
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Y&R Report (September 12, 2020): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

Hi fans,

Well, Sharon continues to run to Adam at every opportunity.  How much can poor Rey (Jordi Vilasuso) take?  He's stood by her during her battle with cancer.  He's really good to her and she doesn't appreciate him enough.  Why does she have to be deceitful?.  It's obvious that she'd rather be with Adam.  Why doesn't she just level with Rey and tell him the truth.  Sharon herself admitted that she doesn't deserve him, and I can't argue with that.

By the way, have you noticed that Sharon (Sharon Case) and Adam (Mark Grossman) have not been social distancing lately in their scene?  You know what that means.  It also means that Sharon and Adam will be able to hug and kiss, just like Devon and Elena.

So, Chelsea and Adam are finished, as are Rey and Sharon.  A storyline remains for Chelaea, but what will happen to Rey once he breaks up with Sharon?  There have been persistent rumours that Jordi Vilasuso is leaving the show.  Last month, he said he isn't going anywhere, but it's a cutthroat business.  I wonder if the writers have already set the stage for Rey's departure by having Chance replace him as Genoa City's prime police detective.  Unfortunately for Jordi, all the writers have to do is send Rey back to Miami.  

No one's in the kitchen with Lola ....No  one's in the kitchen I know, I know . . . Why is Lola always
cooking alone at the Society restaurant?  Why aren't there other cooks or chefs working with her?
Of course, no one else is there whenever Kyle or Theo come to see her?  Just asking, although we're not supposed to ask questions like that.

Speaking of master chef, Lola, her not-so-hot "romance" with Theo never even got off the ground.  There's just no spark between the two of them, no real warmth..  I'm not quite sure why.  Maybe it's the way the two actors relate to each other.  Maybe it's hard not overlook the fact that Theo used Lola to get back at Kyle.  He even admitted doing so to Lola

I think Y&R has treated Doug Davidson (Paul Williams) shabbily.  He's been a staple of the show for years and he is truly a fan favourite.  Why don't they give him some screen time?  Is it because he's over 60?  Is it ageism?  Do they feel that there are enough characters on the show in his age group?  When Chance applied for a job with the Genoa City Police, we were told that Paul interviewed him.  The writers had the perfect opportunity to give Doug some scenes, but they didn't.  That speaks volumes.  It's really unfortunate because Doug deserves far better after more than forty years on Y&R.  He is a great guy with a great sense of humour, and he is well-respected.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 
My email address:

l received an email from longtime viewer CC in Etobicoke.  CC had this to say:

Totally agreed with your analysis of the state of  Y&R plots, roles and relationships on its post COVID debut, Joanne.  Sluggish is a good descriptor of it at this point.

Finally they have introduced the path to explore the connection between Hilary and her clone, Amanda.  That one has been wallowing in the background for almost a year now.  Perhaps, as her full identity is revealed they will have many of the eligible gentlemen yipping at her heels....Billy, Nick, Theo (a little on the young side), and of course, Devon.  Don't you think she and Jack could take a long, enchanting spin around the dance floor of romance?

Bosses and writers have left a gaping hole on Y&R by overlooking a whole generation of couples between the Nikki/Victor era couples, the Victoria, Billy, Nick, Sharon generation which keeps recycling it members from one to the other meaninglessly, and the up and coming.  None of them seem to have lasting values and just don't stick.

Yes, CC, I really think the show's episodes since the shutdown have been sluggish.  The plots need to move faster.  Right now, Y&R is moving at a snail's pace.  The same scenes and conversations seem to be repeated over and over again.

The current romances on the show are third-rate.  Enough of third-rate romances like Kyle and Summer and Lola and Theo!  Do viewers really feel that those two couples really care about each other?  Will viewers be disappointed when Kyle and Snowflake break up or when Lola and Theo call it quits?  I, for one, will be quite pleased when that inevitably happens.  It's hard to believe that Summer is Kyle's true love when he is so fickle,  He dumped Summer and married Lola, vowing eternal love to her.  Then he turned around and dumped Lola for Summer again.  He claims he was really in love with Summer all along, but it's very hard to believe that.  It's also hard to believe that the spoiled Kyle really cares about anyone but himself.  He is the poster child for young, rich men with a sense of entitlement.

It's time for a first-rate romance on the show, an epic romance, with characters fans care about.  That's one thing the show really lacks right now.  How about a new super couple. 

Yes, CC, they've finally decided to  explore the connection between Hilary and her look-alike, Amanda.  Actually, Amanda is more than Hilary's look-alike.  She's a dead ringer.  The writers should have addressed this a long time ago, before the pandemic hit, but it's better late than never.  According to online spoilers. Amanda will turn out to be Hilary's twin sister.  Wow,, what a surprise!  Haven't the writers gone down that road before with Cassie and Mariah?  

Once Amanda's identity is established,, she will "have many of the eligible gentlemen yipping at her heels," as you put it.  However, I don't foresee her taking a long, enchanting spin around the dance floor of romance with Jack Abbott.  I predict that Devon will be drawn to Amanda when he learns she is Hilary's twin.  This will cause Elena to cry on Dr. Nate's shoulder and they will connect.

Jack is certainly headed for romance, but I don't think he'll hook up with Amanda.  He may become involved with a new redhead who will soon arrive in town, played by Courtney Hope from The Bold and the Beautiful.  He'll most likely have rivals for her affection.

I also received an email from Carly from Barrhaven, Ontario.  Carly made the following comments:

As for Y&R,  I realize because of the pandemic the story lines will have to be altered but honestly am not enjoying it.  Lots of fast forwarding.  I cannot stand the Adam-Sharon storyline.  Frankly, Mark Grossman (Adam Newman) is getting on my nerves.  I still think the best Adam was Michael Muhney.    The Lola/Theo/Summer/Kyle storyline is really dumb.  Glad to hear they are bringing in someone new.

Maybe a healthy post pandemic will inspire them to get back to it.

Just some thoughts.

Well, Carly, I've been disappointed in the storyline's lately too.  They are not moving fast enough and the scenes are too repetitious.  The show needs an infusion of excitement and real romance.  This  will come, I hope. 

I have to say that Mark Grossman isn't getting on my nerves.  You didn't say why he bothers you.  I wish you had elaborated.  Yes, Michael Muhney played the part of Adam well and I enjoyed his acting.  He's not coming back, though.  I agree with you that the Lola, Theo, Summer, Kyle storyline is really dumb. 

I am also glad they are bringing in Courtney Hope, who played Sally Spectra on The Bold and the Beautiful.  She should shake things up when she arrives in Genoa City.


Eileen Davidson (Ashley Abbott) is not returning to Y&R full-time

Sorry, Eileen Davidson fans, but the rumours are false.  Eileen is not returning to Y&R full-time.  Last Sunday, she clarified her status with the show in a post on social media.  She wrote that her return is only short-term.  She tweeted, "I am happy to be coming back to Y and R to do a few shows but I am not coming back full-time."  So, expect her to appear in only a handful of episodes, but at least she'll make an appearance once in a while.  One thing we know is that when Dina passes away, Ashley will have to be around for her death and funeral.  She could continue to appear in a few episodes here and there for years to come.  I hope so.

Eileen originally joined the cast of Y&R back in 1982 and has been portraying Ashley on and off since then.

Tracey Bregman and Christian LeBlanc appear on Let's Make A Deal

Tracey E. Bregman

Tracey E. Bregman (:Lauren Fenmore) and Christian LeBlanc (Michael Baldwin) recently appeared on CBSs' Let's Make A Deal.  According to Soap Dish. com, fans were very vocal with their thoughts about the writers giving more work to the onscreen couple.  Several criticized the writers for ignoring their characters, justifiably in my view.


Lauren and Michael have not been virtually ignored since the show began to air new episodes.  Fans, what do you think about that?  Would you like more screen time for them?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

What do you think about Lauren and Michael not having much screen time?
It's a shame. Christian LeBlanc and Tracey Bregman are good actors and their talents are being wasted.
It doesn't bother me. I don't really miss them.
I don't think the writers are at fault. There probably isn't enough storyline for Lauren and Michael.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with Poll Maker

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, September 26, 2020.

That's all for now.  Take care and stay safe.

- Joanne

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