Man is definitely headed for disaster, both personally and professionally.  I can't see how Lily and Cane's relationship can survive this upheaval.  Lily may eventually forgive Cane for his drunken night in Japan, but she's unlikely to forgive his lies and his underhanded behaviour at Brass & Sassy,  What happened in Tokyo hasn't stayed in Tokyo; but that's not very surprising, is it?

Phyllis was unable to conceal her presence in La La Land from Princess Victoria.  She hid when Victoria knocked on Billy's hotel room door, but her fragrance gave her away.  I was quite amused when the Brass and Sassy CEO suddenly declared, "You can come out now, Phyllis."  Then she advised Phyllis to use a lighter perfume.  Actually, I'm surprised that the Princess didn't advise her rival to use  Brass & Sassy fragrances because they are not as strong.

As for Princess Victoria, she sure threw Juliet under the bus in order to save Billy's skin.  She didn't want Billy Boy to be the sacrificial lamb, so Juliet got the chop.  Juliet, however, is receiving advice from Hilary and she is sure to try to exact her revenge. She will soon discover who is really responsible for the hockey advertising debacle.  Look out Cane!  You know what they say about a woman scorned.

So, Gloria wants to know where she stands with Jack.  Jack referred to whatever they have as  "our arrangement."  That tells you it's certainly no great love affair, doesn't it?  Gloria is walking a thin line.  If she becomes more demanding and controlling, Jack won't put up with it.  Speaking of Jack, hasn't he been getting rather cozy with Nikki lately?  Phyllis looked rather taken aback when she saw how chummy Jack and Nikki have become.  She looked somewhat jealous.  What's her problem?   She has her Billy Boy.  

Oh, my!  Lily and Cane's twins have grown up so fast!  What have they been feeding those kids.  It also turns out Mattie and Charlie are both stereotypes too.  Mattie is a studious and bespectacled. Charlie is the quintessential teenage jock, with a bit of youthful angst thrown in for good measure. It's obvious why the writers decided to age Charlie and Mattie.  They wanted to incorporate them into Reed's storyline.  However, the rapid transformation of the twins from children to high school students was too drastic, even for a soap.  Also, Lily appears too young to be the mother of a pair 16-year-olds.  Christel Khalil, the actress who portrays Lily, is only 29 years old and she is the mother of seven-year-old son.  

Reed Hellstrom has a very bad day.  First he caught Zoey, whom he regarded as his girlfriend, snuggling up to Charlie Ashby.  Then he inadvertently witnessed Billy playing kissy-face with Phyllis.  Now wonder he was upset.  I really can't blame him.  He was so disillusioned and angry that he hurled a real zinger at Billy.  When Billy referred to Johnny and Katie, the two children sleeping upstairs, Reed retorted, "You know, I'm really glad that your their dad and not mine."  

First of all, Phyllis really shouldn't have shown up at Victoria's place when Victoria was out of town on business. By the same token, Victoria, should not be using the children as pawns in her battle with Phyllis.  Yes, Billy and Victoria are divorced, but Reed should have been informed that Billy was seeing Phyllis.  He had a right to know.  I also think Billy is eventually gong to tire of Phyllis popping up everywhere all the time. Surprises are one thing, but she isn't giving the man any breathing space.  

Phyllis is certainly one very busy lady, but she still found time to needle Victor.  She cheerfully informed "The Moustache" that she had seen Nikki "in the arms of another man," namely Victor's arch-enemy, Jack Abbott.  Phyllis exaggerated, of course.  Although Jack and Nikki were hugging affectionately, they were not in each other's arms or kissing passionately.  As Victor correctly pointed out to Scott, Phyllis likes to stir things up.  Boy, does she ever!

Abby Newman and her grandmother, Dina Mergeron, seem to be getting along quite well.  They have a rapport, unlike Dina and daughter Ashley.  Abby's pleasant relationship with Dina could drive a wedge between her and her own mother, Ashley.


Jason Thompson (Billy) and wife expecting their second child

Jason Thompson (Billy Abbott) and his wife, Paloma Jones, are expecting their second child.  A representative for the actor confirmed the baby news to People magazine.  A little girl is on the way for the couple, who already have a 1-year-old son named Bowie Banjo.  

People published a photo of a pregnant Jones playing with Bowie.  Thomson stated that he loves being a dad and that he's "looking forward to bringing a girl to our little family."

Odds and Ends

Beth Maitland will make another appearance as Traci Abbott on Wednesday, May 31. 2017 and Thursday, June 1, 2017 on CBS (May 30 and May 31 on Global-TV in Canada).  It will be interesting to see how Traci reacts to the reemergence of her mother, Dina, after all these years.

Corbin Bernsen will reprise his role as Father Todd Williams on Tuesday, June 5 and Wednesday June 6 on CBS (June 4 and June 5 on Global-TV.).


Robert Adamson (Noah Newman)

Noah Newman has been unlucky in love, to say the least.  His bride-to-be, Courtney Sloan, an undercover policewoman, was brutally murdered.  The murder took place on their wedding day. After grieving Courtney's death, Noah had an ill-fated relationship with Marisa Sierras, the exotic former girlfriend  a Peruvian drug lord.  He's now unattached and has shown interest in Tessa, a singer whom his grandmother Nikki has taken under her wing.  However, Tessa has been acting strangely and she has been making mysterious phone calls.  She's clearly up to something and Noah is starting to become suspicious of her behaviour.  What do you think, fans?  Should Noah give Tessa a chance?

Should Noah take a chance with Tessa?

Yes, she may be worth the risk. Maybe she's the one being victimized.
Absolutely not. She has too much baggage and she's hiding something.
Maybe, but not until she proves trustworthy.
I don't care.
Please Specify:
survey maker

If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  
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That's all for now. Fasten your seatbelts, though, because the May Sweeps aren't over yet. The Chloe storyline is drawing to a close and the Abbotts are coming to terms with Dina's return. Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, June 10, 2017.

- Joanne

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