Saturday, March 17, 2018

Y&R Report (March 17, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Have you noticed that head writer Mal Young  has made some Y&R characters behave in ways they have not have behaved in the past?  Take Paul Williams for example.  Clueless Paul may be a bumbling police chief.  However, he is a thoroughly good guy.  Suddenly, he has an edge to him.  He seems to be seeking revenge on Victor rather than ensuring that justice is done.  Paul and Christine (Also known as The Cricketmeister) have assigned J.T.  Hellstrom to the task of getting he goods on Victor.  They really want to bring "The Big Man" down and they have commissioned J.T. to do the dirty work.

Victor deserves to be taken down few notches, but it is not the job of the Chief of Police and his wife, the District Attorney to engage someone like J.T. to spy on citizens.  J.T. is neither a police detective nor a private eye.  Also,  a police chief like Paul married to a District Attorney is clearly a conflict of interest.

Another character whom he writers have changed is Nikki.  Nikki has her faults, but she wouldn't indulge in a two-bit affair with someone she hardly knows, like Arturo.  It's salacious and will undoubtedly provoke Victor, but I can't buy that Nikki would behave in such a manner  Also, Nikki knows Victor all too well.  She would not be so cavalier about their relationship. Victor is very possessive and he will not sit back and allow Nikki to carry on with Arturo.  Arturo obviously doesn't know Victor.  Otherwise, he would have thought twice before having an affair with Nikki.  He should be worried . . . . very worried.

Victoria Newman has had to swallow humble pie.  She did not enjoy having to apologize to Ashley Abbott, only to have have Ashley reject it.  The worst thing for Princess Victoria is that she has displeased daddy Victor,  Victoria has had a rough time of it lately.  She has made her self some enemies, such as Lily Winters Ashby.  She could have avoided a confrontation with Lily if she had treated her better.  The Princess has only herself to blame for alienating Lily.  She could have used a lot more tact and sensitivity in dealing with Lily.

Having said that, Victor was the cause of his daughter's problems in the first place when he hired Ashley.  He knew that Ashley is ambitious and proud.  He knew that she wants to do things her way.  He also knew that would bring her into direct confrontation with Ashley.  Both of them want to be heir to the Newman dynasty and that's a recipe for disaster.  Victor, however, had some misguided belief that the competition between the two women would be healthy and would benefit the company.  He was wrong and now his daughter is paying the price.  Victoria was given a choice between demotion or leaving Newman Enterprises.  She chose demotion because she believes she can get back in Victor's good graces.

Unfortunately for Victoria, J.T. is playing a dangerous game by spying on Victor and trying to help Paul and Cricket bring The Big Man down.  It won't work because as Y&R fans know, Victor never loses.  J.T. is playing with fire and he is going to get burned.  He's also acting very hypocritical.  He has been criticizing Victoria for hiding things from him and not trusting him.  Yet, she has no idea that he is trying to bring her father down.  When she finds out, she will be hurt and heartbroken.  She will also question J.T.'s motives.  Is he using her just to get revenge on Victor?  Who could blame her for thinking that J.T.'s feelings for her aren't genuine and that he has been playing her for a fool.  If it comes down to a choice between J.T. and daddy in this situation, Victoria will choose daddy.

Why are Lily and Cane always so worried about their finances?  After being insulted by Princess Victoria, Lily quit her job at Brass & Sassy.  Later, Lilly expressed concern about her family surviving on Cane's income alone.  When will the writers realize that viewers just don't see Lily and Cane as struggling financially  Cane is CEO of Chancellor Industries, for heaven's sake.  They live a very upscale lifestyle and Lily's brother, Devon, is a billionaire.  As if they need to be concerned about money!


This is a reminder that the official list of nominees for Daytime Emmys will be announced live on The Talk on CBS on Wednesday. March 21, 2018.  As in recent years, there will be no live broadcast of the ceremonies on April 29, 2018.  Instead, the Daytime Emmys will be available for streaming online.  This year, the husband and wife duo of Bill Hayes and Susan Seaforth Hayes (Doug and Julie on Days of our Lives) will be honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

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Regular Y&R viewer, Helen from Scarborough, Ontario, commented on Sharon's full house.  Now that Nick has moved into Sharon's cottage, Helen wonders how the place can accommodate so many people.  After all, Mariah and Faith live there too.  The house isn't exactly the Taj Mahal.

I think Helen has a point.  I have always liked Sharon's place, but how many bedrooms does it have?  It's a charming cottage, but it is not especially spacious.  The kitchen is small.


Kristoff St. John (Neil) is set to return to Y&R

Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters) is set to return to The Young and the Restless.  Due to personal matters, Kristoff has been on  a  leave of absence for almost four months.  According to Entertainment Weekly, he left in October "to undergo psychiatric treatment.after a reported scare regarding his mental health,"   He has been battling depression following the death of his son, which was ruled a suicide.  However, the Emmy-winning actor has announced his imminent "comeback" on Instagram and has received numerous messages of support from fans.

Neil will return to Genoa City sometime in April.  He has been visiting his ex, Sophia, and their son, Moses.  When he returns, he will find some changes awaiting him.  He will be pleased that Lily and Cane have reconciled and that they are raising baby Sam.  However, I wonder what he will think about Hilary and Devon's decision to become parents.


Sharon Case as Sharon Newman

Well fans, Nick and Sharon are becoming cozy again.  It seems only a matter of time before they reunite, - unless Phyllis and Nikki team up in order prevent them from getting together again.  Although Nikki doesn't like Phyllis much, she  wouldn't hesitate to scheme up with her son's other ex if it would stop Nick and Sharon from hooking up again.  What do you think about a Nick and Sharon reunion, fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you like the idea of Nick and Sharon reuniting?

Yes, I like them together. They were a supercouple at one time and they have great chemistry.
Yes, Sharon has made positve improvements to her life and it would be good for Faith.
No, it's a recipe for disaster. That ship has sailed. Nick should find somebody new.
Maybe. It depends on the storyline and if Sharon has really changed for the better.
I don't really care.

That's all for now  I can't wait to all the the Y&R stars from the past as the show celebrates its 45th anniversary.  Please remember that the next issue of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, March 31, 2018.   

- Joanne

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