Saturday, January 19, 2019

Y&R Report (January 19, 2019): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.   

Okay fans, who has been scaring Nikki and who has been recording her every move at the ranch with a surveillance camera?  I have considered every character  on the show and I can't think of a single one who would be motivated to do that.  Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that J.T. Hellstrom is probably alive and that he is the one who has been stalking Nikki.  That would explain why J.T,'s body has not been located since it was supposedly removed from its burial place in Chancellor Parker.  Nikki, Victoria, Sharon and Phyllis  could have been mistaken that J.T. was dead. I still remember that he had a heart condition and was taking medication for it. Maybe that has something to do with the women falsely believing him to be dead.  After all, why would the writers include J.T.'s heart condition in the story for no reason?

I realize that Lily and Candy Cane have to face complications and issues.  There can't be an easy path for Princess Victoria and Billy Boy either.  Yet, I just don't see any sense in matching those two up.  I don't think they will never click as a couple or that viewers will ever want them together.  We'll have to see what the new head writer does with this storyline (In December, Daytime Confidential reported that supervising producer Josh Griffith would return as head writer after Mal Young's departure).

What's going on with Kerry Johnson?  What's her game and why was she carrying a syringe in her purse?  Is she planning to drug Jack for some reason?  She is definitely bad news and is up to no good.  A longtime Y&R viewer, Fifi in Collingwood Ontario, has an interesting theory.  She thinks that Kerry may be the daughter of the Abbott family's former maid, Mamie Johnson.

Phyllis and Mia are Class-A troublemakers.  They are out of control and they just can't help themselves.  I find Phyllis more annoying, though, because she interferes with so many lives.  Mia is piece of work, but her misdeeds are mostly confined to her relationships with Rey and Arturo.  Phyllis, on the other hand, is Genoa City's biggest busybody.  She had to ruin Reed's memorial service for his father, J.T..  She let the teen know that his dad had abused his mother.  Maybe Reed needed to know the truth, but that was not the time or place.  Furthermore, who appointed Phyllis to be the one to tell him?

As if Phyllis hadn't caused enough trouble at the memorial, she also managed to drive a wedge between Victoria and Billy, just as they were on the verge of reconciling.  She just had to let Victoria know that Billy had tried to get back together with her first.  This information, of course, made Victoria feel as if she were Billy's second choice.  It also made her turn to Cane.  However, the princess is very confused right now.  She doesn't know what she wants.

Now that Mal Young has departed, I hope Doug Davidson will return as Genoa City Police Chief Paul Williams.  There still has been any explanation as to Paul's whereabouts.  No one has said that he's left town.  His name has not been mentioned for a long time.  That can't continue.  Wouldn't his return be a great surprise for fans?  Maybe he'll even solve the J.T. mystery.  I've nicknamed Paul "Clueless." but another longtime viewer, CC in Etobicoke, Ontario, thinks that Rae is even more clueless than Paul.  She may be right.  Detective Rae Rosales doesn't seem to be getting anywhere in solving the J.T. case.



Rae and Sharon and Mia and Arturo are playing with fire and they will all get burned.  As much as Rae professes his love for Mia, he still can't get Sharon out of his head.  Arturo claims to love Abby, but he is still very tempted by Mia.  Mia?  Well, she just loves to live la vida loca,


Elizabeth Hendrickson (ex-Chloe) is engaged

Elizabeth Hendrickon (ex-Chloe Mitchell on Y&R) is engaged.  Her longtime boyfriend, Rob Meder, apparently proposed on Christmas Day.  Elizabeth, who now plays Margaux on General  Hospital, announced her engagement on social media.  In an Instagram photo, she wore a band on her left hand.  She wrote that she preferred a band "instead of one big bling."

Hunter King is returning to Y&R

The Snowflake is coming back to Genoa City. According to Soap Central, Hunter King is returning to her role as Summer Newman.  As fans know, Summer has been working for Newman Enterprises in Dubai  I guess it was just too hot for the Snowflake there, so she had to come home and cause trouble.  So watch out, Lola!  She is bound to interfere with your relationship with Kyle Abbott.  She may even conspire with Fen to break you and Kyle up, although she probably accomplish that on her own.

The air date of Hunter King's return is not yet available.

Reed Hellstrom (Tristan Liabu) is leaving Genoa City again

Say goodbye to Reed Hellstrom (Tristan Liabu) again.  He's going back to school, but he will probably return again at some point, depending on future storylines.

Eileen Davidson (ex-Ashley Abbott) stars in new movie

Eileen and Vince

Fans of Eileen Davidson are understandably disappointed that she has left her role as Ashley Abbott on Y&R.  Here's some good news, though.  Eileen will appear in a new film that was co-written by her husband, Vince Van Patten.  The film is called Walk in Vegas and it tells the story of a poker named Duke who bets a million dollars that he can walk from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in a seven days.  Vince, who plays Duke, is a poker enthusiast and he claims that he once made such a crazy bet.  By the way, Eileen plays Duke's wife.  She encouraged him to write his story and told him that "I'd better play your wife or else!"


Most Y&R characters display poor judgement  That's why they always find themselves in trouble and keep secrets.  Which of the following characters do you think has the worst judgment?  Reply to my poll and let me know.

Which Y&R character has the worst judgement?

Sharon Newman
Cane Ashby
Phyllis Summers
Victoria Newman
Billy Abbott
I don'tknow.
Created with SurveyMaker


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, February 2, 2019.

- Joanne

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