
Monday, May 4, 2020

What have you been watching on TV during the pandemic?

To My Valued Readers:

I am inviting you to email me a few lines about what you've been watching on your television or computer while at home during this pandemic.  Here are some questions you might consider:  Has your viewing distracted you doing this terrible time?  Has it helped relieve your stress?  Have you been looking at comedies rather than dramas because you need a laugh?  Have you been  binge-watching Netflix shows or viewing DVDs?  How are you dealing with the constant barrage of bad news about sickness, death and uncertainty?  Are you avoiding the news or getting informed in small doses?  Can you provide any viewing tips?

I really want to hear from you.  I'd really like to know how you are coping.  I would be greatly appreciative if you let me know.  I promise that I will post your emails on TV Banter so that you can share your experiences with other readers from around the world.  That's why it would be helpful if you let everybody know what country you are writing from, although you don't have to.

I'm curious about all of this.  So, join the banter and help satisfy my curiosity.

My email address is

Take care and stay safe,


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