
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Y&R Report (October 12, 2019): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

"The Great Victor Newman" has resigned as CEO of Newman Enterprises.  He has decided to hand over the reigns of the company to his daughter, Princess Victoria Newman.  He has told Victoria that she "is a Newman and she is tough."  Everything is coming up roses for Victoria.  Her life is a bowl of cherries right now.  She's got everything she ever wanted.  She's now CEO of Newman Enterprises and she has a happy family life with Billy Boy Abbott.  Billy is behaving in a more stable manner and he is getting therapy.  These are heady days for the princess, but it can't last, though.  Nobody can be blissfully happy for too long on a soap.  There are bound to be clouds on the horizon.  Already, Victor has demanded to know why Billy tried to run over Adam.

Victoria finally stood up to Daddy and she actually threw a letter opener at that infernal portrait of her father.  There may be a reason why Victor gave in so easily to his daughter's ultimatum that she would cut him out of her life if he did not allow her to remain CEO of Newman Enterprises.  Yet that portrait remains on the wall as a reminder of Victor's power and control.  Victoria may be sitting in the CEO chair for now, but the battle is far from over.  Her position is not as secure as she thinks it is.

Adam is still poses a big threat to Victoria's happiness. He may be back in Las Vegas, but he won't stay there.  I wouldn't be surprised if he attempts to bring Victoria down and unseat her as head honcho at Newman.  Of course, Phyllis will encourage him to do so because she is just thirsting for revenge against Victor and his family.  There's also the mystery surrounding Chance.  We don't know what is going on with him and why he was hanging out in Vegas with Adam.  We don't know why he challenged Mrs. Chancellor's will either.  We don't even know where Chance is right now.  Has he been kidnapped?  Has he been forced to do things against his will?  Also, who knocked out Cane after he attempted to locate Chance?  Did Adam have anything to do with it?  There are so many questions, but we should have some answers soon.

It's difficult to imagine Victor on the sidelines. Don't expect him to give up all his power and influence.  He lives to be in control.  He won't be able to simply retire and travel around the world with Nikki.  Remember when he asked if he would have to play golf now.  That was hilarious.

Lola and Kyle have been doomed from the start.  It's obvious that they will not survive as a couple. I can already see trouble in paradise.  Theo has been hanging around Lola and he seems to want to win her trust and make her like him.  I don't think Lola would betray Kyle, but Theo the Troublemaker is out for revenge.  He may set Lola up and trick Kyle into believing that Lola is having an affair with him or else Lola's s sympathy for Theo will drive a wedge between her and Kyle.  Either way, Summer will be waiting in the wings.  Snowflake is definitely not over Kyle and the two have been quite close lately as they work together at Jabot. Meanwhile, the previews have shown us that Lola may be pregnant.  If so, will she lose the baby and blame Kyle for it?

Jack has appointed Billy Abbott and Kyle to be joint CEOs of Jabot.  He will probably come to regret asking those two to share running the company.  It probably won't work out because Billy and Kyle each have their own ideas and neither one wants to be upstaged by the other.  Kyle may try to get along with Billy, but both men are competitive and both want to call the shots.  Neither wants to answer to the other.  So, it appears that Jack made an error in judgement.  He should have just appointed one of them to be in charge or he should have remained CEO himself.

Dina hinted that she once had a romantic connection with Genoa City newspaper publisher Stuart Brooks. Longtime Y&R viewers will remember Stuart, who was  portrayed by Robert Colbert.  He was the patriarch of the Brooks family, one of the original families on the show. Stuart died and Colbert left Y&R in 1983.  I wonder why the writers have made a connection between Dina and Stuart.  Could it be that they had a secret child together, an unknown sibling to Jack, Ashley and Traci?  By the way, Robert Cobert is now 88 years old and retired.

Robert Colbert as Stuart 

Elizabeth Hendrickson (Chloe) expecting first child

Elizabeth Hendrickson (Chloe Mitchell is pregnant with her first child.  The baby is due in March of 2020.  Elizabeth married husband Rob Meder in a beachside wedding this past summer.  They became engaged last Christmas Day.

Elizabeth announced the good news by posting a picture of an Instagram photo of her baby bump with the caption, "No, that's not a belly full of bagels, it's a belly full of bagels and a baby!"


Sharon and Rey are on the verge of getting back together again.  Rey obviously wants her back.  However, Sharon is taking her time.  She doesn't want to rush back into the relationship. Should the couple reconcile?  Are they right for each other.  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Should Sharon and Rey get back together?

Yes, they make a good couple and they make each other happy.
No, it would be a mistake because Adam will always come between them.
No, Sharon should take some time for herself and not be involved in a relationship for a while.
Sharon should get back together with Nick. They make a better couple and they have a history.
Sharon should find someone new.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with SurveyMaker


The eighth annual annual Toronto OpportunitiTea high tea in support of the March of Dimes Canada will take place at the Royal York Hotel on December 8th, 2019.  The event features Kate Linder (Esther Valentine) and her actor friends from The Young and the Restless.  For more information on this event, click on the link below.  I will be attending.

Readers, I would appreciate your feedback

If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, October 26, 2019.  A Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian readers (Monday, October 14th).

- Joanne

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