
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Y&R Report (Saturday, December 7, 2019): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

Did you enjoy the Thanksgiving episode on Y&R?  Wasn't it fitting that Phyllis and Adam, the two most unpopular denizens of Genoa City, ended up spending Thanksgiving together?  Of course, they didn't dine on turkey with all the trimmings.  No, they feasted on take-out Chinese food.  Then there was the storm when the lights went out in GC.  Phyllis, who shows up everywhere (usually uninvited), rode out the storm at Nick's place.  The former spouses ended up having a heart to heart talk about what they really thought of each other.  Billy Abbott was in a bar when the storm hit.  He ran into Amanda Sinclair and they also had a heart to heart over drinks.  Billy told her things he should have been telling his Victoria, his significant other.  When he got home, he decided not to mention his encounter with Amanda.

Summer and Theo are taking a break from each other.  Actually, they are calling it quits.  Theo dumped Snowflake and I'm not really surprised.  However, I think there is reason for the split.  Theo was never interested in building a solid relationship before.  He just wanted to have fun with no strings attached.  Suddenly, he expresses concern that he and Summer are not communicating and that their relationship is not meaningful.  Could this be an excuse for him to clear the way so that he can quietly pursue Lola when Kyle is not around?  He probably hopes that Kyle and Lola will have an argument and that he will be there to step in and comfort her.

Mariah Copeland sometimes sticks her nose where it doesn't belong.  Mariah expressed concern that an unattached Summer would pursue Kyle again.   She grilled Summer and demanded to know what had happened between her and Theo.  She even criticized Snowflake for not being clear about whether she and Theo were "taking a break" from their relationship or whether they had broken up.  Summer rightly pointed out that this was none of Mariah's business.

Mariah thinks she is qualified to determine which couples should be together.  She sees herself as a matchmaker/relationship adviser.  I understand that she wants to protect her friends and help them.  However, she has become too much of a busybody.

Nick Newman's relationship with Chelsea is on thin ice and I don't think there's much chance that it's going to last.  The stars are aligned against them.  Phyllis obviously wants Nick back, so she's planted doubts about Chelsea in Nick's mind by reminding him that his girlfriend was raised by a con artist.  She has also pointed out that Chelsea doesn't have to stay overnight at Adam's place.  She can always leave after Connor falls asleep.

Of course, the reason the writers have come up with Connor's "monster" is that it creates friction between Nick and Chelsea.  That's why the little boy feels better when he is surrounded by both mommy Chelsea and daddy Adam.  Speaking of Connor, he's become a little creepy lately, especially where Sharon is concerned.  To ward off  "the monster" he recites a mantra: "Can't beat three.  Mom and Dad and me."  In private, he adds another line: "Sharon, Sharon go away, never come another day."  That's a rather chilling little ditty.  The website Soaphub has pointed out that Connor sounds eerily reminiscent of Dr. Stitch's son, Max, who tried to kill Abby.  I really hope that this storline goes in a different direction.  I don't think viewers want to watch another psychotic kid as he plots to kill Sharon.  Please, no!

Abby certainly has it bad for Chance.  She is smitten.  Those two will get together, but there will be obstacles and challenges along the way.  In my opinion, there appears to be good chemistry between them.  There's a spark that Abby never had with Dr. Stitch or Arturo.  Have you noticed that ever since Chance came to town., Paul and Rey haven't been seen much at all.  Chance seems to have taken over all the police work in Genoa City.

Abby offered Chance the job of Head of Security at The Grand Phoenix.  That just happens to be Phyllis' job and she won't give it up easily.  Chance will accept the position because it will his character to remain in Genoa City.

Trouble is brewing between Devon and Elena.  He is obsessed with the conflict over Katherine's will.  Elena is losing patience with him.  She has given him a "wake-up call."  I don't think he'll heed her warning.  She will turn to Dr. Nate for comfort, and they will get together.

The writers don't seem to know what to do with Billy Boy Abbott any more than he knows what to do with himself.  First, he suffers mentally over Delia's death. He undergoes therapy and expresses his determination to be good to Victoria and the children.  Then, out of the blue, he decides to resign from his job at Jabot.  He claims he needs to distance himself from the family business and discover what's important to him.  The trouble is that he's still uncertain of who he is and what he wants.  Instead of confiding in Victoria, he has chosen to confide in Amanda.  There is trouble ahead for Billy and Victoria, but that's not surprising.  There has to be conflict.

One couple in Genoa City has managed to stay together for 14 consecutive years.  Lauren Fenmore and Michael Baldwin were married on December 9, 2005.  (Nikki and Vector have been together longer, but they divorced, married others and reconciled several times).

According to online spoilers, Chloe is going to give Kevin the ultimate Christmas gift.  Expect it to be a brother or sister for Bella since Chloe (Elizabeth Hendrickson) is pregnant in real life.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 
My email address:

I spoke to longtime Y&R viewer, Helen from Scarborough.  Helen had a few observations and opinions.  Here they are:

"Abby does not have the power to fire Phyllis.  An owner can't be fired. (Phyllis owns 25 per cent of the Grand Phoenix)."

"Why does Jack go so out of his way to help Theo, especially when he knows that Theo gets under his son Kyle's skin."  

Well, Helen, I think the writers are using this as a way to create tension between Kyle and Theo.

"Abby does not have the power to fire Phyllis.  An owner can't be fired. (Phyllis owns 25 per cent of the Grand Phoenix)."

"Traci is a good writer, but she sure finished that Abbot family history book fast.  It's amazing how quickly she wrote that book."


Many Y&R characters have been unlucky at love or have endured a string of bad relationships.  Who has been the biggest loser in the romance department?  My personal choice is Nicholas Newman.  He's been left at the altar three times, once by Avery and twice by Sharon.  He can't seem to make any relationship work.  His current girlfriend, Chelsea, seems to be reuniting with Adan,  Fans, what do you think?  Do you agree with me?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Is Nick Newman the biggest loser at love on Y&R?

Who is the biggest loser at love on Y&R?

Phyllis Summers
Nick Newman
Victoria Newman
Abby Newman
Sharon Newman
Jack Abbott
Please Specify:
Created with PollMaker


The eighth annual annual Toronto OpportunitiTea high tea in support of the March of Dimes Canada will take place tomorrow at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on Sunday, December 8, 2019.  The event features Kate Linder (Esther Valentine) and her actor friends from The Young and the Restless - Christian LeBlanc  (Michael Baldwin), Sharon Case (Sharon Newman), Mark Grossman (Adam Newman) and Christel Khalil (Lily Winters).  For more information on this event, click on the link below.  By the way, I will be attending and I am really looking forward to meeting Mark Grossman for the first time.  I will report back to you and post photos.

For more information on this event, click on the link below.

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, December 21, 2019.  The November sweeps are over, but I always enjoy watching the Christmas and New Year's episodes on the show.  

- Joanne

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