
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Y&R Report (December 8 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.    

Fenmore Baldwin is back in town and he has really thrown his parents for a loop.  Michael and Lauren were aghast when Fen informed them that he had quit law school and was planning on launching career in music.  It was not what they wanted to hear, especially Michael.  Michael has a passion for the law and was thrilled that his son seemed to be following in his footsteps, so he is very disappointed.  However, Fen is "young and restless" and he marches to the beat of his own drummer.  As you have noticed, another actor is playing the role of Fen.  Max Ehrich has been replaced by  Zach Tinker and I think Zach has done a good job so far.

What has happened to Hunter King (Summer) and why has she been sent to Dubai?  It's very hot there and the Snowflake might melt ( I couldn't resist that one).  At any rate, I have tried to find out if Hunter King has left the show.  Apparently, Y&R has made no comment on her status.

The J.T. mystery continues.  It's been dragging on and I hope it will be cleared up by the New Year, but I'm not holding my breath.  Mac is about to return to Genoa City and she may provide the key to solving the puzzle.  Yet, there are still so many unanswered questions regarding J.T. Hellstrom.

Who moved J.T.' body?

Who set fire to the Newman stables?

Is Victor being framed for J.T.'s murder?

Who placed the gun and the bloody shirt in the Newman stables.  Why is J.T.'s blood on the shirt and why are Victor's fingerprints the only fingerprints on the gun?

Is J.T. really dead or did he somehow climb out of the grave?

If he somehow escaped from the grave, did Victor murder him?  One thing is for sure, Victor is definitely involved.  He just has to stick his moustache into everything.

Nikki and Victoria and Sharon continue their criminal activity and callous behaviour.  I find it hard to believe that they would be so cruel toward Tessa.  They actually kidnapped her and left her out in the cold in the middle of nowhere.  Sharon was the only one who displayed some qualms about it, although she did nothing to stop it.  All three women are desperately trying to save their own skins and Nikki and the Princess are attempting to protect Victor from being accused of J.T.'s murder.  They don't want to believe that he may have moved J.T.'s body.  It's far easier for them to bully Tessa, who is not exactly the most trustworthy or forthright person.  Tessa's the perfect scapegoat for them because, unlike the Newmans, she's not rich and powerful.

Nick Newman has become the most conceited person in Genoa City.  He thinks he just has to flash his dimples and women will come running.  It's just sickening how Phyllis feeds his overblown ego.  That Rebekkah woman didn't help either.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

I received an email from longtime Y&R viewer CC in Etobicoke, Ontario.  Here are her comments.

Hi Joanne

I wonder where and why Victor has gone under the radar.

So far, the new Fen is more pleasant to look at and listen to, so not as annoying.  We will see how things go with Lola.  Regardless of the outcome, it will be a real tussle between him and Kyle over her.  Someone could get seriously hurt . . . maybe even killed.  

Don't you think it a little strange that virgin Lola would just grab Kyle for a big smack on the lips.  There might be more to Lola than what we have seen so far.  If her character sticks, we may find out what she is really about.  As far as I am concerned, Y&R can do without her and Ana.

Although it is too son, Devon needs to meet a replacement for Hilary.  I think they may be setting him up for that.  Who knows, they may even bring Mishael Morgan back post-baby to play the part of a new love for him.  Any word on her baby's due date?

Yes CC, Victor has gone under the radar, but he will be back soon and he may be the one behind the J.T. mystery.  He would do almost anything to protect his precious Nikki and his Princess Victoria.

Well, CC, I also like the new Fen, although I find him somewhat arrogant.  I don't think he'll make a play for Lola unless Kyle really messes things up.  It will probably happen because things can't go too perfectly for any couple on a soap.  Although Summer is out of the picture for now, I don't expect smooth sailing for Kyle and Lola.  They will hit some bumps on the road to romance.

Actually, CC, I don't think it was a little strange that Lola gave Kyle a "big smack on the lips."  I think Lola was just sending Kyle the message that he is the one she is interested in, not Fen.  As for Ana, she has just joined the cast.  I would like to give her a chance.  She needs a good storyline, though.

I agree that Devon needs to eventually have a new woman in his life.  However, I doubt he will fall in love with a Hilary look-alike played by Mishael Morgan.

Mishael Morgan (ex-Hilary Curtis Hamilton) gave birth to her second child, a baby girl on
November 8, 2018.  The child is named Naliya.  Mishael and her husband, Navid Ali, also have a three-year-old son, Niam.

Mishael Morgan and family  PHOTO CREDIT: Instagram

I recently chatted with regular contributor Fifi in Collingwood, Ontario.  Fifi had a prediction for me.  She thinks that Fen and Tessa are going to become involved.  It could happen because Tessa also seems to likes men.  Right now, however, she seems to be mending her fractured relationship with Mariah.  Mariah was shocked to find Tessa left alone in the cold.

Fifi also pointed out that Shauna (Camryn Hamm), unlike Paul Williams (Doug Davidson), was given a good send-off.  Doug Davidson a member of the Y&R cast for forty years, whereas Camryn Hamm has been on the show for less than a year.  Eileen Davidson, who, like Doug, had been on the show for a long time, was also given a wonderful send-off.  In her last scene, she was shown drinking champagne in an airplane on her way to Paris.

Much to Y&R's discredit, Doug Davidson has been treated shabbily.  Also, why has there been no explanation for Paul's absence.  At least, I haven't heard one.  The powers that be at Y&R should know that viewers are not impressed when longtime characters disappear without explanation.  Unlike the powers that be, fans have loyalty to their characters.  They will not soon forget how horribly Doug was treated.  I urge viewers to send emails to CBS tn protest.


Christel Khalil (Lily Winters Ashby) is returning

Crystel Khalil

There's good news for fans of Christel Khalil (Lily Winters Ashby.).  She will be returning to Y&R in time for the holiday season.  Daniel Goddard, who plays Christel's TV husband Cane, revealed the news on Twitter.  It looks as if Lily will be getting out of jail soon.  The Winters/Ashby family will probably have a big Christmas reunion with Lily at the prison.


Michael Mealor

Sasha Calle

Lola (Sasha Calle) and Kyle (Michael Mealor) appear to be in a good place right now, especially since Summer has left town.  Do you think they are suited to each other or would they both be better off with someone else?  Respond to the poll below and let me know your opinion.

Are Lola and Kyle a good match?

Yes. They have good chemistry and she is better for him than Summer.
No. They come from different worlds. it won't work.
No. She would be a better match with Fen.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with PollMaker


I was unable to attend the Y&R tea for the March of Dimes on December 2nd at the Royal York Hotel.  If you were there and have any photos of the event or any information that you would like to share with other Y&R fans, I urge you send me an email.  I would really appreciate your input and I would be happy to publish your photos and information on this website. 

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, December 22nd.

- Joanne

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