Saturday, June 9, 2018

Y&R Report (June 9, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Summer Newman is back in town and boy, does she have Attitude with a capital "A."  She is not just brash and sassy,  She is rude and insolent.  She is obsessed with expensive sports cars and was charged with stealing her married ex-boyfriend's fancy Italian roadster.  Soon after she arrived in Genoa City, she was arrested and jailed for felony auto theft. When confronted by her shocked parents, she denied stealing the car and claimed that her ex-boyfriend gave it to her so that she would not tell his wife about the affair.

Summer is definitely out of control. During her absence from Genoa City, "Supergirl" has transformed into "Superbrat."  She has become the very epitome of the spoiled, rich girl.  The only problem is that she's not a "girl" anymore.  She's a woman.  She's an adult who refuses to accept responsibility for her actions.  As Summer loves to point out constantly, Phyllis, Billy, Nick and Sharon haven't t exactly set a good example for her.  However, she can't keep using her parents' hypocrisy as an excuse for her own poor choices.

Mama Phyllis is very disturbed by Summer's attitude and she is sincerely concerned about her daughter's recklessness.  That's because she realizes that Summer has been acting like she did at that age.  What goes around, comes around, Phyllis.  However, an Internet spoilers reveals that something happened to Summer while she was away that may have caused this dramatic change in her behaviour.  According to the spoiler, our favourite little "Snowflake" will confide in Billy about what transpired while she was globetrotting.

The writers are having a lot of fun with Mariah's distaste for Summer.  Here are some memorable lines that were spoken when Summer showed up at Devon's "Hot Summer Nights" event and Mariah reacted to her return to town.

TESSA: So that's "Snowflake,"huh?

MARIAH:  Thank God no two are alike.

SUMMER (After ex-boyfriend Kyle tells her he's not interested in her anymore): There's not even one part of you glad to see me?

MARIAH:  No one even noticed you were gone, "Snowflake."

SUMMER; Look, I'm sorry  to burst your "sad, lonely girl" bubble, but I'm not "Snowflake" anymore.  I'm more of a cyclone or a tsunami.

MARIAH: Oh, natural disaster. - that works.

Of course, Grandpa Victor is Summer's greatest enabler.  He has already enforced his bratty granddaughter's egregious behaviour by allowing her to choose a car from his "fleet."  Summer's wish is his command.  She just has to ask and Victor will grant her anything her little heart (and I mean "little") desires.

Speaking of "The Moustache", I wish Nikki and others would stop using his childhood to justify his ruthless ways.  Yes, Victor was sent to an orphanage and he had an extremely difficult childhood.  Yes, he felt alone and abandoned.  Yes, he had to scratch and claw his way to success in business and he had to do it on his own.  However, that doesn't give him a free pass to walk all over people and manipulate them.  He needs psychiatric treatment to help him get over the traumas of his youth.

Summer is not the most popular person in town.  So Phyllis asked Kyle to spend some time with her. because she thinks that Summer could use a friend.  Kyle declined.  She dumped him for Luca and he won't go near her with a ten-foot pole.  Summer is going to turn to someone for understanding and sympathy.  It looks as if it's going to be Billy.

Who Jack Abbott's biological father?  If it isn't Victor, then whom?  There would be no conflict or no impact if Jack's father turned out to be just anybody.  Maybe there's another twist in the plot.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

Regular contributor CC in Etobicoke, Ontario is definitely not a fan of Hunter King (Summer Newman).  She wrote the following email expressing her feelings about Summer's return to Genoa City.

If Hunter stays too long, that might be it for me!

CC also wrote:

Summer is a major turn-off.  She will be the undoing of Billy and Phyllis, who are already coming undone, and Nick and Sharon.  Suits me fine.  I hope she doesn't stick around longer than the summer.

Well, CC, you've made it clear that you are not happy about the return of Hunter King to Y&R.  You say you may stop watching the show if she stays too long.  Obviously, her character isn't likable, but I'm glad that she has returned to the show.  She has livened things up and created a stir.

You are right that Summer will be the undoing of Billy Boy  and Phyllis.  She has already made a play for Billy, but he hasn't bitten yet.  The J.T. secret to will come between Nick and Sharon.  It isn't necessary for Summer to interfere with their relationship.

CC, I'm afraid this is the summer of Summer.  As for how long Hunter King is going to stick around, all I know is that she has signed a contract with the Y&R.  It may depend on her ability to  withstand the grind of appearing on two shows (She also stars as Clementine on the CBS sitcom Life in Pieces).

Another regular contributor, Fifi in Collingwood, Ontario, does not want Abby and Arturo together.  Fifi is not a fan of Arturo.  She describes him as "greasy" and she doesn't think that Abby Newman would fall for him.  In Fifi's opinion, Abby is better suited to Scott Grainger and she would like Scott (Daniel Hall) to return to Genoa City.  Daniel has been written out of the show and his last scene aired in January.  (By the way, have you noticed that Lauren and Michael haven't been shown much since Scott left, although Michael has recently become involved in the custody case between Nick and Victor, as Victor's lawyer).

I am in agreement with Fifi about Arturo.  I was disappointed when Daniel Hall left the show  and I would like him to come back.  At the moment Abby is upset with Arturo for not telling her about his affair with her stepmother, Nikki.  She doused him in cold water (Abby has got to stop throwing liquids when she's angry at someone.  Hasn't she learned from her experience with Victoria, when she threw a drink at her and caused her to have a concussion?).

Arturo later begged Abby to give him another chance and she refused. She may change her mind.  If not, Arturo will look elsewhere.  He may eventually hook up with Summer.  He danced with her at the "Hot  Summer NIghts" party and she flirted with him.  He appears to be her type and she appears to be his.  Arturo just can't stay away from those spoiled, blond Newman women from three generations - Summer's grandmother (Nikki), Nikki's stepdaughter (Abby) and Summer herself.

Here are some comments from Carly in Barrhaven, Ontario.

Y&R is ridiculous.  I fast forward scenes with Nick and Sharon and also ones with Hilary and Devon.  The new Kyle is a good actor.  Phyllis gets on my nerves being such a know-it-all.  Arturo is greasy.  I agree with Fifi about that.  I also agree with you about the park storyline {J.T.'s burial)..  So why do I watch that soap?

Actually, Carly, I like Nick and Sharon together.  It's unfortunate that Sharon's keeping the J.T. secret from him, but there has to be conflict in a soap.  As for Hilary and Devon, there won't be smooth sailing for them either.  I agree with you that Michael Mealor (Kyle Abbott) is a good actor, much better than the previous actors who have played the role of Kyle.  I have even warmed up to his character somewhat because some different sides to his personality have been revealed.  Phyllis gets on my nerves too.  As I've mentioned before, she's too overbearing, too much of a busybody.


Shocker!  Seems like Mishael Morgen (Hilary Curtis) will soon be leaving Y&R

It appears that Mishael Morgan (Hilary Curtis) has chosen to leave The Young and the Restless.  According to TVSource Magazine, Mishael has failed to reach an agreement in contract talks with the show.  A source has told Soap Central that "Morgan made the decision to walk away from television's top-rated soap."  Y&R has a policy not to comment on contract disputes and we don't know if the show will give her another offer.

Mishael has portrayed Hilary for five years, since June of 2013, and she received her first Daytime Emmy nomination a few months ago.  It is unclear what will happen to her character if or when she departs.  She could be written out, but she would have to leave town or die.  At this time, Hilary plays an integral part in the storyline.  So, maybe her role will have to be recast.  The question is: Can another actress portray Hilary as well?

On the other hand, given head writer Mal Young's penchant for writing character out abruptly, Hilary just may die or leave town.


Some viewers, such as CC in Etobicoke, Ontario, are not happy that the Snowflake has retuned.  What do you think, fans?  Respond to my poll and let me know if you are pleased about Summer Newman's return.

Are you pleased that Summer (Hunter King) is back?

Yes, she's really going to stir things up and Humter King is a good actress.
No, I don't think she is a good actress and I dislike her character.
I don't know.
Created with Free Survey Maker

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, June 23, 2018.  


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