
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Quarantine Streaming Service Alternatives to Netflix and Hulu to Learn Something New

During this pandemic, people have been watching a great deal of television, especially on streaming services.  If  you are searching for an alternative to the giant streaming services such as Netflix, this infographic will provide you with many worthwhile suggestions.  I hope you find it helpful during your quarantine or self-isolation.

- Joanne

Quarantine Streaming Service Alternatives to Netflix and Hulu to Learn Something New

The average American adult watches almost three hours of television every day, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the vast majority of adults — 90% — subscribe to at least one video streaming service, according to Nielsen.

Those numbers have likely grown much higher during this pandemic as millions of people continue to stay inside and binge watch their favorite Netflix, Hulu and HBO shows. We love TV, but too much screen time can be bad, especially for children. 

If you find yourself glued to the TV or your laptop, there are plenty of alternatives to Netflix and Hulu that you can use to learn something new and feel better about yourself. Wikibuy created a guide to free video streaming services where you can learn about art, cooking, meditation, yoga, and physical exercise. 

For example, have you heard of CakeFlix? It’s like Netflix but for cake baking and decorating. There are more than 1,000 cake courses and a free seven-day trial. Or, consider one of the Museum of Modern Art’s nine free video courses on everything from fashion to abstract art. 

Check out the infographic below with a roundup of 12 streaming service alternatives to Netflix and Hulu. Also, check out the full list of more than 40 free video streaming services.

video streaming services to boost mental and physical health

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