
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Y&R Report (November 23, 2019): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

The Young and the Restless first came on the air in March of 1973, in the midst of the Watergate hearings.  It was frequently preempted due to the hearings.  Now, here we are, 46 years later, and the show has been  interrupted once again, this time because of  impeachment hearing involving President Trump.  That means Y&R fans have seen fewer episodes of the show lately.  However, there is more than enough to talk about.

In the  last edition of Y&R Report (November 9, 2019), I wrote that "Nicholas Newman's political career will come to an abrupt and screeching halt."  It sure did.  In fact, it never really got off the ground.  I also predicted that Nick's relationship with Chelsea would come to an abrupt end too.  That hasn't happened just yet, but it will.  Nick is going to get more and more upset about Chelsea running off to stay with Adam and Connor.  He's already been joking around with Phyllis and flashing his dimples at her.  She's been flirting with him outrageously.

It seems that whenever Nick is unhappy with his current flame, he runs to Phyllis and really messes things up.  That's exactly what he did when he thought Sharon had broken their engagement.  He didn't even bother to discuss the matter with Sharon.  He just ran to Phyllis.  Is it any wonder why Nick's relationships don't work out?

That crazy Australian con artist, Colin Atkinson (Tristan Rogers) has returned for two episodes.  Jill tracked him down the crooked Aussie in a hotel suite in the Maldives.  Colin was frisky and eager to offer her champagne.  She fired questions at him about Katherine Chancellor's will and.he claimed to have"righted a wrong," accusing Tucker and David Sherman of committing fraud.  He said that the new pages of the will are legitimate.  He also admitted to Jill that he was the one who knocked out Candy Cane Ashby, his own son and then left the new pages on the table.  Colin is such a despicable cad!  Yet Jill can't resist him.  She slapped in the face and then kissed him.

By the way, the best line between Jill and Colin occurred after Colin referred to Katherine as "the old bat."  Jill shot back that she was the only one who could call Katherine an" old bat."

Romance seems to be in the air for Chance (Donny Boaz) and Abby (Melissa Ordway).  You can sense the attraction between them.  Could Abby finally be lucky at love?  We'll have to wait and see.  Phyllis appears impressed with Chance too.  She may go after him or just cause problems for him and Abby.

There may also be another romance in the offing: Dr. Nate and the mysterious Amanda Sinclair.  Amanda informed Nate that she was too busy for a relationship, but she did joke about the look on Devon's face if they were to date.  The Hilary look-alike is hiding something about her connection to the Chancellor will.  According to online spoilers, we will find our her secret soon.

The Chancellor will storyline has not been well written.  As if Devon would not have his own lawyers check the authenticity of the will before just handing over his fortune to Cane.  It seems as if this plot was written on the fly as a way to have a spectacular exit for Cane, since Daniel Goddard has been let go from the show.

It's pretty clear who Theo really wants, and its not Summer.  Sorry, Snowflake, it's Lola!  Every time
Theo sees Kyle and Lola kissing, he looks uncomfortable and displeased.  As for Kyle, he is going to have to work with Theo.  Theo isn't going anywhere. He turned down Ashley's offer of a job in Paris.  At Jack's suggestion, he's going to take over Summer's job because she's been promoted to Director of Markenting.  This is all happening because Billy Boy Abbott dropped a bombshell.  He announced that he's resigning from Jabot and leaving the corporate world.  However, Kyle will not be running Jabot on his own.  Jack wishes to return as CEO and top dog.  Kyle and Lauren will serve as co-Cheif Operating Officers or COOs.  Lauren hasn't been on screen for a while.  This new position may mean that we'll be seeing a lot more of her.

Now that Billy's unemployed, what is he gong to do with himself.?  His next move should be very interesting. I can't picture him sitting around twiddling his thumbs.  If he gets bored, he may be tempted to join a poker game.


Faith and Fen will be home for Christmas

Faith Newman hasn't been around much since she was sent to boarding school.  Alyvia Alyn Lind, who portrays Faith, has been playing the role of Angelica on the new Netflix series, Daybreak, and she has completed filming of the show's first season.

Alyvia was last seen on Y&R in July.  However, the good news is that her Faith character will be back in Genoa City for the holidays.  I am pleased that a new actress has not been chosen to play Faith (at least not yet).  I hope that Y&R will not age the character because I like Alyvia in the part., but her careering is really skyrocketing.  I doubt she'll remain on Y&R for too much longer.  The youngster is very talented and she's going places.

It is not known yet whether Alyvia's return is only for the Christmas season.  After seeing what a mess her parents (Nick and Sharon) have made of their lives, poor Faith may be anxious to return to boarding school.

Alyvia Alyn Lind
Fenmore Baldwin, son of Lauren Fenmore (Tracey Bregman) and Michael Baldwin (Christian LeBlanc), will also be home for Christmas.  If you remember, Fen had been trying to make a name for himself in the music business.  He wasn't very reliable, so Devon sent him on tour.  Apparently, he became involved with drugs again.  Adam was going to use that information about Fen to blackmail Michael.

Zach Tinker will reprise his role as Fen for the holiday season.  Y&R announced the news on Twitter along with the following photo of Zach with his TV parents.

Special episode celebrates Peter Bregman's 30 years on Y&R

Peter Bregman began his three decades as Jack Abbott on November 22, 1989.  The Young and the Restless will be airing a special episode to mark the anniversary.  The episode is scheduled to air on Monday, November 25th on CBS.  Viewers of Global TV saw it yesterday, November 22nd.  This is a must-see episode.  Don't miss it!

Justin Hartley files for divorce 

Justin Hartley, ex-Adam Newman, and star of This Is Us, has filed for divorce from his wife, Chrishell, after two years of marriage.  According to court documents obtained by Us Weekly, the couple's case is listed as a "dissolution without minor children".(Justin has a daughter from his first marriage).  The 42-year-old actor married former Passions star Chrishell Stause in October 2017.  The divorce papers were submitted yesterday, November 22, 2019.


Donny Boaz

Donny Boaz has taken over the role of Philip Chancellor IV, better known as "Chance."  We haven't seen a great deal of him yet, but do you like what you've seen so far?  Has he made a good impression on you?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Has Donny Boaz made a good impression on you as the new Chance?

Yes, I really like him and I think he's a good actor.
No, he has not made a good impression on me. His performance has not been good.
It's really too early to tell. I definitely need to see more of him.
I don't know.
Please Specify:


The eighth annual annual Toronto OpportunitiTea high tea in support of the March of Dimes Canada will take place at the Royal York Hotel on December 8th, 2019.  The event features Kate Linder (Esther Valentine) and her actor friends from The Young and the Restless - Christian LeBlanc  (Michael Baldwin), Sharon Case (Sharon Newman), Mark Grossman (Adam Newman) and Christel Khalil (Lily Winters).  For more information on this event, click on the link below.  By the way, I will be attending and I am really looking forward to meeting Mark Grossman for the first time ( I have seen the others before and they are wonderful.

For more information on this event, click on the link below.

Readers, I would appreciate your feedback.  Please let me know what you think about the show.

If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, December 7, 2019.

- Joanne

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