
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Y&R Report (January 4, 2020): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

As the New Year begins in Genoa City, many characters face 2020 with uncertainty and trepidation.  Many storylines are hanging in limbo and should be resolved as soon as possible, especially the one about Mrs. Chancellor's will. That has been dragging along much too slowly and it has been poorly written.  Since Daniel Goddard (Cane Ashby) is leaving the show, the writers should wrap up his storyline.  It's also about time we learned what happened in Las Vegas with Chance and Adam.  The mystery surrounding Amanda has gone on far too long as well.   Is there an explanation as to why she looks the spitting image of Hilary?   Come on writers, tie up all the loose ends.

Nick and Chelsea called it quits on New Year's Eve..  That's not surprising.  Their breakup had been coming for a long time.  Chelsea is trying to resist Adam, but they will soon be back together.  As for Nick, he's a free agent again.  Will he turn to Phyllis again or his other ex, Sharon.  It won't be Sharon if Nikki has any say in the matter.  She told her son in no uncertain terms that she hope he doesn't go back to Sharon.  Some things never change.  Nikki has never liked Sharon.  She has never thought she was good enough for Nick.  Nikki has alwayz considered Sharon a gold digger, even though she was a gold digger herself when she first married Victor.  She went from a stripper to a lady of the manor.

Speaking of Sharon, I hope we don't have to endure a long drawn out storyline about her battle with breast cancer.  I don't think most viewers want that.  It's too depressing, unless there's another angle to it.

We've learned more about Tessa Porter's past.  It turns out that she has an ex-husband, a musician named Tanner Watts.  She's never even discussed  her brief marriage with Mariah or anyone else in Genoa.City.  How many more secrets does Tessa have and now many more excuses will she come up with for hiding her past?  I know endured some hard times, but she's a difficult person to trust.

Jack and Victor were quite friendly with each other on New Year's Eve.  Have they really buried the hatchet or is this just a truce?

HIGHLIGHTS OF 2019 ON Y&R: A look at some of the highs and lows of the show this past year.

WORST STORYLINE:  The storyline about Mrs. Chancellor's will.was not credible.  If its purpose was to bring back Philip Chancellor IV (Chance), the writers could have just had him return to town.

Viewers could also have done without Billy once again being haunted by Delia's death.  We went through that already.

MOST INTRIGUING STORYLINE:  Victor Newman's faked death attracted a lot of viewers and received high ratings.  Most people new that Victor was not actually dead, but some were fooled.  For those of us who knew Y&R wouldn't kill off Victor, the storyline was still intriguing.  It's unfortunate that the writers were unclear about who was in on the ruse to expose Adam.

UNEXPECTED RETURN: Mishael Morgan's return as lawyer Amanda Sinclair. Hilary's look-alike was completely unexpected.  Why didn't the writers leave their options open with Mishael by having Hilary leave town for a while (or some other explanation for her absence).

UNEXPECTED DEATH:  The passing of Kristoff St. John, who played Neil Winters since 1991.  Kristoff was found dead at the age of 52 on February 3, 2019.  He had never gotten over the suicide of his son.

UNEXPECTED  FIRING:  Daniel Goddard (Cane Ashby) was fired after 13 years on the show.

BIGGEST LOSER IN GENOA CITY: Nicholas Newman..  Nick can't seem to get his personal life or his career on track.  He started his own company, Dark House, and lost it due to Adam's trickery.  He then tried to run for city council and his political career was over before it started due to Chelsea.  He ended the year by breaking up with Chelsea on New Year's Eve.

ABORTED ROMANCE:  The "romance" between Traci Abbott and Cane just didn't get off the ground.  It was awkward and I don't think it was very popular among viewers.  Traci was crazy about Can, yet she told him she just wanted to be friends.  There was no explanation as to why she changed her mind.  I still think it's time for both Traci Abbott and her brother Jack to have some romance in their lives.

JERK OF THE YEAR: Billy Boy Abbott gets the nod.  I don't usually have much sympathy for Princess Victory Newman.  However, this time I think Billy is really being deceitful and unfair to her.  I know Victoria is a workaholic and she immerses herself in the business world.  However, I think she has tried to understand him.  He just won't open up to her.  He won't give her a chance.  Instead, he's more comfortable confiding in Amanda, a virtual stranger who hasn't shown she's trustworthy.  He snuck off on New Year's Eve to see the mysterious lawyer, leaving Victoria alone and worried at Abby's New Year's Party.  He showed up just before midnight.

Billy Abbott really doesn't know what he wants anyway.  He's not working for Jabot anymore.  He was given the time and space to figure out what he wants.  Actually. It seems as if he just wants to do what he wants, when he wants.  He doesn't want responsibilities, yet he also doesn't want to give up his family life and his children.  Billy doesn't realize he can't have it both ways.  That's why when he inevitably breaks Victoria's heart, he will face the wrath of Victor.


Christel Khalil (Lily) will return to Y&R for a brief stint this month

Fans of Chritel Khalil (Lily Winters) will be pleased to know that Lily will be back in Geona City the week of January 6th.  The exact nature of her return has not been revealed but it presumably has to do with the Devon/Eleana/Amanda storyline and could possibly involve Cane's (Daniel Godard} exit from the show.

Christel's last appearance was in tribute episodes to honour Kristoff St.John, her TV father, after his death.  She also played a character in the novel Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) wrote.  The actress chose to drop down to recurring status in 2018.


Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) hasn't changed.  He's the jerk he's always been.  In a soap, there has to be conflict, so that's why he's misbehaving again.  He can't have a happy family life with Victoria.  So, fans, what do you think about the storyline of his secret relationship with Amanda?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Are you enjoying the stoyline about Billy's secret relationship with Amanda?

Yes, it's a good storyline. It's interesting to me.
No, I have no interest in it. It's starting to drag.
I don't know, I have to see where it leads.
Please Specify:
Created with Poll Maker

Readers, I would appreciate your feedback.  Please let me know what you think about the show.

If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for now,  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, January 18, 2020.  

- Joanne

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