
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Y&R Report (February 2, 2019): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.   

The  J.T. Hellstrom  mystery continues.  All the evidence points to J.T. being alive.  The Great Victor Newman himself has reached that conclusion.  J.T. would have the most obvious motive to go after Victor and his family.  He despises Victor and would be determined to get revenge on him.  He is a security expert, so he could have easily placed camera surveillance in the Newman home.  He could also be little Katie's "

If not J.T, then whom would it be?  That's the question. Victor has a lot of enemies, but none of them seem likely to be terrorizing Nikki in connection with the J.T. saga.  It seems so simple and so logical to make J.T. the culprit.  Yet, I hesitate.  It's almost too easy.  There must be another twist, another angle . . .but what is it?

One possibility is that Phyllis is involved.  She hates Victor Newman and I have to wonder if she can be believed.  After all, she lied about getting rid of the alleged murder weapon - the infamous poker. If  J.T. is still alive, could Phyllis be conspiring with him to bring Victor and his family down and send Victor to prison  for murder.  She wouldn't hesitate to throw Sharon and all the Newmans under the bus in order to exact revenge on Victor.  It's just a possibility, though.

Summer Newman (Hunter King) is back in town, much  to the delight of some fans and the disappointment of others. I knew she had to return to Genoa City because Snowflakes don't belong in  Dubai.  It's also not surprising that she walked in on her mother frolicking with a man - this time Nick, last time Billy.

Summer seems more sophisticated and she claims to be more mature and focused.  She describes herself as a new and improved  person.  However, she's still the old Snowflake at heart.  She's using Fen to get at Kyle and it's working.  Fen is not the one she wants.  It's definitely Kyle Abbott.  Fen will be only to happy if Summer breaks up Kyle and Lola.  Kyle is Fen's nemesis and chief rival.  Without Kyle in the picture, Fen would get a shot with the lovely Lola, who is the one Fen really wants.

Kyle and Lola won't last. They have too much against them.  Although Kyle cares for Lola, he still has an attraction to Summer and he won't be able to resist.  That's bad news for Lola, who will soon book into the Heartbreak Hotel.  Fen will be only to pleased to wipe away her tears.

Princess Victoria is not happy about having Summer as her new assistant. However, it was Daddy Victor's idea and so it became the law.  Like it or not, the Princess has to work with the Snowflake.  It won't be easy, that's for sure, but "The Moustache" always gets what he wants.

So, Kerry is freezing her eggs so she can have the option of having a child in the future.  Jack and Kerry seem awkward together.  They just don't have any chemistry and they don't seem to be on the same page.  Jack realizes that their relationship is not right.  He is willing to break it off.  However, Kerry just won't let go.  I wonder why.  Is she hiding something else.  I'm not convinced that Kerry has revealed the whole story.  There is speculation that she is a transgender, but I doubt it.

Can't the writers come up with a woman who is a better fit for Jack than Kerry?  He may be a successful businessman, but he has been a loser at love.

Dina hasn't appeared very much lately.  Her Alzheimer's storyline was Mal Young's idea.  I wonder howmuch  longer it will continue once the new head writer (presumably Josh Griffith) takes over.  Will Dina pass away soon?


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

I received an email from longtime Y&R viewer, Rosie in Richmond Hill, Ontario.  Here are her comments.

Wonder if down the road, Devon and Mia will get together.  She worked him for the wedding reception at the club and he commented that she reminded him of Hilary . . .  He may be drawn to that.  I heard there was potential for him and Abby, which may happen, especially if Arturo strays . . . Then Mia won't like that, so she will have to have Devon too!!!  I want to see the scene where Rae hooks up with Sharon!!!  You know it's coming!!!

Yes Rosie, I can see Devon and Mia getting together sometime "down the road."  It probably won't be for a while because she's too busy with Rae and Arturo right now.  Although Mia doesn't want to give up Rae, she still has feelings for Arturo.  That's why she's so jealous of Abby.  She has even fantasized about chopping off Abby's long blond locks. It's more than just jealousy where Mia is concerned.  She relishes being the centre of attention and she didn't take too kindly to her marriage renewal ceremony being upstaged by Abby and Arturo, especially since she still has feelings for Arturo.

It's interesting that Mia confided in Phyllis because Phyllis doesn't have a great track record with relationships.  How ironic that two-timing Phyllis gave Mia some advice that she has never followed herself.  She told her to keep her distance from Arturo (just like she kept her distance from Billy and Nick).  Nevertheless, the two women made a connection.  As Phyllis noted, she and Mia have a lot in common, although they come from different backgrounds.  It appears that they are going to be good friends.  I guess Mia really is the new Hilary.

I think it's inevitable that Rae will hook up with Sharon.  You're right.  It's coming, but it's going to be messy and I'm sure the timing will be all wrong.  I wouldn't be surprised if it happens just as Mia discovers that she and Rae are expecting a baby and Mia hasn't told Rae yet.

Helen in Scarborough, Ontario remarked to me: "Nothing is as pathetic as Jack Abbott in love.

Jessica Collin (ex-Avery Baily Clark) to star in Dolly Parton Netflix series

Jessica Collins, who played attorney Avery Bailey Clark on The Young and the Restless, will appear in an upcoming Nexfkix series.  She will play the part of Monica in the series in which each episode will be based on a Dolly Parton song.  Also appearing in the series will be Scott Reeves, who played Ryan McNeil on Y&R.

Recall that Avery Bailey Clark is Phyllis' sister, although Phyllis never mentions her anymore.


The Newman family is in turmoil.  They are being terrorized by someone seeking revenge on Victor, possibly J.T.  Their home has been under surveillance by the unknown stalker.  They fear for their lives,  At the same time, the Newmans have engaged in criminal activity themselves.  They can be ruthless and they have a sense of entitlement.  Do you have any sympathy for them?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do vou have sympathy for the Newman family and their current difficulties?

Yes, J.T. or someone else is terrorizing them. They are suffering.
No, they are snobby and immoral. Victor has engaged in criminal activities.
I have some sympathy for them. After all, Nikki was trying to protect her daughter, who was being attacked by J.T.
I have less sympathy for Victor than the others.
I don't know.
Please Specify:

That's all for now.  Please don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday February 16, 2019.  It's time for the February sweeps and I'm looking forward to Valentine's Day on the show.

- Joanne

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