Saturday, January 18, 2020

Y&R Report (January 18, 2020): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

Was everyone in Genoa City born in late December and early January?  Four birthdays have been celebrated in recent weeks.  First, Phyllis helped daughter Summer (aka Snowflake) celebrate her birthday.  Then Nick Newman had a birthday celebration with daughters Snowflake and Faith.  Phyllis, of course, showed up and crashed that little party.  (The redhead in everywhere).  She gifted him with two tickets to a baseball game.  After that, Kyle celebrated his birthday at Jabot with dad Jack and wife Lola.  His nemesis, Theo, was not invited.  Finally, Mariah celebrated her birthday with Sharon and Faith.

I've said it before.  Kyle and Lola are doomed.  They don't have a chance.  By the way, if Lola is so in love with Kyle, why was she watching Theo Vanderway and a dark-haired woman so intently.  She actually looked jealous.  As for Kyle, he's still quite chummy with Summer.  It's clear that Summer wants Kyle back.  The Snowflake is just waiting for the right time to strike.  She and Kyle are going on a business trip together, so opportunity awaits for her.

The cracks in Kyle and Lola's relationship are deepening.  Kyle cannot seem to control his raw impulses regarding Theo.  The more he punches Theo out, the more sympathetic Theo becomes in the eyes of Lola.  Kyle will never win by attacking his "cousin" physically.  The fact is that Kyle doesn't have enough discipline or maturity to deal with the upstart Mr. Vanderway.  Lola sees Theo as a kindred spirit because they have both had to struggle, while Kyle is a son of Abbott wealth and privilege.  This is not to say that Theo isn't a problem for Kyle.  Jill spoke to Theo and realized immediately that he is trouble.  It's just that Kyle doesn't know how to handle him.

Billy and Victoria are another couple whose relationship is also on thin ice.  Victoria has given him plenty of chances.  This will be the last one.  It won't take Chance long to come up with some photos of Billy and Amanda together.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 
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Longtime Y&R viewer, CC in Etobicoke, Ontario, sent me the following email:

Hi Joanne, 

I am not liking much about any storylines these days, particularly not looking forward to watching Sharon battle cancer, especially with three men vying for the title of her go-to comforter.  So unrealistic for a tragic event suffered every day around the world.  I appreciate the attempt they are making to remind us to be vigilant about monitoring our health and educating us about cutting-edge treatments available for recovery and survival, but I am looking for lighter storylines for relief from our real life challenges.  

At some point, Phyllis will likely have her way with both Nick and Chance so she can play one against the other.

It appears that Kyle and Summer will get together while away on business.  Lola is making bad relationship decisions due to her young age and lack of experience.  Pre-Kyle, she was morally high and mighty.  How quickly she has been knocked off that pedestal.  

Chelsea will live to regret her decision about choosing Adam.  True to his history, now that he has what he wanted so badly, he will take it for granted while he supports Sharon through her illness.  Eventually, if Connor grows up, Chelsea will be dealing with the real Adam and his manipulative offspring, Connor.  

Save me from yet another session of the Billy and Victoria saga.  It appears to me like Billy is due to leave the country to find himself.  I prefer that to his having a full-fledged affair with Amanda.  Amelia Heinle (Victoria) is not doing a good job in portraying the role of wonder CEO, wonder woman, wonder wife, daughter and sister.  Her real self is showing glaring signs of anorexia, even on screen.  

The writers need to figure out Amanda's back story and her role going forward.  They keep circling it but have yet to zero in.  

Don't think much of Tessa's rock star ex.  However, as long as he takes her away, I will tolerate a short stint for him.

Along with all these sad plotlines, I think they will likely throw in a secret pregnancy/paternity, more crime for Chance and Rey to see who survives in the chief investigator role (I'm betting on Chance), more heartache, secrecy and even a possible character demise.  

Hope all this negative fodder provides you with lots on which to comment!



Thanks for your input, CC.  You have given me much to think about.

I too am not looking forward to watching Sharon battle with cancer.  I feel bad saying that because Y&R's intentions are so good.  The show is working with the American Cancer Society to draw attention and educate about breast cancer.  That is a fine and worthwhile goal.  However, most fans watch soaps to be entertained and as a form of harmless escapism.  They want to get away from their problems and lower their stress levels.  Perhaps, instead of a lengthy storyline about Sharon's cancer, they could have limited it to one or two episodes.  They could have had her biopsy come back negative, then reminded viewers to get checked regularly in a public service announcement at the end of the show?

Phyllis shows no signs of giving up her relentless pursuit of Chance.  The impetuous redhead is actually stalking him.  She is everywhere, watching everything and listening to everything, ready to prey on the private investigator.  She's hiding behind every nook and cranny, flirting with Chance and spying on him and Abby.  The romance between Abby and Chance cannot go smoothly.  Therefore, I also think Phyllis will succeed to a certain extent.  She'll do what she does best.  She'll cause plenty of trouble.

Summer actually asked Mariah to warn Kyle not to get into hostilities with Theo.  Snowflake is trying to restrain herself, but she still wants Kyle.  According to an online spoiler, "Kyle and Summer kiss while on a road trip," after completing a successful business deal.  It's obvious where this is leading.  As you've pointed out, Lola does not have good judgement, so I would not be surprised if she made a colossal blunder, further alienating Kyle and sending him straight into Summer's arms. Of course, Theo will be there to pick up the pieces for a broken-hearted Lola.

Most fans expect Adam to revert to his old self.  I expect that to happen too.  He's managed to alienate and insult Phyllis, one of the few friends he had,  by suggesting she seduce Nick so that he could get Chelsea back.  That's pretty underhanded and it proves that he hasn't stopped scheming to get what he wants.  Also, he has always had a soft spot for Sharon and will compete with Rey and Nick to support her through her illness.  Chelsea will not be too thrilled about that.  Everyone warned her about Adam, but she didn't wan't to believe it.   I wonder if he would have been better off had she stayed with Nick.  Yet, Nck does not exactly great record with relationships either.

The problem with the Billy/Victoria saga is that it is unravelling too slowly.  The story is far too repetitive.  Billy has been having one secret meeting after another.  He keeps complaining that he feels judged by everyone and that he can't be himself.  I agree that Amelia Heinle is showing signs of anorexia and she doesn't seem to be putting as much energy as usual into her role as Victoria.

You are right about Amanda.  They keep skirting around her past.  It seems she was abused or stalked by an es-boyfriend or husband.  It's about time, the writers clarified that and it's about time they provided some explanation for why she looks like Hilary.

I am not really impressed by Tessa's ex, Tanner.  I think he was just brought in to create conflict between Tessa and Mariah.  I don't think he'll be sticking around long.

Your last paragraph is intriguing.  You mention a pregnancy/paternity.  If that happens, it will probably be Lola or Summer.  The father will either be Theo or Kyle.  You expect more crime for Chance and Rey to see who survives in the investigator role and you are betting on Chance.  The difference is that Rey works for the Genoa City Police Department, while Chance is a private investigator with his own business.  If the citizens of GC do not have confidence in their police, they will increasingly turn to Chance.  Paul Williams has not inspired much confidence.  Speaking of Paul, where is he these days?  I thought Doug Davidson had returned to the show full time.  There will definitely be more heartache and secrecy on Y&R.  That's the essence of a soap.  As for a character demise, I think it may be Dina.


Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki) has written a memoir

Fans of Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki Newman) will be delighted to learn that she is writing a memoir entitled Always Young and Restlss.  The book is about Melody's life and career struggles from her days as a child actor in Alfred Hitchcock's 1964 film Marnie to her forty years on The Young and The Restless.  Melody admits that she is nothing like her character, Nikki, although she has had her own trials and tribulations.

Melody's memoir is being written with Dana. L. Davis for Mark Weinstein at Division Books, and is being published by Stender.  Her autobiography follows I'll Be Damned, a 2017 memoir by her longtime onscreen partner, Eric Braeden (Victor Newman).  According to Amazon, the official release date for Melody's book is Thursday, September 3, 2020, but you can pre-order it.

Robert Adamson (Noah Newman) returns to Y&R

All of Sharon's children will be rallying around her during her time of crisis, including son Noah.  Noah, played by Robert Adamson, has been working in London for Newman Enterprises.  Adamson was seen in an Instagram photo outside the Y&R studio.  He'll be around to support his TV mother during her cancer storyline.


There are several single, unattached men in Genoa City.  Whom do you consider Genoa City's most eligible bachelor?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Who is Genoa City's most eligible bachelor?

Nicholas Newman
Jack Abbott
Chance Chancellor
Theo Vanderway
Dr. Nate Hastings
Created with PollMaker

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, February 1, 2020.

- Joanne

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