
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Y&R Report (July 20, 2019): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

I have been hearing mixed reactions about the return of Michelle Stafford as Phyllis.  Michelle has been criticized for overacting and being too animated.  Nevertheless, that was quite a scene when Phyllis slammed Christine Williams (aka Cricket) after the Cricketmeister announced that she would not seek re-election as District Attorney.  The red-head declared triumphantly, "The Bug has finally been squashed."

It was good to see Eileen Davidson back as Ashley again.  I really enjoyed her scenes in Paris with Jack.  I hope Eileen will continue to make periodic visits.  She's back this summer to help deal with a threat to Jabot.

I'm not sure what's going on with Jack Abbott.  It's seems as if they are auditioning various women to see if they have chemistry with him.  The latest one was Mallory, the woman whose father was in the nursing care facility with Dina.  However, she didn't last long.  Before we got much of a chance to see if she suited Jack. her father died and she decided to leave town.  What do the writers have in mind?  Are they ultimately going to involve him with Lauren or is there someone else being cooked up.  I thought he might start a relationship with Celeste (Eva LaRue), but Celeste is back with wayward hubby Adrian Rosales.  Still, that doesn't rule out that she will eventually become involved with Jack.  That may depend on if Celeste returns to Miami or remains in Genoa City.  It seems more likely that a Jack/Lauren affair is in the works, especially now that Michael is getting himself entangled in Adam's web.  It looks like Michael's going to jeopardize his marriage in order to protect Kevin and bring Adam down.  Now that Christine is not running for the position of District Attorney, Michael will run for office because of Adam.  People will think he is being ambitious and selfish.

Speaking of Michael Baldwin (Christian LeBlanc), what has happened to his hair?  It isn't styled right and it's too long.

Victor Newman has stopped treatment for his blood disease, PNH.  He can't stand not being sharp and in control.  I still think he will opt to have a bone marrow transplant and, of course, Adam will be the most suitable donor.  That will certainly give Adam the upper hand and he will use it to his advantage.


Catherine Bach returns as Chelsea's mother

Catherine Bach will be back as Chelsea's mother, con woman Anita Lawson.  She will make an appearance in Genoa City on Thursday, August 8 (CBS), Wednesday, August 7 (Global TV in Canada).  Expect Anita to cause problems for daughter Chelsea, as usual.  Anita is a master of the art of grifting and she always tries to drag Chelsea into her web of dishonesty and fraud.  There is still a great deal we don't know about Chelsea's life after she left Genoa City and how her mother's part in setting up her marriage to Calvin.  Knowing Anita, there had to have been some kind of scam involved.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

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I received an email from Carly in Barrhaven, Ontario.  Here are Carly's comments.

My favourite Adam portrayer is still Michael Muhney, although Mark Grossman is a great "evil" actor.  Traci and Cane together is growing on me.  I am very happy that Michelle Stafford is back.  She suits the Phyllis role perfectly.

Yes, Carly.  I liked Michael Muhney too. I think he and Justin Hartley were fantastic as Adam.  I don't like Mark Grossman as much in the role.  It's not so much Grossman's fault as the writers.  They have made Adam cartoonishly evil.  He always wears black and acts like Snidely Whiplash, ready to tie Princess Victoria Newman to the railroad tracks.

I don't know exactly why, but I couldn't get used to Traci and Cane as a couple.  They seem thrown together for plotline purposes.  The writers had to have a story for Candy Cane without Lily and Mattie and Charlie in it.  Traci was due for a little romance in her life.  Voila!  Put them together.  Unfortunately, the mixture doesn't seem quite right.  Maybe that's why the writers had Traci tell him Cane they were only going to be good friends.  The match-up probably didn't get a positive response from viewers.  It could be that some fans don't like a younger man/older woman romance.  In real life Beth Maitland (Traci) is 61 and Daniel Goddard (Cane) is 47.  On the other hand, Michelle Stafford (Phyllis) is eight years older than Joshua Morrow (Nick) and there didn't seem to be any problem with that.

It's good to see Michelle Stafford back, but I also miss Gina Tognoni.  However only one of them can play Phyllis at a time.  I like them both and they each have a unique style.


Nick and Chelsea are getting very cozy, aren't they?  How do you feel about that, fans?  Do you think they should become a couple again?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you want Nick and Chelsea to reunite?

Yes, they suit each other. They make a good couple.
No, that ship has sailed. Nick and Chelsea should both find someone new.
Maybe, but not right away. Give it some time.
Please Specify:
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That's all for now.  I hope you are having a great summer.   Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, August 3, 2019.  

- Joanne

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