
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Y&R Report (December 22, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.    

It's Christmastime in Genoa City and there are plenty of parties and mistletoe.  Nikki Newman has been drinking again and Fen and Charlie were "Dumb and Dumber."  What is wrong with those two teens?  Where are their brains, their good judgement?  I realize that both boys have not had an easy time of late.  Reed's dad, J.T., is presumed dead and his death is under a murder investigation.  His grandfather, Victor, has been missing and the police consider him a suspect in J.T.'s death.  As for Charlie, his mother is in prison.  His girlfriend, Shauna, left town and dumped him for someone else. Still, that does not excuse them for their reckless choices.  Reed should have known better than to drive with a suspended licence and with someone who had been drinking underage as his passenger (Charlie).  Then, in another great act of stupidity, the gormless duo left the scene of the accident without checking if they had hit an animal or a human being.  They drove off, only to discover that they had knocked over Reed's own grandmother, Nikki.

Nikki is fighting for her life.  She is unconscious, but her mind is having visions of her playing the piano and of Victor in a tuxedo.  We know that a shadowy figure has entered her hospital room.  It has got to be Victor, especially since Eric Braeden is back after a long absence.  I'm sure Nikki will recover in time for Christmas., but where has Victor been?  In the words of Ricky Ricardo on I Love Lucy, he "has a lot of 'splainin' to do."

What's with Rae?  Why is he so wishy-washy.  Why is he stringing Mia along when it's obvious he really wants to be with Sharon.  He comforts Mia and tells her he cares about her.  At the same time, he secretly gives Sharon a Christmas gift.

Rae's marriage will never get back on track unless he distances himself from Sharon, which he doesn't seems unwilling to do.  He's got to decide whether he wants to make his marriage to Mia work or not.  It definitely won't work if he's pining over Sharon.  Detective Rosales, you can't have it both ways.  You've got to make up his mind.  Are you afraid to tell Mia the truth or are you in denial?  That is the behaviour of a cad.

I really enjoyed the scene with Billy and his son Johnny.  Johnny had stage fright about singing "Jingle Bells" at the his school's Christmas pageant.  I loved what Billy told Johnny about Saint Nicholas.  He told him not to confuse Saint Nick with his Uncle Nick, who is no saint.

It looks like Billy Boy and Princess Victoria are getting close again.  Will she give him another chance or has that ship sailed?  Billy has been stepping up with the children lately and he has been very supportive.  Does he deserve another chance or will he slip into his old ways?  I wonder . . .


Mal Young is leaving Y&R

Mal Young has confirmed that he is out as  head writer and executive producer of The Young and the Restless  He said he is spending the holidays in his native England and has stated that "it was a good time to move on."  He is departing Y&R after having been head write since July of 2017.  He made his reputation for his contribution to British soap operas such as EastEnders and Doctors.

Young's departure means there will be big changes at Y&R in the New Year.  The show has been the number one soap for 30 consecutive years, although its ratings have been sagging recently (It is currently averaging 4.2 million viewers compared to 4.7 million viewers last year).  Many viewers have been upset about the departure of veteran fan favourites such as Doug Davidson (Paul Williams) and Eileen Davidson (Ashley Abbott.).

Young implied that it was his choice to leave when he said that he had achieved all that he wanted to do at The Young and the Restless.  He gave himself credit for "improved scripts and production value."  Some of his strorylines have been controversial and he has earned praise for the show's portrayal of Dina as an Alzheimer victim.  There is a British style to his writing, which didn't go over well with some North American viewers.         

Frankly, I don't think Mal chose to leave the show.  I think he was fired due to lower ratings and viewer dissatisfaction over the loss of some of their favourite characters  Something has been rotten in the state of Y&R for a while now.  A shakeup was inevitable because CBS will not tolerate a drop in rating and lower advertising revenue.  There is no word yet as to Mal Young's replacement as head writer.  However, Daytime Confidential reports that Anthony "Tony" Morina will be the show's new executive producer.  Morina is the husband of former Y&R head writer Sally Sussman.

 ChristmaBag of Gifts

The most prominent citizens of Genoa City don't need material gifts for Christmas, especially members of the Abbot, Newman and Winters families.  Since they are extremely affluent, I will offer them some non-material alternatives.

FOR NICHOLAS NEWMAN:  Nick definitely needs anger management therapy.  His temper should be controlled.  He should also be served a nice big piece of humble pie.  He is so arrogant and vain.  He must stand in front of a mirror admiring his dimples.

FOR REED HELLSTROM:  Reed needs a new hairstyle badly.  He spends so much of his time pushing his hair away from his forehead.

FOR LILY WINTERS ASHBY:   Lily just needs a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.

FOR CANE ASHBY:  Voice lessons so he doesn't sound as if he's whispering all the time.

FOR PHYLLIS SUMMERS:  Phyllis needs a personality transplant to make her less bossy, nosy and controlling.  The new Phyllis has got to stop interfering in other people's lives.

FOR VICTORIA NEWMAN:  A dose of reality so that she can see her father, Victor Newman, for what he really is.


Noah Newman (Robert Adamson) will be back for Christmas
Robert Adamson

Robert Adamson will back in the role of Noah Newman for a Christmastime visit with his family and his injured grandmother, Nikki.  Noah has been living in London, England.  Mackenzie Browning (Lauren Woodland will also return to Genoa City to help resolve the J.T. Hellstrom mystery.  I hope the new head writer will provide a good ending to the J.T. saga, although I don't know if it has been written already.


Zach Tinker

Zach Tinker has taken over the role of Fen Baldwin from Max Ehrich.  According to, Max didn't reprise his role as Fen because of a stalker issue.  He felt  unsafe at the time.  So now Zach is the new Fen.  Fen has dropped out of law school and is an aspiring singer.  Fans, now that you've heard him sing, do you like his voice?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you think Fen is a good singer?

Yes, I think he has a great voice. I enjoy listening to him.
Not really. His voice is just okay.
No, I think he has a terrible voice.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with PollMaker


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for nowDon't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on January 5, 2919.

To those who celebrate, have a very Merry Christmas!  All the best in the New Year!

- Joanne

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Y&R Report (December 8 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.    

Fenmore Baldwin is back in town and he has really thrown his parents for a loop.  Michael and Lauren were aghast when Fen informed them that he had quit law school and was planning on launching career in music.  It was not what they wanted to hear, especially Michael.  Michael has a passion for the law and was thrilled that his son seemed to be following in his footsteps, so he is very disappointed.  However, Fen is "young and restless" and he marches to the beat of his own drummer.  As you have noticed, another actor is playing the role of Fen.  Max Ehrich has been replaced by  Zach Tinker and I think Zach has done a good job so far.

What has happened to Hunter King (Summer) and why has she been sent to Dubai?  It's very hot there and the Snowflake might melt ( I couldn't resist that one).  At any rate, I have tried to find out if Hunter King has left the show.  Apparently, Y&R has made no comment on her status.

The J.T. mystery continues.  It's been dragging on and I hope it will be cleared up by the New Year, but I'm not holding my breath.  Mac is about to return to Genoa City and she may provide the key to solving the puzzle.  Yet, there are still so many unanswered questions regarding J.T. Hellstrom.

Who moved J.T.' body?

Who set fire to the Newman stables?

Is Victor being framed for J.T.'s murder?

Who placed the gun and the bloody shirt in the Newman stables.  Why is J.T.'s blood on the shirt and why are Victor's fingerprints the only fingerprints on the gun?

Is J.T. really dead or did he somehow climb out of the grave?

If he somehow escaped from the grave, did Victor murder him?  One thing is for sure, Victor is definitely involved.  He just has to stick his moustache into everything.

Nikki and Victoria and Sharon continue their criminal activity and callous behaviour.  I find it hard to believe that they would be so cruel toward Tessa.  They actually kidnapped her and left her out in the cold in the middle of nowhere.  Sharon was the only one who displayed some qualms about it, although she did nothing to stop it.  All three women are desperately trying to save their own skins and Nikki and the Princess are attempting to protect Victor from being accused of J.T.'s murder.  They don't want to believe that he may have moved J.T.'s body.  It's far easier for them to bully Tessa, who is not exactly the most trustworthy or forthright person.  Tessa's the perfect scapegoat for them because, unlike the Newmans, she's not rich and powerful.

Nick Newman has become the most conceited person in Genoa City.  He thinks he just has to flash his dimples and women will come running.  It's just sickening how Phyllis feeds his overblown ego.  That Rebekkah woman didn't help either.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

I received an email from longtime Y&R viewer CC in Etobicoke, Ontario.  Here are her comments.

Hi Joanne

I wonder where and why Victor has gone under the radar.

So far, the new Fen is more pleasant to look at and listen to, so not as annoying.  We will see how things go with Lola.  Regardless of the outcome, it will be a real tussle between him and Kyle over her.  Someone could get seriously hurt . . . maybe even killed.  

Don't you think it a little strange that virgin Lola would just grab Kyle for a big smack on the lips.  There might be more to Lola than what we have seen so far.  If her character sticks, we may find out what she is really about.  As far as I am concerned, Y&R can do without her and Ana.

Although it is too son, Devon needs to meet a replacement for Hilary.  I think they may be setting him up for that.  Who knows, they may even bring Mishael Morgan back post-baby to play the part of a new love for him.  Any word on her baby's due date?

Yes CC, Victor has gone under the radar, but he will be back soon and he may be the one behind the J.T. mystery.  He would do almost anything to protect his precious Nikki and his Princess Victoria.

Well, CC, I also like the new Fen, although I find him somewhat arrogant.  I don't think he'll make a play for Lola unless Kyle really messes things up.  It will probably happen because things can't go too perfectly for any couple on a soap.  Although Summer is out of the picture for now, I don't expect smooth sailing for Kyle and Lola.  They will hit some bumps on the road to romance.

Actually, CC, I don't think it was a little strange that Lola gave Kyle a "big smack on the lips."  I think Lola was just sending Kyle the message that he is the one she is interested in, not Fen.  As for Ana, she has just joined the cast.  I would like to give her a chance.  She needs a good storyline, though.

I agree that Devon needs to eventually have a new woman in his life.  However, I doubt he will fall in love with a Hilary look-alike played by Mishael Morgan.

Mishael Morgan (ex-Hilary Curtis Hamilton) gave birth to her second child, a baby girl on
November 8, 2018.  The child is named Naliya.  Mishael and her husband, Navid Ali, also have a three-year-old son, Niam.

Mishael Morgan and family  PHOTO CREDIT: Instagram

I recently chatted with regular contributor Fifi in Collingwood, Ontario.  Fifi had a prediction for me.  She thinks that Fen and Tessa are going to become involved.  It could happen because Tessa also seems to likes men.  Right now, however, she seems to be mending her fractured relationship with Mariah.  Mariah was shocked to find Tessa left alone in the cold.

Fifi also pointed out that Shauna (Camryn Hamm), unlike Paul Williams (Doug Davidson), was given a good send-off.  Doug Davidson a member of the Y&R cast for forty years, whereas Camryn Hamm has been on the show for less than a year.  Eileen Davidson, who, like Doug, had been on the show for a long time, was also given a wonderful send-off.  In her last scene, she was shown drinking champagne in an airplane on her way to Paris.

Much to Y&R's discredit, Doug Davidson has been treated shabbily.  Also, why has there been no explanation for Paul's absence.  At least, I haven't heard one.  The powers that be at Y&R should know that viewers are not impressed when longtime characters disappear without explanation.  Unlike the powers that be, fans have loyalty to their characters.  They will not soon forget how horribly Doug was treated.  I urge viewers to send emails to CBS tn protest.


Christel Khalil (Lily Winters Ashby) is returning

Crystel Khalil

There's good news for fans of Christel Khalil (Lily Winters Ashby.).  She will be returning to Y&R in time for the holiday season.  Daniel Goddard, who plays Christel's TV husband Cane, revealed the news on Twitter.  It looks as if Lily will be getting out of jail soon.  The Winters/Ashby family will probably have a big Christmas reunion with Lily at the prison.


Michael Mealor

Sasha Calle

Lola (Sasha Calle) and Kyle (Michael Mealor) appear to be in a good place right now, especially since Summer has left town.  Do you think they are suited to each other or would they both be better off with someone else?  Respond to the poll below and let me know your opinion.

Are Lola and Kyle a good match?

Yes. They have good chemistry and she is better for him than Summer.
No. They come from different worlds. it won't work.
No. She would be a better match with Fen.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with PollMaker


I was unable to attend the Y&R tea for the March of Dimes on December 2nd at the Royal York Hotel.  If you were there and have any photos of the event or any information that you would like to share with other Y&R fans, I urge you send me an email.  I would really appreciate your input and I would be happy to publish your photos and information on this website. 

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, December 22nd.

- Joanne

Friday, December 7, 2018

Internet TV Digest #9

This is the ninth of an occasional feature on TV Banter called Internet TV Digest.  Internet TV Digest contains recent news, information and discussion about online television.

Internet TV Digest

AT&T's WarnerMedia will launch new streaming service in late 2019

There seems to be a glut of new streaming services and WarnerMedia will enter into the fray by the end of next year.  On October 10, 2018, WarnerMedia, the division of AT&T that includes HBO, announced plans for the new service.  It is a potential rival to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney's upcoming new venture, Disney+.  It will build on the strength of HBO.

WarnerMedia's CEO, John Stankey. made the following statement in an internal memo: "Our service will start with HBO and the genre defining programming that viewers crave.  On top of that we will package content from Turner and Warner Bros. with their deep brand connections that tough both diverse interests and mass audiences."

Details of the pricing and the name of WarnerMedia's new service will be announced later.

Source: Brian Stelter, CNN Business

Gamespot's ( choice for seven best entertainment streaming services in 2018

Did Netflix stay on top in the streaming game, or did a new challenger emerge to dethrone the champion? 

"Yes, Netflix has absolutely dominated in the category of original content - largely by simply making as many exclusive movies and shows as it can, and hoping some of them turn out great (which they did).  But did you manage to take advantage of Filmstruck while it was around?  If not, you missed out on streaming some of the greatest films ever made, not to mention the exclusive special features that often accompanied them.

Or what if horror is more your flavor?  Sure, Netflix had some great original horror movies and shows this year, but the classics were located elsewhere, on a platform that finally hit its stride stride in 2018.  If you were looking for more recent TV, Hulu was your best best . . ."

- Gamespot staff

Gamepot's choice of the best entertainment streaming services in 2018
1.  Netflix
2.  WWE Network

3.  Hulu

4.  Filmstruck

5.  Shudder

6.  Amazon Prime Video

7.  DC Universe

Disney+ and WarnerMedia will not slow Netflix's momentum says Netflix content boss

Ted Sarados

Netflix's chief content officer, Ted Sarados, has played down looming threats from Dsney+ and WarnerMedia.  He says he doesn't think that his company will lose ground due to the imminent launch of new streaming video services from large media companies.  In a December 3, 2018 speech at UBS's 2918 Global Media and Communications Conference in New York, Sarados stated, "I don't think they'll be to the detriment of Netflix . . . I think there's plenty of room in this business for other players to be successful."  He pointed out that when Netflix ventured into original programming seven years ago, starting with House of Cards, it "was a sure bet that studios and movie companies would likely move in to launch their own direct-to-consumer VOD (video on demand) offerings."

Source: Variety

Netflix has increased subscription rates in Canada

Watching Netflix in Canada costs you more now.  The giant streaming company has hiked its subscription rates in this country.  The increases were announced at the end of November and became effective immediately for new subscribers. Current subscribers were to receive an email notice before their bills increase.  The price for Netflix's standard plan, which enables subscribers to watch content on two screens at a time, has risen by $3.  It is now 13.99 a month.  The basic plan, which does not offer high definition and only allows one stream, has increased a dollar to $9.99 a month.  Premium plan subscribers will be paying $3 more or $16.99 a month to maintain four simultaneous streams and ultra high definition video.

Netflix is facing fierce competition from other streaming video services.  For example, Disney+ will enter the market in 2019 with its own streaming service and CBS All Access is adding to its library of of original shows,  Netflix has defended its subscription increases by saying that the funds will be used to subsidize upcoming TV series and for other improvements to its service.

Sources: The Canadian Press and CTV Ottawa


Friday, November 30, 2018

Whatever happened to Paula Prentess and Richard Benjamin?


Believe it or not, some celebrity marriages really do last.  Take Paula Prentiss and Richard Benjamin for example.  They wed on October 26, 1961 - that's over 56 years ago.  Although Richard and Paula have one of the longest lasting Hollywood unions, they are still outranked by 101-year-old Kirk Douglas and his 99-year-old wife Anne.  Kirk and Anne were married over 64 years ago, on May 29, 1954 (Note: Comedians Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara also married in 1954, but Meara died in 2015).

Paula Prentiss and Richard Benjamin's two children have followed in their parent's footsteps.  Ross Thomas Benjamin (born March 23, 1974) and Prentiss Benjamin (born July 3, 1978).are both actors.  Ross Benjamin is also an assistant director.  He is principally known for the films Primary Colors (1998), Hard Four (2007) and Chicanery (2017).  Ross appeared in Hard Four along with his mother Paula and his sister Prentiss.

Ross Benjamin

Prentiss Benjamin

Richard "Dick" Benjamin was born in New York City on May 22, 1938 to a Jewish family.  His father, Roger Benjamin, worked in the garment industry.  Dick attended the High School of Performing Arts in New York City.  He later graduated from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago). While studying acting at the Northwestern theatre school, Richard met Paula, his future wife,  They were married in by a New York judge in 1961, when they were both 23 years old.

Paula Prentiss was born Paula Ragusa on March 4, 1938 in San Antonio. Texas. She is the daughter of Paulene (née Gardner)  and Thomas J. Ragusa.  Her father was of Sicilian decent and he was a Social Sciences professor at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio.  Paula attended Mirabeau B. Lamar High School in Houston before enrolling at Northwestern University.  In 1958, while studying at Northwestern, Paula was discovered by a talent scout and she appeared in the 1960 film Where the Boys Are.  The movie was a solid box office success and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer offered Paula a seven-year contract.  MGM teamed her with Jim Hutton in a string of comedies such as The Honeymoon Machine (1961), Bachelor in Paradise (1961) and The Horizontal Lieutentant (1962).  She also appeared opposite Rock Hudson in Universal Picture's 1964 romantic comedy Man's Favorite Sport?.  In addition, she starred in Otto Preminger's epic war film In Harm's Way (1965) and in What's New Pussycat? (1965), another comedy.  What's New Pussycat? was written by Woody Allen (his first produced screenplay) and co-starred Peter Sellers, Peter O'Toole and Ursula Andress.

When Paula signed with MGM in 1960, she was asked to wed Dick because the studio did not want Paula travelling on promotional tours with someone who wasn't her spouse The studio also used the couple's wedding as a vehicle for publicity.  According to People magazine, Paula had to make phone calls to Hollywood gossip queens Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons prior to the marriage ceremony.

By the early 1960s, Paula Prentiss was a bona fide movie star, but it took her husband longer to achieve success in films.  Unlike Paula, Dick first made his mark on TV.  He appeared in a 1962 episode of a television crime series, The New Breed, starring Leslie Nielsen. He he also appeared in two episodes of Dr. Kildare: "The Chemistry of Anger" (Season 1, Episode 29, Air Date: April 26, 1962) and "A Hand Held Out in Darkness" (Season 2, Episode 33, Air Date: May 30, 1963).  In 1966, Dick had a role in an episode of Vacation Playhouse.  However, his big breakthrough on the big screen did not come until his starring role in the 1969 film Goodbye Columbus, opposite Ali MacGraw.  He then starred with Carrie Snodgress and Frank Langella in Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970) and with George Burns and Walter Matthau in Neil Simon's The Sunshine Boys (1975).

Around 1965, Paula had health problems and suffered a breakdown on the set of What's New Pussycat? in Paris.  She was forced to take a respite from acting.  Here is how she described the incident to People magazine: "One day shooting, I just climbed up the ropes to the catwalk and started walking the beams.  Very loudly and clearly I called down to everyone on the set, 'I'm going to jump.'  A French technician grabbed me, and there I was, hanging by one arm."

Paula spent nine months recovering in hospitals, first  in Paris and then in New York's Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic.  After her release from hospital, she took a break from acting in order to concentrate on outpatient therapy.  Paula's next project, a television series with Dick, was therapeutic for her.  "It was worth it after what we'd been through," she was quoted as saying in People.  "By working together we learned to live with each other again."

From 1967 until 1968, Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss starred in a short-lived CBS television sitcom called He & She (It lasted for one season of 26 episodes).  They portrayed a sophisticated and quick-witted New York couple named Dick and Paula Hollister.  Dick was a comic-book artist and Paula was a social worker.  Also in the cast was Jack Cassidy as Oscar North, the pompous actor who portrayed Dick's cartoon creation, "Jetman," in a TV showAccording to The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV Shows 1946-Present, the series "bore more than a passing resemblance to the classic Dick Van Dyke Show."

Richard and Paula in "He & She"
Although He & She was short-lived, Paula received an Emmy nomination  in 1968 for her work in the series.  She was nominated for Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actress in  a Leading Role in a Comedy Series.  Todd VanDerWerff, in article for AV/TV Club, contends that He & She  was a victim unfortunate timing.  He argues that its ratings would have been higher had it aired during the 1970s.  At the time, CBS did not have "a huge number of timeslots conducive to a witty urban drama about two young married people . . ."  Rural comedies such as The Beverly Hillbillies,
Green Acres and Petticoat Junction were staples on the network back then.

He & She was also ahead of its time in its portrayal of Paula's character as a working wife, which was not common on television at the time.  Below is a 1967 publicity photo for He and She featuring Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss with Jack Cassidy.

After the cancellation of He & She, both Paula and Dick were cast in the 1970 black comedy Catch-22.  The film, based Joseph Heller's anti-war novel of the same name, was directed by Mike Nichols and starred Alan Arkiin in the lead role.  Paula Prentiss went on to play the role of Lee Carter in the 1974 political thriller The Parallax View, co-starring Warren Beatty.  She also portrayed Bobbie Marin in the 1975 hit film The Stepford Wives.  Paula was the second female lead in the science fiction horror thriller alongside Katharine Ross.  Richard Benjamin, meanwhile, found success directing movies. In fact, his first film as a director, My Favorite Year (1982), garnered an Academy Award nomination for its star, Peter O'Toole.  Dick also directed such popular as The Money Pit (1986) and Mermaids (1990).

Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss starred in a 1981 American horror comedy film entitled Saturday the 14th, a spoof of classic horror movies.  Duriing the 1990s, Paula guest-starred in episodes of Murder, She Wrote (1992) and Burke's Law (1995).


Paula Prentiss had a younger sister named Ann Prentiss (born Ann Elizabeth Ragusa) on November 27, 1939).  Ann was an actress who was known for her roles in films such as Captain Nice (1967), The Out of Towners (1970) and My Stepmother is an Alien (1988).  Ann passed away on January 12, 2010 in Los Angeles at the age of 70.

* In 2005, Dick and Paula appeared onstage at the Shadowland Theater in Ellenville, New York with their son Ross in the Arthur Miller play All My Sons.

*  On October 21, 2006, 32-year-old Ross Benjamin married Dr. Elizabeth Robinson, 31.  The couple met at Harvard University and were married at Trinity Church in Princeton, New Jersey.  Dr. Robinson received her medical degree and doctorate in cell biology from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.  At the time of the marriage, she was a a surgical resident at the medical centre of the University of California, Los Angeles.

* Paula had not appeared in a major role in a feature film for decades,until 2016's I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House, a horror film directed by Oz Perkins.  It premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss

SOURCES: Country Living, January 9, 2018,Paula Prentiss and Richard Benjamin of 'He and She' Have One of the Longest Marriages in Hollywood" by Maria Carter; The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV Shows 1946-Present; AV/TV Club, March 10, 2014, "He and She: The great 70s sitcom that aired in 1967" by Tony VanDerWerff; Wikipedia;

- Joanne

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Highest Earning and Most Popular Cartoons and Cartoon Characters on Television

Here is an inforgraphic on the most popular and highest earning animated shows and animated characters on television, including lists, charts and statistics.  If you are a fan of TV cartoons, this will be of great interest to you.  I hope you find it informative and entertaining.

- Joanne

The Top 100 Highest Earning Cartoon Characters

Ever wondered who would be the highest earning cartoon character if their fictional jobs were real? From baby supervillains to real estate agents, we analysed permanent and recurring characters from the top 10 most popular cartoons of 2018 to find out, including:
  • American Dad
  • Archer
  • Bob’s Burgers
  • Family Guy
  • Futurama
  • King Of The Hill
  • Rick & Morty
  • South Park
  • Spongebob Squarepants
  • The Simpsons

What’s the Combined Income of Each Shows Highest Earning Characters?

Of the cartoons we analysed, Futurama comes out on top in terms of combined earnings. The show features 10 characters in our top 100 list, with Mom accounting for the bulk of those earnings, pocketing a whopping $1,040,000,000 per year as the owner of Mom’s Friendly Robot Company and other ventures. The Simpsons and King Of The Hill both have 14 characters in our list, making a combined $458,615,300 and $833,300 respectively.
Cartoon Show
Total Earnings of Each Show’s Highest Earners
Number of Characters in Top 100 Highest Earners
The Simpsons$458,615,30014
Rick & Morty$390,184,6003
Family Guy$329,479,80013
Spongebob Squarepants$11,060,40011
Bob’s Burgers$6,783,4008
American Dad$1,696,90011
South Park$1,231,1008
King Of The Hill$833,30014

© 2014 Nouveau Finance Ltd. Moneypod is a trading style of Nouveau Finance Ltd.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Y&R Report (November 24, 2018): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.    

Mia Rosales is certainly a piece of work, isn't she?  What a vamp!   She's really over the top, somewhat cartoonish, especially with her smiles and smirks.  She always shows up when Rey is talking to Sharon, as if she has a sixth sense.

Tessa is also a piece of work.  I've never trusted her and she has been unmasked as a con woman and a liar.  She no longer has Mariah fooled, but Mariah doesn't know about the hidden money in the teddy bear yet.  However, Victoria Newman certainly knows about it.  She confronted Tessa and retrieved the money.  Princess Victoria even threatened to make Tessa a suspect in the murder of J.T., invoking the usual Newman snobbery about her family's social standing in Genoa City.  The word of a poor person such as Tessa, Victoria said, would not carry as much weight as that of the great and glorious Newman family.

Nikki and Victor want to be Genoa City's power couple, as do Nick (who is becoming more like dear old dad everyday) and Phyllis.  It seems that Nick reconnected with Phyllis for two reasons: sex and power.  Sharon is the true love of Nick's life and Phyllis will always play second fiddle.  That was clearly evident in the scene where Nick looked at the photo of him and Phyllis dancing at the Jabot gala.  He imagined Sharon's face in the photo.  He lost her due to his own arrogance, but he's still pining over her.

Poor Faith.  She's growing up fast, but becoming hardened and cynical.  Nothing her parents do surprises her anymore.  It's a circus.  After witnessing Nick and Sharon's wedding fiasco, she was informed that her dad's ex, Phyllis, has moved in with him.  What a merry-go-round!  It's a wonder Faith is sane.  I hope she doesn't turn out to be a Snowflake like Summer.  I hope she decides not to make the same mistakes her parents have made.

Y&R may be into power couples, but the show lacks a real super couple.  Abby and Arturo?  Arturo is a sleazeball and Abby has the worst judgement in men.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

Here are some comments from regular contributor CC in Etobicoke, Ontario.

I have to say that I am not impressed with the casting choices of Lola and Mia.  Is it budget restraints?  I get the point but the roles are heavily Latin American stereotypical and smack of racism.  Lola's idea is to busy the words out.  Mia has great smirks and sneers.  She is coming across as very tough.  Can't imagine what Rey and Arturo saw in her.  If she is kept around, I wonder who her next victim will be?  Then again, if she winds up dead, there will be more than enough suspects . . . Rey, Abby, Arturo, Sharon . . .

Not looking forward to Reed's return.  I see nothing special in the model type who plays Kerry Johnson, the new chemist.  It appears that Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters) is taking an extended honeymoon.    It will not surprise me if his role goes the same way as Doug Davidson's.

I love the daily cliffhanger style but there are many roles and storylines where the producers and writers have dropped the ball . .  Nate, Shauna (thank goodness) , Devon . . . Just my musings.

Well CC, I'm not sure that the Latino characters are portrayed in a particularly racist or stereotypical manner.  Yes, Mia is wild and crazy and loose.  However, so are Phyllis and Sharon and they are not Hispanic.  Rae is a detective, Lola makes Cuban food and Arturo is a building contractor.  What's wrong with that?  Jack, Victor, Nick and Billy have had exploits just as bad as Arturo's.

I agree with you that Sasha Calle, who plays Lola, Rosales, and Noemi Gozalez, who plays Mia Rosales, are not great actors.  However, I think Lola is likeable and Mia is needed to cause trouble and stir things up.  I also can't understand what Arturo and Mia saw in Mia, but she may have a better side to her.  I agree that there would be a lot of suspects if she were to be murdered.  That may eventually happen, but right now the focus is on the J.T. murder mystery.

Reed doesn't bother me.  He's obviously coming back for the J.T. storyline.  It makes sense.  The new chemist, Kerry Johnson (Alice Hunter), is obviously a mode type and she hasn't impressed me much either.  However, I am willing to give her more time.  So, I will reserve judgement and give her a chance to grow on me.  Viewers don't know very much about her yet.  So far, though, I don't see much chemistry between her and Jack Abbott.

Kristoff St. John (Neil Winters) hasn't been on screen for a while.  Neil has moved closer to the location his daughter Lily's prison.  In real life, Kristoff St. John recently announced his engagement to a Russian model.  According to Wikipedia, the wedding is scheduled to take place in the fall of 2019.  So, Kristoff is not on his honeymoon yet - unless Wikipedia is wrong or the couple's plans have quickly changed.

I  hope Devon gets a storyline soon.  Its not too enjoyable watching him grieve over Hilary for so long.  It may be natural to grieve a loss in real life, but its not entertaining on a TV show.  It's depressing.  By the way, Devon's sister, Ana Hamilton, is returning to Genoa City and she may become involved with Dr. Nate.  Perhaps there will be a love triangle consisting of Nate, Victoria Newman and Ana.  As for Shauna, she doesn't impress me, but I can live with her on the show.  Besides, she has a fairly small part.

I don't think Kristoff's will end up like Doug Davidson, at least for the immediate future.  For one thing, he's younger.  Also, it's possible his character may become involved with Kerry Johnson.  Then he would have Jack for a rival. 

California wildfire destroys the home of Tracey E. Bregman (Lauren Fenmore)

Tracey E. Bregman's home went down in flames.  The actress, who plays Lauren Fenmore on The Young and the Restless, lost her house to one of the blazing California wildfires that have been burning through the most populous American state.  Thankfully, Tracey and her family and pets were not harmed since everyone was evacuated from the Malibu home.

Tracey shared her feelings on Twitter.  She said she was numb from the horrendous experience, but thanked God that everyone was safe.  Fans sent messages of support to her. 

American Idol alumnus Loren Lott has joined the cast of Y&R

California native Loren Lott is coming to Genoa City. She will portray Devon Hamilton's sister, Ana Hamilton.  Ana will try to shake Devon out of his depression, but will she find romance with Dr. Nate along the way?

Lorna, a singer who has appeared on American Idol, will make her Y&R debut on Wednesday, November 28th (CBS) and Tuesday, November 27 on Global TV in Canada.


Mia Rosales is one wild and crazy woman.  How do you like her so far, fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you like Mia?

Yes, she's a fun character. I enjoy her antics.
No, she's too over the top and she's not a good actress.
I don't know.
Please Specify:


The annual Y&R tea in support of the March of Dimes will take place at the Royal York Hotel on Sunday, December 2nd.  Beth Maitland (Traci Abbott) and Bryton James (Devon Hamilton) will be there as well as Kate Linder (Esther ) and Christian LeBlanc (Michael).  If you are interested in attending this event, click on the link below.

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, December 8, 2018.  The November sweeps are drawing to a close.  Maybe we'll finally find the answer to the J.T.  mystery before the end of the year.  I'm not holding my breath, though.

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner.  They should be fun.

- Joanne