
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Y&R Report (July 7, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

He's alive! (maybe) Yes, fans, it looks as if J.T. Hellstrom is on the loose.  He may have survived his own burial and is lurking in the shadows.  Still, I'm not convinced he's really alive and  kicking.  Was the man in the hoodie really J.T. or was it some kind of trick or optical illusion.  Is Victor Neman behind it?  Why did Victor take so long to show up at the Newman ranch when Nikki was frantically trying to warn him about J.T.?  Is someone purposely trying to scare Nikki and Sharon?  The writers are going to keep us guessing for a while.

By the way, where is Clueless Paul Williams?  It seems that everyone in Genoa City knows that J.T. has been sighted and that someone has been using his credit card.  Why isn't the GC Police Chief on the case?  No wonder so many people tell him he isn't doing his job.

Does Y&R head writer Mal Young have some weird obsession with graves and burials?  This past week, viewers saw the spectacle of Kyle Abbott trying to dig up Phillip Chancellor's grave.  We've already seen J.T.'s burial in Chancellor Park. He may have been buried alive.

I still don't think Phillip Chancellor is Jack Abbott's biological father.  We'll find out soon, courtesy of Kyle, who managed to procure a piece of bone from the grave.  The DNA will be tested and I suspect it will not match Jack's.

It''s hard to have much empathy for Kyle.  He's far too ambitious for his own good.  There is a better side to him, but he hasn't been showing it much lately.  I thought he sincerely wanted to help Jack find out the truth about his paternity.  Now it seems his only concern is his own advancement in the business world.  He dug Phillp's grave because he hopes to have a high position at Chancellor Industries.  All he cares about is climbing the corporate ladder as fast as he can.  He is not willing to work his way up and learn the ropes.

Is Scott Grainger coming back Genoa City?  There are signs that his return is imminent.  An article Scott wrote about J.T., was given prominence.  Scott, played by Daniel Hall, was written out of the show.  Sharon dumped him after he two-timed her with Abby., Abby also dumped him.  For the moment, she's blissfully happy with Arturo.  The return of Scott would really complicate matters and create conflict, especially if Abby has lingering romantic feelings for him.  It has not been conformed that Daniel Hall is returning to Y&R, but I wouldn't be surprised if he does.

Daniel Hall

Billy Abbott has given into temptation again.  He just can't resist the lure of a poker game.  He is an addict.  He has to quit cold turkey.  Once he starts gambling, he can't stop.  Summer has taken full advantage of his addiction.  Still, Billy didn't put up much of a fight and he didn't seek help or advice.  He chose to cover for Summer.  Billy Boy has already lost the Jabot yacht.  Expect him to lose Phyllis next.  She won't put up with his irresponsible behaviour.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

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Here are some comments from regular contributor CC in Etobicoke, Ontario.

Summer is one of the worst characters to have ever landed in Genoa City.  They have made her into a very extreme version of every parent's worst nightmare of a daughter.  They matured her very quickly in the worst ways.  She will not be a good role model for Faith.  

The pool scene was disgusting, as was the strip poker scene with Billy and Phyllis.  I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

In today's episode, Hilary definitely looked like she is pregnant in real life.  Now that she and Devon have reconciled and declared their love again, it feels like a dark cloud is looming on the horizon.  Her days on the show are numbered.

I also do not care for the character o Shauna, Charlie's teenage match.  They are not well-suited.

So much sleaze is unnecessary.  Phyllis and Billy are desperate to hang on to something that isn't there anymore.  Summer will take advantage of that to do her damage.  What is Summer's reason for wanting to break up Phyllis and Billy?  I don't recall either of them doing anything to her that should push her into being so vengeful.  Like I said when she first arrived, I hope she doesn't stay past the summer.  

Do you think that the Hilary character will die in a deadly car crash?

Summer isn't my favourite Y&R character, but she doesn't bother me as much as she bothers you.  I'm not quite sure if it's the fictional Summer who annoys you or Hunter King, the actress, who plays her.  Maybe both of them annoy you. Either way, Summer sure rubs you the wrong way.  You ask about her reason for trying to breaking up Phyllis and Billy.  I don't think she resents Phyllis for any specific reason.  Snowflake is obviously unhappy with her life and takes delight in causing trouble.

I agree with you, CC, that there is a cloud hanging over Devon and Hilary, especially since Mishael Morgan, who plays Hilary, is leaving the show.  When a couple is too happy on a soap, expect the bubble to burst.  According to Internet spoilers, Hilary will have a severe car accident.

In real life, Mishael and her husband, Navid, are the parents of a son, Niam, born August 9, 2015.  As far as I know, there has been know announcement that she is expecting another child.


Eileen Davidson (Ashley Abbot) is leaving Y&R

There is some disappointing news for Y&R fans.  Eileen Davidson, who won a Daytime Emmy this year for her role as Ashley Abbott on The Young and the Restless, is leaving the show.  On June 20th, Eileen confirmed on Twitter that she will be leaving in order to spend more time with her family.  She is married to actor Vince Van Patten since 2003 and has a son, Jesse Thomas Van Patten, born May 20, 2003.

Eileen has been playing the role of Ashley Abbott on and off since 1982.  It is not known yet whether the role of Ashley will be recast.  I hope not because it is Eileen's signature role.  It will be much better if Ashley joins her sister, Traci, in New York.  This will leave the door open for her to make appearances on the show now and then.

Brooks Darnell joins the cast as Nate Hastings

The son of Dr. Olivia Barber and the late Nathan Hastings has returned to Genoa City.  He's all grown up.  He's a doctor too, and he's secretly treating Victor Newman for a hidden medical issue. We have also learned that he had a girlfriend who died.

Brooks Darnell, a newcomer to soaps, portrays Dr. Nate Hastings Jr.  Previously he starred in the Shadowhunters series as Charlie Cooper.  Brooks was named after baseball great Brooks Robinson.  He put his acting career on hold while attending pre-med school on a football scholarship.  After a sports injury, he returned to acting.

Brooks' character,Nate Hastings, is staying with Neil Winters, who was married to his late aunt, Drucilla (Olivia's sister,).  He's living right across the hall from busybody Hilary Curtis, who seems fascinated by him. Hilary is determined to find as much information she can about Nate (a.k.a. Dr. Shirtless).


Well fans, do you think J.T. Hellstrom is really alive?  Let me know what you think by responding to the poll below.

Do you think J.T. is really alive?

Yes, was't really dead when they buried him.
No, someone is playing tricks and making it seem as if he's alive.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with Quiz Creator

That's all for now.  I hope you're enjoying the summer.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, July 21, 2018.

- Joanne

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