
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Y&R Report (September 26, 2020): The Latest on The Young and the Restless


Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

Hi fans,

There are signs that Y&R is picking up the pace a bit.  I've heard the same complaint from friends, acquaintances and relatives who are fans of the show.  They tell me that they have found it boring since the return of new episodes.  They say that they are fast-forwarding many scenes. 

Former Y&R head writer Mal Young moved the stories along too fast.  However, now we have the opposite problem.  It would be great to have some balance.  I realize it's not easy writing the show, especially now, due to COVID restrictions.  Still, there are far too many similar scenes.  The Sharon cancer saga seems to have gone on forever and the Hilary/Amanda identical twin storyline has taken ages to unravel.  Shake it up and get it moving, head writer Griffith and Co.

We haven't seen Connor Newman (Judah  Mackey) on screen since the return of new episodes.  Now Adam and Chelsea have decided to ship him off to boarding school.  Actually he's probably better off there because he's not safe with parents like them.  Remember when that Simon Black criminal threatened to harm the little boy because he wanted money from Chelsea?  

So, where is young Judah these days?  Well, he has a new gig.  He's joined the cast of Stillwater, a new Apple TV+ series.  He plays one of three siblings who have a wise panda as a next-door-neighbour.  It's an animated project to help children open their eyes the the wonders of the world and to understand their own feelings.

So, why isn't Judah on Y&R right now?  Is it due to the pandemic?  Yes.  It seems that children are allowed on the set, but it's more of a production challenge.  Judah has provided an explanation  on his Twitter account.  He wrote: "Yes, kids are allowed on the set and have always required a parent or set teacher/welfare worker (provided by the production), meaning additional people on set and testing.  Each production follows its own safety protocols."

I was happy to see Faith (Alyvia Alyn Lind) again.  She really looks grown up these days.  She was born on July 27, 2006 or 2007.  She's either 13 or 14 years old.  

Could there be a reunion between Kyle and Lola?  I think it may be in cards.  Here's why.  Lola's third-rate romance with Theo went nowhere.  It just fizzled out.  When she dumped him, he didn't seem too upset.  As for Kyle and Summer, I can't see them getting married any time soon - Kyle and Lola aren't even divorced yet.  That's my point.  There is a reason why the divorce is taking such a a long time by soap standards.  Most soap couples get divorced in the blink of an eye.  With Snowflake out of the picture, what's to stop Kyle and Lola from reconciling?  


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 
My email address:

Here is an email that I received an email from longtime viewer CC in Etobicoke.  CC had this to say:

Hi Joanne,

Agree with both you and Carly from Barrhaven (Septenber 12, 2020  Y&R Report) on quality of storylines etc. on Y&R post pandemic.  Agree with Carly that Adam actor and the role of Adam are getting on our nerves.
Talk about fickle!  Even wishy washy Sharon has returned to her old ways.  Some grown men who have seen her as their 'it' girl are finding her less alluring these days because of her devious ways.
They do definitely need a strong true romance story.
Maybe it will be Adam and Sharon, or Devon and Amanda?
Maybe the writers will pull a double switcheroo in the near or distant future.  Yes, Amanda could be Hilary's long lost, unknown twin sister....or could have been!  
Perhaps Amanda and Hilary switched places before the accident and Amanda is the real Hilary, and the Hilary who died was really Amanda.
So the unborn child would have really been Devon's and Amanda's.
Doesn't this sound like a real soap plot?
The writer's can play it out now or down the road when they really need something out of the rabbit's hat.

Wondering what you and your readers think.


Thanks for you input, CC.  I think Mark Grossman is a good actor.  It's not Mark who's been annoying.  It's been the constant repetition of scenes with him and Sharon meeting each other.  They became tiresome.  (If I hear one more time that Sharon is a professional therapist, I think I will scream).  

Yes, Sharon is wishy-washy and fickle.  She can't have it both ways.  She has to choose between Adam and Rey.  Sometimes Sharon can be so sweet.  At other times, she is devious.  Her cancer saga has gone on far too long and it should be resolved soon.

Your storyline idea about the twin sister is very creative.  It sounds like it would be fun.  Right now, though, it really seems as if Amanda has to be the late Hilary's twin.  One never knows, though.  A plot twist could be in the works.  Readers, what do you think of CC's double switcheroo storyline regarding Hilary and Amanda.?  

I spoke to Y&R fan, Fifi in Collingwood, Ontario.  Fifi says Nick Newman just spends his days walking around with his hands in his pocket, wearing plaid shirts, sporting a scruffy beard, complaining about Adam, and of course, cavorting with Phyllis.  I tend to agree.  Nick needs to get a life and stop admiring his dimples.


Melissa Ordway (Abby Newman)  and hubby Justin Gaston celebrate eighth wedding anniversary

Melissa and Justin

Meliasa Ordway, who plays Abby Newman on Y&R, and her husband, Justin Gaston (ex-Ben Rogers on Days of our Lives), celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary on September 22, 2020.  Melissa sent Justin a special message on Twitter to mark the occasion.  She wrote, "Best cake.  Best guy.   Best “yes” I’ve ever said.  Happy 8th Anniversary."

Judith Chapman is returning as Gloria 

Judith Chapman

Soap Opera Digest has confirmed that Judith Chapman's is returning to Y&R as the fiery Gloria Fisher Bardwell.  Judith has played the role of Gloria since 2005, but hasn't appeared on the show since 2018.  She will come back to Genoa City in October.  Her return will likely coincide with the birth of Kevin and Chloe's baby, Gloria's third grandchild.  You can also expect to see Michael and Lauren back for the birth.

As usual, Gloria will be setting her sights on a wealthy man.  After all, she is always searching for a sugar daddy.  Since Jack Abbott is looking for romance, she may try to hook him.  I hope he doesn't take the bait.  Those two don't make a good combination and it's hard to get past the fact that she was married to Jack's father, John Abbott.  However, Gloria's purpose may be to get in the way of Jack and his true love, whoever that may be.  Not matter what, Gloria will cause trouble.  You can count on that.

Doug Davidson to appear as Paul Williams again

If you've been missing Doug Davidson, you'll be pleased to know that actor confirmed his return to the screen on Twitter.  He tweeted that Paul will appear on Friday October 9 on CBS (Thursday, October 8 on Global TV.).  However, Doug also stated. "It's 4 pages.  Don't get too excited!  Hahaha."  He's obviously not happy about his lack of screen time and I can't say that I blame him.


So fans, now that Judith Chapman is returning as Gloria, what do you think of her getting involved romantically with Jack Abbott?  Respond to he poll below and let me know.

What do you think of the idea of paring Gloria with Jack Abbott?
I like it. They would be fun together.
Depends on how serious they are about each other. If it's more than a fling, it won't work.
No way. I don't like the idea of them together at all.
Please Specify:
Create your own poll vote


Due to the pandemic, the annual Y&R tea in support of March of Dimes will not take place at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto this December.  Instead it will be held virtually on Sunday, October 4, 2020.  Online guests will include many of your favourite Y&R stars.  Here is the link for more information.

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next issue of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, October 10, 2020.

Take care,


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