
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Y&R Report (March 31, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Wow!  What a week on Y&R The show pulled out all the stops as it celebrated its 45th anniversary.  For longtime viewers, it was a treat to see Lorie and Leslie Brooks again (Jaime Lyn Bauer and Janice Lynde).  However, it's too the Brooks sisters weren't shown at the Walnut Grove high school reunion.  It was also fun to see Mackenzie and Raul and Brittany after all these years.  It even turned out that Raul and Brittany are a married couple.  

To be honest, I never expected J.T. Hellstom to be such a louse.  He's never been an angel, but now he's really become wicked.  He left die on the stairs and went home to Princess Victoria.  The Black Knight would have perished if Jack Abbott hadn't arrived on the scene and called 911.  Unfortunately for Jack, he was drunk and angry when he found Victor.  The cowardly J.T. took off, leaving Jack to face the music.

Emotional abuse, not physical abuse, seems to be the main issue that The Young and the Restless is highlighting, although the two often go together.  Mac never accused J.T. of physically harming her.  She warned Victoria of J.T.'s history of emotional abuse.  She talked about how he belittled her with constant criticism and how he made her lose her confidence.  Victoria knows that J.T. has been doing the same thing to her.  She's been in some kind of denial or dream world.  It's hard to believe that she accepted J.T.'s proposal after what he's said and done to her.  However, Sharon finally woke up the sleeping princess when she advised her to see a relationship counsellor.  After that, Victoria informed J.T. that she couldn't marry him.  We will soon see how the scoundrel reacts to that.

Victor will definitely survive J.T.'s attack.  I have no doubt of that.  As far as I know, there has been no mention of Eric Braeden retiring. I am also certain that Victor will win again, as usual.  He may not remember everything at first.  However, J.T. villainy will e exposed and Victor will save his Princess Victoria.

J.T. obviously has an agenda.  He persuaded Mac to sign the divorce papers quickly.  Of course, the reason wasn't that he loves Victoria so much that he couldn't wait another day to marry her.  For one thing, he's afraid that Victor will identify him, expose his crime and prevent him from tying the knot with Victoria.  However, his plan to marry Victoria seems to have been thwarted by Sharon.  This is far from over, though, and Victor may end up preventing the marriage after all.

Once again Clueless Genoa City Police Chief Paul Williams has arrested the wrong person.  I know there was circumstantial evidence against Jack, but did Clueless have to make a scene at the high school reunion.  He just loves the drama of arresting someone, handcuffing them and reading them their rights.  The only problem is that he always targets an innocent person.  He's just not doing his job.  That's why other residents of Genoa City, such as Phyllis and Victor,  have been conducting their own investigations.

As if Jack doesn't have enough chaos in his life already, he will soon discover that John Abbott is not his biological father.  I'm not to keen on that storyline.  I know its being done for storyline purposes, so that we can solve the mystery of Jack's biological father.  Isn't it enough that Ashley is not John's biological daughter?  What next?  Will Traci turn out not to be a blood Abbott too.  At least we know for sure that Billy is John's son with Jill, don't we.  Maybe Jill been hiding something too.  (Just kidding, but the way things have been going, you never know).
It looks as if Abby is going to get involved with Arturo eventually.  He really caught her eye when he passed by.  The look on her face said it all, didn't it?  Now that Nikki is at Victor's bedside, Arturo may turn to Abby.

Nick and Sharon locked lips but delayed any reconciliation.  That was probably a wise choice on Nick's part.  I think that they will eventually reunite, but why rush it?  Nick is just getting over a devastating breakup with Chelsea and Sharon recently ditched two-timing Scott Grainger.  They are wise to take their time.  Looked what happened when Victoria got back together with J.T. so quickly.

By the way, there has been no news about Chelsea and Connor.  It seems she is still on the loose.  I guess the writer will deal with their fate in due time.  There is so much else going on in Genoa City right now.

Fans, what is your impression of Michael Mealor, the new Kyle?  I think he's a stronger actor than the actors who have played the role before.  However, he doesn't seem to be portraying Kyle as a very likeable or sympathetic character.  He's given Kyle an edge that Kyle never really had before.  His Kyle has been very bitter and angry since his return.  He seems so dark and mean-spirited.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

Regular Y&R viewer, Fifi from Collingwood was disappointed by the Walnut Grove reunion.  She wanted to see Lorie and Leslie there and she hoped that someone would entertain the guests.  She would have liked to have seen someone like Gina Roma (Patty Weaver) sing a song at the event.

Well Fifi, I agree with you.  I would have liked to have heard a song too.  Too bad they didn't also have Gina's brother, Danny Romalotti (Michael Damian).  He's a recording artist and he could have performed too.  I guess they weren't available.

However, Lauren Woodland (Brittany), who is a singer, was in attendance.  She mentioned something about a song.  I thought she was going to perform, but she didn't.  


Where has Ravi (Abhi Sinha) been?

If you are wondering what happened to Ravi Shapur (Abhi Sinha), here's your answer. His fans will be pleased to know that he he will be returning to his role on The Young and the Restless after a brief hiatus.  The Indian-American actor took some time out to participate in pilot season auditions. Obviously has his eye on a primetime TV role.  However, it does not appear that he landed a part on a primetime series.  Abhi tweeted the following. "I'm so glad to be back doing what I love and prouder to be part of a show that has been around for forty-five years and broken barriers with Ravi and an Indian-American character.  Not only has there been a tremendous evolution of charcter, but to pair him with an older, white, established star (Eileen Davidson as Ashley Abbott) was revolutionary and progressive."

So, what's next for Ravi now that his relationship with Ashley has fizzled out?  I've been trying to think of some eligible Genoa City women to pair him with.  I've considered Abby, but that might be awkward, since she's Ashley's daughter.  Also, I think she's going to become involved with Arturo.  Since Ravi seems to prefer older women, how about Phyllis?  She would have to break up with Billy, though.  Phyllis and Billy Boy seem happy right now, but happy couples don't last too long on soaps.
Perhaps Ravi and Summer would be good match, if she ever returns from her extended vacation.  What do you think, fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know what you think.


Who would make a good match with Ravi?

A new character
Please Specify:
Created with PollMaker

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this 
space on Saturday, April 14, 2018.


- Joanne

Sunday, March 25, 2018

How Stanley and Barry Livingston (Chip and Ernie of My Three Sons): Survived Child Stardom


Stanley Bernard Livingston and Barry Gordon Livingston were both born in Los Angeles, California.  Stanley came into the world on November 24, 1950.  His brother Barry followed on December 17, 1953.  They are the sons of Lillian Rochelle "Marilyn" Palyash and Hilliard Livingston.

Stanley played Richard "Chip" Douglas, the third son of Steve Douglas (Fred  MacMurray) on the long-running sitcom My Three Sons.  Stanley and Fred MacMurray were the only cast members to appear throughout the entire 12-year run of the series, from 1960 to 1972.  The two played father and son in all 380 episodes and Fred became a mentor to Stan.

Of his role as Chip Douglas, quotes Stanley Livingston as saying, "The name Chip Douglas is probably going to be on my tombstone.  That's neither good nor bad.  It's just a fact of life."

Below is a My Three Sons photo:  Back row: Left to right: Fred MacMurry (Steve Douglas), Don Grady (Robbie Douglas) and William Demerest (Uncle Charley)  Front row: (L to R: Stanley and Barry Livingston.

Stanley Livingston launched his acting career with small, uncredited parts in films such as The Bonnie Parker Story (1958) and Rally Round the Flag (1958). He played one of the children, Gabriel Mackay, in 1960's  Please Don't Eat the Daisies, starring Doris Day and David Niven.  Stanley also appeared in a 1959 episode of the  short-lived TV series Peck's Bad Girls and a 1960 episode of The George Gobel Show (Season 6, Episode 7).  From 1958 until 1963, Stanley portrayed a neighbourhood child named "Stanley" in 9 episodes of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.  He had an uncredited role as Prescott Rawlings in a 1962 episode of How the West Was Won.

After My Three Sons went off the air in 1972, Stanley's acting career never really blossomed.  His television roles were sporadic.  In a 1973 episode of Room 222, he played Jackie O'Farrell, a former child star,who doesn't quite fit in at Walt Whitman High School,   The episode is entitled "A Hairy Escape." (Season 4, Episode 21, Air Date: February 23 1973).  Stan also guest-starred in a 1974 episode of Lucas Tanner, a short-lived TV drama starring David Hartman. 

In addition to his career as an actor, Stan Livingston, has done extensive work behind the camera.  He has written and produced many commercials, music videos and educational programs.  He has also directed children's programming for PBS.

Stanley Livingston

Stanley has been married twice.  He was just 18 when he wed his first wife, Sandra L. Goble, a go-go-dancer.  The marriage last for six years, from 1968 until 1974.  Th couple had one child, a daughter named Samantha, and the marriage ended in divorce.  Of his first marriage, Stanley told People magazine about Fred MacMurray's reaction:  "He spoke to me about it a couple of times.  You could tell he didn't approve."

Stanley married his second wife, actress Paula Drake, on December 19, 2015.  Paula is also a practising criminal defence lawyer. 

Paula Drake

At the age of five, Barry Livingston was cast in the role of Paul Newman's son in the 1958 film Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys.  In an interview for FOX411'S Pop Tart's column, Barry related how, during the filming of the movie, his eyes began to "ping-pong around his head" because he wasn't wearing glasses at the time.  He couldn't keep his eyes still and there were fears he was having a seizure.  The youngster was rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed with having astigmatism.  A day or two later, he  returned to the set wearing his glasses and was "promptly fired by the producer, who said he didn't think Paul Neman's son in the movie would be wearing glasses."

Barry Livingston was one of the rare bespectacled child actors, but he didn't let his glasses prevent him from attaining success.  He began his television career in the early 1960s and he usually portrayed "the kid next door."  His first regular TV role was on the The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.  From 1960 to 1963, he played a neighbourhood child named Barry Martin on the popular family comedy.

In 1962, Barry appeared in an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show..  The episode is  entitled "The Talented Neighborhood" (Season 1, Episode 19, Air Date: January 31, 1962).  In the episode, "The Alan Brady Show" conducts it annual talent search for the most gifted youngster.  Barry portrayed Philip Mathias, one of the children trying to win the talent contest.

Barry also played Arnold Mooney, the son of Lucy's boss, Theodore J. Mooney (Gale Gordon) in two episodes of The Lucy Show, starring Lucille Ball.  The episodes are "Lucy Gets Locked in the Vault" (Season 2, Episode 4, Air Date: October 21, 1963) and "Lucy and the Scout Trip" (Season 2, Episode 26, Air Date: March 30, 1964).  In "Lucy Gets Locked in the Vault," Lucy's attempt to give Arnold (Barry) a haircut ends in disaster.

Lucille Ball with Barry on The Lucy Show in 1963.

Barry Livingston did not join the cast of My Three Sons until 1963.  He made his first appearance in an episode entitled "My Friend Ernie" (Season 4, Episode 7, Air Date: October 31, 1963).  He played Ernie Thompson, a foster child living with a family down the street from the Douglas clan.  Chip befriends Ernie and in Barry's debut episode, the two boys embark on an adventure to find a treasure chest.

On September 27, 2013, Barry was interviewed by Nancy Harrington for the Archive of American Television.  When asked to describe his character, Ernie, this is how he replied:

"I was sort of the ragamuffin, the kid who was not the rich kid's child.  I was sort of the poverty-stricken one who couldn't afford braces and glasses.  Terrible haircut.  And slowly that became my signature, being the goofy-looking kid next door, and now that's all the rage.  Nerds control the world."

In September of 1965, My Three Sons began its sixth season with a wedding.  The eldest son, Mike Douglas (Tim Considine) married his girlfriend Sally (Meredith MacRae).  The newlyweds moved out of state where Mike began a new job.  With Consadine and MacRae written out of the show, the stage was set for the Douglas family to adopt the orphaned Ernie.  Thus, Ernie Thompson changed his name to Ernie Douglas and Barry Livingston became a permanent member of the cast.

Fortunately for Barry, the end of My Three Sons did not mean the end of his career.  Unlike many child stars, he managed to land roles on the small screen.  He has a fairly long list of television credits since then.  He appeared in episodes of such series as The Sandy Duncan Show (1972), Room 222 (1973), Ironside (1973).  He was the voice of Linus in  the TV movie You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (1973).

In 1974, Brrry had a recurring role as Murray "Moose" Kerner in the drama TV series Sons and Daughters.  He also made a guest appearance that year on Police Woman.  His other television credits in the 1970s and 1980s include Lucas Tanner (1975), the television move High School USA (1983), Simon & Simon (1984) and Hart to Hart (1984)

From 1990 to 1993, Barry appeared in three episodes of the medical drama Doogie Howser, M.D., staring Neil Patrick Harris.  He played Dr. Berney in the 1995 television movie The O.J. Simpson Story.  From 1993 to1994, he portrayed Sheldon Bender in Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.  In 1996, he guest-starred in an episode of Boston Common entitled "Gobble, Gobble, Aggch!"  In the later 1990s, Barry portrayed an attorney in an episode of The Nanny (1997),  He also appeared on Ally McBeal (1998) and USA High (1998)

Barry Livingston's career has had its highs and lows.  There have been times when he has had difficulty finding work as an actor.  However, in the 21st century, Barry has had no shortage of television roles, although some have been bit parts or cameos  His TV credits include Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (2000), Judging Amy (2000), Will & Grace (2002), The Drew Carey Show (2004), Two and A Half Men (2008), Everybody Hates Chris (2009), NCIS (2009), Desperate Housewives (2010), Grey's Anatomy (2010), Parenthood (2014), Anger Management (2014), Hot in Cleveland (2015) and Me, Myself and I (2017).  His motion picture credits include Adam Sandlers's Don't Mess with Zohan (2008), The Social Network (2010). (He played Mr. Cox in the film), as well Argo (2012), in which he played a CIA official).

Barry in 2015

Barry seems busier than ever and has been a constant presence on the small screen.  Viewers have seen Barry transform himself from "the kid next door" child star to a versatile character actor, a husband and a parent.  He married Karen Huntsman, a physiotherapist, in 1983.  They have two children, a son, Spencer Livingston (born 1989) and a daughter, Hailey Marie Livingston (born 1992).  Spencer is a musician and Hailey is an actress and screenwriter.

Hailey Livingston

The Livingston brothers are survivors in a ruthless and fickle business. In 2012,  Barry talked to Fox News Entertainment about the difficulties he faced  during his career.  "I had a lot of challenges to overcome - drug use, the obstacles of re-inventing myself and my credibility " he told reporter Hollie McKay."  "I could barely get an agent, or get to see casting people.  It's a strange town and you never really know why you're hot and the next minute you're not.  I found myself no longer on the list of people called to read roles in TV and film."


* Fred MacMurray died on November 5, 1991 at the age of 83.

* Don Grady, who played second son Robbie Douglas, died of bone cancer on June 27, 2012.  He was 68 years old at the time of his passing.

Don Grady

* Barry Livingston's memoir is titled The Importance of Being Ernie: From My Three Sons to Mad Men, a Hollywood Survivor Tells All.  It was published by Citadel in 2011.

- Joanne

Friday, March 23, 2018

Game of Thrones: The Economy of Westeros

Here is an infographic on the fictional land of Westeros in Game of Thrones.  I must confess that I am not a fan of the show because it is much too brutal for my taste.  However, it attracts millions of viewers and it has been critically acclaimed.  For fans of Game of Thrones, therefore, TV Banter present an overview of the economy of the fictional land of Westeros.  This includes the flow of money in Westeros and some statistics on its economic problems, its wealthiest houses and types of currencies.  I hope you find it entertaining and informative.

- Joanne

Economy of Westeros
Economy of Westeros, courtesy of

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Y&R Report (March 17, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Have you noticed that head writer Mal Young  has made some Y&R characters behave in ways they have not have behaved in the past?  Take Paul Williams for example.  Clueless Paul may be a bumbling police chief.  However, he is a thoroughly good guy.  Suddenly, he has an edge to him.  He seems to be seeking revenge on Victor rather than ensuring that justice is done.  Paul and Christine (Also known as The Cricketmeister) have assigned J.T.  Hellstrom to the task of getting he goods on Victor.  They really want to bring "The Big Man" down and they have commissioned J.T. to do the dirty work.

Victor deserves to be taken down few notches, but it is not the job of the Chief of Police and his wife, the District Attorney to engage someone like J.T. to spy on citizens.  J.T. is neither a police detective nor a private eye.  Also,  a police chief like Paul married to a District Attorney is clearly a conflict of interest.

Another character whom he writers have changed is Nikki.  Nikki has her faults, but she wouldn't indulge in a two-bit affair with someone she hardly knows, like Arturo.  It's salacious and will undoubtedly provoke Victor, but I can't buy that Nikki would behave in such a manner  Also, Nikki knows Victor all too well.  She would not be so cavalier about their relationship. Victor is very possessive and he will not sit back and allow Nikki to carry on with Arturo.  Arturo obviously doesn't know Victor.  Otherwise, he would have thought twice before having an affair with Nikki.  He should be worried . . . . very worried.

Victoria Newman has had to swallow humble pie.  She did not enjoy having to apologize to Ashley Abbott, only to have have Ashley reject it.  The worst thing for Princess Victoria is that she has displeased daddy Victor,  Victoria has had a rough time of it lately.  She has made her self some enemies, such as Lily Winters Ashby.  She could have avoided a confrontation with Lily if she had treated her better.  The Princess has only herself to blame for alienating Lily.  She could have used a lot more tact and sensitivity in dealing with Lily.

Having said that, Victor was the cause of his daughter's problems in the first place when he hired Ashley.  He knew that Ashley is ambitious and proud.  He knew that she wants to do things her way.  He also knew that would bring her into direct confrontation with Ashley.  Both of them want to be heir to the Newman dynasty and that's a recipe for disaster.  Victor, however, had some misguided belief that the competition between the two women would be healthy and would benefit the company.  He was wrong and now his daughter is paying the price.  Victoria was given a choice between demotion or leaving Newman Enterprises.  She chose demotion because she believes she can get back in Victor's good graces.

Unfortunately for Victoria, J.T. is playing a dangerous game by spying on Victor and trying to help Paul and Cricket bring The Big Man down.  It won't work because as Y&R fans know, Victor never loses.  J.T. is playing with fire and he is going to get burned.  He's also acting very hypocritical.  He has been criticizing Victoria for hiding things from him and not trusting him.  Yet, she has no idea that he is trying to bring her father down.  When she finds out, she will be hurt and heartbroken.  She will also question J.T.'s motives.  Is he using her just to get revenge on Victor?  Who could blame her for thinking that J.T.'s feelings for her aren't genuine and that he has been playing her for a fool.  If it comes down to a choice between J.T. and daddy in this situation, Victoria will choose daddy.

Why are Lily and Cane always so worried about their finances?  After being insulted by Princess Victoria, Lily quit her job at Brass & Sassy.  Later, Lilly expressed concern about her family surviving on Cane's income alone.  When will the writers realize that viewers just don't see Lily and Cane as struggling financially  Cane is CEO of Chancellor Industries, for heaven's sake.  They live a very upscale lifestyle and Lily's brother, Devon, is a billionaire.  As if they need to be concerned about money!


This is a reminder that the official list of nominees for Daytime Emmys will be announced live on The Talk on CBS on Wednesday. March 21, 2018.  As in recent years, there will be no live broadcast of the ceremonies on April 29, 2018.  Instead, the Daytime Emmys will be available for streaming online.  This year, the husband and wife duo of Bill Hayes and Susan Seaforth Hayes (Doug and Julie on Days of our Lives) will be honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

Regular Y&R viewer, Helen from Scarborough, Ontario, commented on Sharon's full house.  Now that Nick has moved into Sharon's cottage, Helen wonders how the place can accommodate so many people.  After all, Mariah and Faith live there too.  The house isn't exactly the Taj Mahal.

I think Helen has a point.  I have always liked Sharon's place, but how many bedrooms does it have?  It's a charming cottage, but it is not especially spacious.  The kitchen is small.


Kristoff St. John (Neil) is set to return to Y&R

Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters) is set to return to The Young and the Restless.  Due to personal matters, Kristoff has been on  a  leave of absence for almost four months.  According to Entertainment Weekly, he left in October "to undergo psychiatric treatment.after a reported scare regarding his mental health,"   He has been battling depression following the death of his son, which was ruled a suicide.  However, the Emmy-winning actor has announced his imminent "comeback" on Instagram and has received numerous messages of support from fans.

Neil will return to Genoa City sometime in April.  He has been visiting his ex, Sophia, and their son, Moses.  When he returns, he will find some changes awaiting him.  He will be pleased that Lily and Cane have reconciled and that they are raising baby Sam.  However, I wonder what he will think about Hilary and Devon's decision to become parents.


Sharon Case as Sharon Newman

Well fans, Nick and Sharon are becoming cozy again.  It seems only a matter of time before they reunite, - unless Phyllis and Nikki team up in order prevent them from getting together again.  Although Nikki doesn't like Phyllis much, she  wouldn't hesitate to scheme up with her son's other ex if it would stop Nick and Sharon from hooking up again.  What do you think about a Nick and Sharon reunion, fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you like the idea of Nick and Sharon reuniting?

Yes, I like them together. They were a supercouple at one time and they have great chemistry.
Yes, Sharon has made positve improvements to her life and it would be good for Faith.
No, it's a recipe for disaster. That ship has sailed. Nick should find somebody new.
Maybe. It depends on the storyline and if Sharon has really changed for the better.
I don't really care.
Please Specify:

That's all for now  I can't wait to all the the Y&R stars from the past as the show celebrates its 45th anniversary.  Please remember that the next issue of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, March 31, 2018.   

- Joanne

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Bobby Buntrock After Hazel: His High School Days

On February 17, 2015, I posted an article about the tragic death of child star Bobby Buntrock.  Bobby played Harold Baxter on the popular 1960s sitcom Hazel, starring Shirley Booth.  On April 7, 1974, Bobby died tragically at the age of 21.  He was killed in an automobile accident on a bridge in Keystone, South Dakota.  After reading my piece, many people left comments about Bobby and the Hazel series.  If you would like to read my 2015 article, click on the link below.

This week I received an email from a lovely woman who went to school with Bobby in 1968.  Her name is Beverly Smith and she lives in Santa Maria, California.  I phoned Beverly today and she reminisced about Bobby.  The two attended Eagle Rock High School in Eagle Rock, California (Los Angeles County) when they were in their mid-teens.  Bobby's Hazel days were behind him by then (the series ended in 1966).

Beverly told me that Bobby did not seem different from the other students at the school. To her, he was "just like everyone else."  She said he was on the track team and that he did not complete the school year at Eagle Rock High.  She also remembers Bobby's younger sister, Stella.

Below are 1968 school year book photos of Bobby.  In the second photo, Bobby is shown (centre) with the track team.  He was 16 years old when the photo was taken.  You can see the "ER" on the tracksuits for Eagle Rock.

- Joanne

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Y&R Report (March 3, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Well, well, well!  The Great Victor Newman wants control of his two young grandsons, Connor and Christian.  His ultimate goal is to have the two boys living at the ranch with him and Nikki.  It isn't enough for Victor to control the lives of his children and his older grandson, Noah.  Now he wants to call the shots where his youngest grandchildren are concerned.  This time, my sympathy is with Nick.  He, at least, has tried to stand up to Victor and he sincerely wants to raise Christian, even though Christian is not his biological son.

Nick also seems much more restrained than I thought he would be after learning of Chelsea's deception and Christians's paternity.  I must say, I thought he would be a great deal more angry.  However, he may really explode when he finds out that Victor knew that Adam was Christian's father.  He's also going to be extremely upset and distraught if Victor gets custody of Connor and Christian.

What's going on with Phyllis?  Why was the former redhead so intent on preventing Nicholas from learning about Christian's paternity?  Sharon was absolutely right to tell him the truth. He deserved to know.  Hasn't Phyllis had enough of secrets and lies?  It seems to me that she wants to prevent Nick and Sharon from reuniting.  What's it to her?  She has her Billy Boy all to herself now, since Princess Victoria has gone back to J.T.  Is she bored because she already has Billy and she misses the thrill of the chase?  Is there trouble in paradise for Billy and Phyllis?

Where Sharon and Nick are concerned, do I detect some jealousy on Phyllis' part?  Does she still have feelings for Nick?  I think she has some nerve trying to manipulate Sharon!  After all, she played an integral part in the break-up of Nick and Sharon's marriage.  

Chelsea's mother, Anita Lawson (Catherine Bach) is a piece of work, isn't she?  After Chelsea  Connor, she showed up at Nick's door, desperate for money. She claimed that she was unable to pay her rent without the financial support of her daughter.  When Nick refused to give her money, she dangled a video file from Chelsea to Christian.  In the end, Nick gave her Chelsea's engagement ring in exchange for the video.  The always practical Anita did not hesitate to take what she could get, remarking that "Some money is better than no money."

Catherine Bach

Chelsea phoned somebody who is helping her.  Was it Jordan?  He has a history of being her partner in crime.  At any rate, she won't be on the lam much longer. I think that "Victor's people" will find her before the Genoa City police.

Victoria was stunned when J.T. became brutally honest with her.  He told her that she is paranoid and insecure.  That may be true, to a certain extent.  There is no doubt that Ashley is a threat to Victoria's interests.  Ashley has made it clear that she wants to be Victor's successor as CEO of Jabot, but does Victoria really have to stoop to underhanded schemes to remove Ashley as a threat.  As Lily pointed out, the Princess was a better boss when Brass & Sassy was not a subsidiary of Newman Enterprises.  As J.T. poclaimed, Victor and Ashley bring out the worst in Victoria.


Jack Abbott to Ashley as she was leaving for work at Newman Enterprises.: 

"Have fun in Moustacheville!"


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

Regular Y&R viewer, Fifi from Collingwood, is very impressed by Christian Newman.  Fifi thinks he's a good actor for his age and expresses himself wonerfully.  Well, Christian is actually being portrayed by twins Alister and Tobias McAllister.  I agree that the twins are fantastic little actors.

Another regular viewer, Helen from Scarborough, is very unhappy with the Chelsea storyline.  Helen says that it appears to have been put together hastily in order to accommodate Melissa Claire Egan's departure from the show. I tend to agree.  I still can't buy the premise that Chelsea would suddenly revert to her old ways and become a con artist again.  As for her claim that she needed the money to secure Connor and Christian's' future, are they not the grandsons of billionaire Victor Newman?


Y&R to celebrate 45th anniversary with appearances from past characters

Great news for Y&R fans!  The show will be celebrating its 45th anniversary and several characters from the past are scheduled to make an appearance.  

The Young and the Restless was created by William and Lee Phillip Bell and it premiered on CBS on March 26, 1973.  Therefore, the anniversary tribute is scheduled to begin airing on Monday, March 26 of this year. (Friday, March 23 on Global-TV in Canada.  Here is a list of the characters who will be appearing during the 45th anniversary tribute.     

Janice Lynde (Leslie Brooks) - Leslie was a shy, insecure concert pianist who had a mental breakdown.  Janice originated the role of Leslie back in 1973 and played the part until 1977.

Jaime Lyn Bauer (Lorie Brooks) - Lorie was Leslie's sister.  She was a novelist and was very jealous of Leslie's success as a pianist.  

Meg Bennett (Julia Newman) - Julia was the first wife of the much-married Victor Newman.  The character debuted in 1980 and Meg played the part on-and-off for six years.  In 2002, she briefly reprised her role when Julia returned to Genoa City seeking help from Victor to prevent a hostile takeover of her company.

Kelly Kruger (Mackenzie Browning) - Mackenzie was part of a group of teenage friends that included Billy Abbott and J.T. Hellstrom.  She is the daughter of Brock Reynolds and the granddaughter of Katherine Chancellor.  (As the granddaughter of Katherine Chancellor, wouldn't she have inherited a fortune from Mrs. C?  Her grandson, Devon, did).

Mackenzie had a romance with Billy Abbott and eventually married J.T. Hellsom.  She and J.T. moved to Washington, D.C. and had two children.  Now that Mackenzie and J.T. are getting a divorce, her return to Genoa City is very timely.  She will undoubtedly lock horns with Victoria.

Kelly Kruger is one of four actresses who have played the role of Mackenzie Browning  She portrayed Mackenzie from 2002 to 2003. Mackenzie was last played by Clementine Ford, from April 1, 2009 to November 5, 2010.

David Lago (Raul Guittierez) - Raul, a Cuban-American, was one of J.T. and Billy's circle of friends.  Now that J.T. is back in town, it will be fun to see him reunited with his old buddies.

Lauren Woodland (Brittany Hodges) - Brittany was also one of J.T. and Billy's friends.  Brittany began working as a stripper and then as a singer at a club owned by Bobby Marsino.  She eventually married Marsino (John Enos) and they had a son named Joshua.  However, Bobby died in an accident in 2005 and Brittany left town with their child and moved to New York.

Lexie Stevenson (Mattie Ashby) hospitalized

19-year-old Lexie Stevenson, who plays Mattie Ashby, is having a difficult time.  She has been hospitalized due to complications from endometriosis, a disease which manifests itself in inflammation and abnormal growth of the uterus. Endometriosis is extremely painful and it is chronic.  Unfortunately, Lexie was in so much pain that she was given morphine through an IV.

Michael Mealor to play the role of Kyle Abbott but will fans warm up to his character?

Michael Mealor

Kyle Abbott, the son of Jack Abbott and Diane Jenkins,  is returning to Genoa City.  Michael Mealor, a daytime newcomer, will play the role this time.  Kyle's return will undoubtedly cause some turmoil for the Abbott family, especially since he didn't support Jack's bid to remain CEO of Jabot.  It is obvious that he has some issues with his father.  The real question, however, is whether Y&R fans will ever warm up to Kyle.

Since 2010, four actors have portrayed Kyle, but none was able to connect with viewers.  The most recent being Australian Lachlan Buchanan, Lachlan played the character for a little more than a year.  Kyle was then written out of the show.  After breaking up with Summer, he went to work in New York.

It will be interesting to see if Michael Mealor is able to click with audiences.  If he doesn't click this time, then the Kyle character should be scrapped because he's just not likeable.  After all, every actor who plays Kyle can't be bad.


Are you pleased that Kyle is coming back?

Only if I like Michael Mealor, the new actor who is going to portray him. I think Michael should be given a chance.
Only if Kyle fits into the storyline well.
No, the show doesn't need to bring back that character again. He never catches on with fans.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with PollMaker

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, March 17, 2018 (St. Patrick's Day).  I'm really looking forward to the month of March on Y&R, especially because of the 45th anniversary celebrations.  I can't wait to see the blasts-from-the past.

- Joanne