
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Y&R Report (August:17, 2019): The Latest on the Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

Hasn't Chelsea always been Adam Newman's true love.  Well, at least she was when Justin Hartley played the role.  Now that Mark Grossman is the new evil Adam, she's just a mean's to an end.  He doesn't mind using Chelsea to get what he wants.  He's doing the same with Sharon.  He's using her too.

In the previews, viewers saw Adam propose to Sharon.  He knows if he marries her, he'll have a better chance of winning custody of his two sons if he can convince the judge that he can provide them with a mother figure and a stable home.  Sharon would be a fool to take the bait and marry Adam.  I wouldn't put it past Adam, though, to coerce or blackmail her into it.  However, as I keep pointing out, isn't Adam still technically still married to Chelsea?  Athough, Chelsea believed Adam was dead, she never divorced him, which means her marriage to Calvin was invalid.       

Adam is obsessed with getting custody of both his biological sons.  Is it about love for his sons or is it about control?  I believe it's the latter.  Adam has become a control freak like his father, Victor.  He really isn't trying to do what's best for his sons.  Yes, he does have a right to share custody of Connor with Chelsea.  After all, Connor remembers Adam and misses spending time with him  The young boy needs a father figure in his life.  Chelsea, to her credit, is being reasonable. She is willing to let Adam be a father to Connor.  However, that isn't good enough for Adam.  He wants full custody of the child.  He would tear Connor away from his mother and involve him in a nasty custody battle.  How would that benefit Connor?

As for Christian, Adam has only confused the child by telling him that he is his real father.  Christian is too young to understand.  He only knows that Nick has been a father too him and has always been there for him.

Chelsea's mother, Anita, is a piece of work.  I knew there was some fraud involved with Calvin's money.  Chelsea never should have signed anything.  She finally clued in when her mother turned down a million dollars.  She knew something was fishy then because Anita has never been known to refuse money.

I am pleased that  Eileen Davidson making so many appearances lately as Ashley Abbott.  She has been around so often that I've wondered if she had decided to return to Y&R.  Now that Ashley's company and Jabot have merged, is A,A. coming home to Genoa City?   That doesn't appear to be the case, at least not just yet.  Ashley's staying in Paris for the time being.  However, she did say that her family would be seeing a lot more of her.

Well, Kyle and Lola made it through their wedding ceremony, but there are dark clouds on the horizon.  Thee are so many clouds that this couple is as doomed as Romeo and Juliet.  Where do I start?  Well, first of all, Kyle is keeping a big New York secret from Lola involving a young blonde named Zoe Hardisty (Anna Grace Barlow).  That's never a good way to begin a marriage and Lola will not be thrilled about it.  Secondly, Theo is determined to undermine the couple's happiness.  Summer seems to be behaving herself at the moment, but that could change.  Surprisingly, Lola invited the Snowflake to the nuptials and she was very upset when the couple took their vows.  She obviously still has feelings for Kyle.  Thirdly, Lola's parents are going to be thrown into the mix.  They will cause stress for Lola and interfere in the newlywed's affairs.                                                                                                                                                                         
Where oh where is Candy Cane Ashby (Daniel Goddard)?  The whispering Australian has not appeared on the show since Traci Abbott informed him she only wanted to be friends with him.  There doesn't seem to be much storyline for him right now.  I wonder if he has any future on the show or if the writers have cooked up anything for him.


 Website says a reliable source has confirmed that Mishael Morgan is back on Y&R.  Is it really true?

According to Soap Dirt, a reliable source has confirmed tha Mishael Morgan (Hilary) will be returning to The Young and the Restless.  I can't tell you how reliable the source is, but it claims that she has signed a three-year deal with Y&R.  Apparently, there's no confirmation about whether she'll play her Hilary character.  Although Hilary is supposedly dead, Y&R's writers should have no trouble dreaming up some cockamamie explanation for her being alive.  I know most fans would love to see her back in her original role, even though all these soap opera "returns from the dead" are becoming far too common and somewhat ridiculous. However, having said that, I know that most fans would prefer her in her Hilary role.  I really hope that they don't bring her back as Hilary's long-lost twin or some other character.

Mischel's two children are still quite young and this could just be speculation.  Stay tuned to see if this is really true.  Nothing has been officially confirmed.


* Jay Montevalso is playing the role of Adrian Rosales, the wayward father of Rae, Arturo and Lola.  Jason Canela is back as Arturo Rosales, at least for his sister's wedding.  Just when viewers thought they might be seeing less of the Rosales clan when Arturo and Mia returned to Miami, the family is front and centre on the show right now.

* Judah Mackey has been cast as Connor Newman.  I have been impressed with Judah's performance as Connor so far.  He seems to be a good child actor.  I hope he stays in Genoa City.

* Elizabeth Hendrickson will be returning in more episodes as Chloe Mitchell.

*  Lauren Woodland will make another appearance as lawyer Brittany Hodges on Tuesday, August 27 on CBS (Monday, August 28 on Global TV in Canada).


Melissa Ordway (Abby)
Sean Dominic (Dr. Nate)

Dr. Nathan Hastings is dedicated to the medical profession.  Spoiled wealthy socialite Abby Newman is concentrating on making her restaurant, "Society," a success.  The couple seems to be at different places in their lives.  Nate has bought Cane and Lily's house and is ready to settle down.  Abby has a history of choosing the wrong men.  Her relationship record includes a failed marriage to another doctor, Stitch, a disastrous relationship with Arturo and other unfortunate affairs.  To be fair, Abby has made it abundantly clear to Nate that she is not ready to make a commitment.  Yet, Nate wants to continue seeing her.  Is he the right guy at the wrong time?  Does this couple have any chance?  Fans. what do you think?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do Abby and Nate have any chance of making their relationship work?

Yes. Dr. Nate is the most stable guy Abby's been with. She just needs time.
No, those two are on different pages and in different stages of their lives.
Maybe, but Nate isn't going to wait forever. He may turn to Elena because they share a medical background.
Please Specify:

Readers, I would appreciate your feedback

If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

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That's all for now.  Please don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, August 31, 2019.

- Joanne

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