
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Y&R Report (August 31, 2019): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

So, Adam has declared war on his own family and he is determined to bring down The Great Victor Newman.  Since his return to Genoa City, Victor's youngest son has operated from The Dark Side.  He has turned many people's lives topsy-turvy.  They are determined to put an end to his reign of terror.  The latest to join the anti-Adam brigade are Michael and Lauren, whom he is attempting to blackmail over their son Fen's drug problem.  Adam's main ally is Phyllis.  Phyllis also wants to bring the Newman family down.  She despises Victor and Abby and blames her problems on them.  She and Adam both consider themselves outsiders and pariahs.  They don't feel accepted.  Sharon had sympathy for him, but she seems to be keeping her distance from him, at least for now.

Adam's only pangs of conscience comes from the memory of his mother, Hope.  When Victor said that Hope would not be please with the man her son has become, Adam became very upset and angry.  Victor's comment really hit a nerve.

Adam,is quite a busy beaver.  He is also trying to find out more about his father's medical status, regarding his rare blood disease.  Victor claims he's doing okay and that his treatment is working.  Is that really true?  If so, he could still easily relapse and require a transplant from.  Adam would be the best donor match, of course.  Then he would really be in the driver's seat. He would really have leverage if he refused to donate his bone marrow unless Victor met his demands.

It seems as if the writers are having problems finding a romantic interest for Jack Abbott.  I thought that he and Celeste Rosales were going to become involved because he brought her back from Miami for Lola and Kyle's wedding.  However, she said her goodbyes to her daughter and son-in-law and is headed back to Florida.  Still, that doesn't mean we've seen the last of her and it doesn't necessarily rule out a romance between her and Smilin' Jack.

Devon Hamilton received a mysterious letter saying that there are issues regarding his inheritance from his grandmother, the very wealthy Katherine Chancellor.  Is he about to lose the billions Mrs. C. left him?  That will obviously change his life drastically.  Also, who is challenging the will?  Is Adam involved due to his Las Vegas connection to Philip Chancellor IV, also known as Chance Chancellor.  Why would the writers invoke Chance's name for no reason at all?  Is Chance making a play for Katherine's fortune?


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

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I received an email from regular contributor CC in Etobicoke, Ontario:  Here are her comments:

Hi Joanne,

I am not thrilled about the storyline with Billy.  I found it very difficult to handle the entire storyline of Delia's death.  I never believed it should have gone in the direction of Adam being the guilty party.  The character of Delia had so much potential for future storylines, yet they wrote two death scenarios for her, killing her off in the end.  I don't feel dredging this up again was worthwhile and have to force myself to watch the related scenes.

I don't mind the present Billy (Jason Thompson) but always preferred Billy Miller.  The way things seem to be going, it provides many scenarios that could come up over the next weeks that would allow for the present Billy to be off screen for a while and then reappear played by Billy Miller.  

It would be wishful thinking for me to believe we have seen the last of Celeste.  She is not my favourite.  If she has been sent packing, it is an admission of the powers that be that the introduction of the Rosales family was not a success.  We may see Lola behind her, with Rey close on her heels.  The miscast of Celeste as Rey's mother is quite difficult to swallow.  Arturo was the most interesting of them and the best as an actor.

Re Nick and Chelsea back together: While it might feel comfortable and look like the right thing to do, the old "you never can go back" saying applies here.  It will likely be short-lived.

I like Chloe's lighter hair colour.  It is fresh and youthful on her.

I'm not thrilled with the  Billy Abbott storyline much either, CC.  I really didn't relish hearing Delia's cries for help.  I wonder why they took the storyline in that direction.  It almost seems as if the writers made Billy have a breakdown so they could send him to a hospital and replace Jason Thompson with Billy Miller.  According to online spoilers, Billy is going to be diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID).  I looked it up and discovered that it is a mental disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder). It is characterized by at least two distinct personality states and is accompanied by memory gaps.  A person suffering from DID loses his sense of being as an individual.   Hmmmm.  Somehow that doesn't fit the description of Billy Abbott.

Eva LaRue, is not how I envisioned Celeste.  Frankly, I don't mind her as much as you do.  She's certainly not my favourite character, but it really wouldn't bother me if she stayed in Genoa City.  I also think the Rosales family is going to hang around for a while.  The Lola and Kyle storyline has to unfold and that will take time.  I don't see Rey leaving right now either.  He's too involved in the Sharon/Adam storline.  As for Arturo, I just couldn't connect with him and I'm glad he's back in Miami.  I will say, however, that he's a better actor than Lola.

I agree that Nick and Chelsea's rekindled romance will be short-lived.  Nick Newman's relationships with women have been a disaster.  At least he stayed with Sharon for ten years.

As for Chloe's hair, I liked it better before.

I spoke to longtime Y&R viewer, Helen in Scarborough, Ontario.  Helen doesn't think that what Kyle and Theo did to Zoe was unforgivable.  Their actions were cowardly and unethical, Helen argues, but not bad enough to send them to jail for years.  Why wouldn't Lola forgive Kyle if he was straight with her and told her the truth?  What Kyle and his former best buddy did in New York was wrong, accordng to Helen, but it's not as if they physically assaulted her or harmed her for life.  The gravity of their misdeed has been exaggerated.

Daniel Goddard (Cane Ashby) back at work

As I mentioned in the last edition of Y&R Report, I've been wondering if Daniel Goddard (Cane Ashby) has left the show.  He hasn't been on screen for a while now, not since Traci Abbott told him she only wanted to be friends.  With Lily and Charlie and Mattie out of the picture, it doesn't seem like there is much of a storyline for Candy Cane.  However, I checked Daniel's online tweets.  He thanked everyone for wishing him a Happy Birthday (his birthday is August 28) and he posted a video of himself and his mother, who is visiting Los Angeles.  In the video, Daniel said he and his mother were at CBS and that he is "back at work."  That means we should see him on screen soon, perhaps in a new storyline and a new love interest.


Families are the driving force on soaps like Y&R.  Over the years,  some have come and gone on the show.  Remember the Brooks family and the Foster family?  The most enduring clans are the Newmans and Abbotts.  Fans, what is your favourite Genoa City family, past or present?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

What is your favourite Y&R family, past or present?

The Newman family
The Winters family
The Abbott family
The Brooks family
The Rosales family
The Foster family
The Williams family
Please Specify:
Created with Poll Maker

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, September 14, 2019.  Enjoy the Labour Day weekend and the rest of the summer.

- Joanne

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