
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Y&R Report (October 24, 2020): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance. 

Hi fans,

So, Dina Mergeron has left this mortal coil.  Her death was inevitable and expected, but still poignant.  The Abbott family has been shaken to the core and her passing will affect them all greatly.  Although Dina died peacefully surrounded by the love of her family, her death was presented in a very unrealistic way.  Yes, I know Y&R is a soap, but I couldn't help thinking that someone with Alzheimer's would never be able to clearly identify family members in their dying moments.  I guess I have to keep reminding myself that we watch soaps for escapism, not reality.  That's why there is no COVID in Genoa City and nobody is wearing a mask.  We have enough of that in real life right now.  

It's sad that Marla Adams has ended her run as Dina, but she certainly gave life to a very colourful character for many years,  Kudos to Marla.

We will have to see what's in store for the three Abbott siblings now that they have lost their mother.  It's interesting to note that Jack, Ashley and Traci do not have anyone special in their lives.  They are all single.  It's about time that changed.  

Traci is one of my favourite characters on Y&R because she has a heart and she has always been an underdog.  That's why I've always cheered for her to succeed.  Saint John Abbott was not exactly perfect.  He openly favoured Ashley, referring to her as "my beauty."  He never called Traci, his youngest daughter, "my beauty."  In fact, a Jabot product was even named "My Beauty" after Ashley.

John Abbott went to his grave never knowing that Ashley was not his biological daughter.  She is the product of Dina's affair with tennis pro Brent Davis.  It took a long time for Ashley to deal with that and she had amnesia and a nervous breakdown over it.  Still, she never told John the truth.

Traci has found success as an author.  Now she has a position at Chancellor Communications.  It would be great if she also had a little romance in her life too.  The writers made an attempt to pair her with Cane and it was a disaster.  It was not popular with fans because the two didn't suit each other at all.  There was no connection and the writers ended it abruptly when Traci suddenly told him she just wanted to be friends.  

Why can't they find someone suitable for Traci or Jack or Ashley?  It seems that Eileen Davidson will only be making sporadic appearances as Ashley, so she'll most likely return to Paris.  Jack appears to beading on the road to romance.  So where does that leave Traci?

I have some comments to make about Devon and Dr. Nate.  Yes, Nate betrayed his own cousin.  What he and Elena did was inexcusable and  I don't blame Devon for feeling angry and upset.  However, Devon went berserk.  He attacked Nate and injured his hand of a surgeon.  I think Devon has become somewhat arrogant.  Perhaps he has let all the praise for him and his "Business Person of the Year" award go to his head. 

Devon just took matters into his own hands.  He smashed Nate and sent Elena packing.  He didn't even try to understand Elena.  Since his closeness with Amanda bothered Elena, he should have respected his girlfriend's feelings and kept his distance from Amanda.  Actually, it isn't hard to see why Elena was freaked out by Devon's relationship with his beloved late wife's identical twin sister.  Devon assured Elena that she was the one he loved.  Logically she believed him, but she couldn't accept his words on an emotional level,  Devon didn't clue into that at all.  That's why Elena was so vulnerable to Nate.

Although Nate claims that his hand is okay, that may not be the case.  His career may be in jeopardy, along with ability to save lives.  Devon was wronged, but he had no right to injure Nate.  He should be charged with assault.  Where are Clueless Paul and the Genoa City Police?

What's next for heartbreaker Kyle Abbott, now that Snowflake has given him a taste of his own medicine by running off before their remarriage?  Speaking of Summer, she sure looked silly and desperate, running around with a floppy hat and sunglasses, spying on Lola and Kyle.

Faith is more mature than the rest of her family.  She's younger in years, but older in wisdom.  She realizes that a marriage between her mother and Rey would be a disaster with Adam in the picture.  Not surprisingly, like Cassie before her, Faith has started to develop a teenage rebellious streak.  She has been troubled by all the problems  in her family and has been texting someone named "Jordan."  Jordan is a new character played by Madison Thompson of Netflix's Ozark.  It should be interesting to see what Faith has cooked up with her.  

Well, Adam Newman is really a lone wolf right now.  He has to be the most unpopular person in Genoa City.  Even Chelsea, the con woman, has had enough of him.  There are only two people who have sympathy for him: Victor and Sharon.  Now that he's finished with Chelsea, it won't be long before Sharon will be running to his side again.  Poor Rey!

Adam is truly in a dark place and he's spinning out of control.  He's very dangerous right now and he can be very cruel when he's lost and confused.  However, Adams's nemesis, Billy Abbott, seems to be getting too big for his britches.  Billy Boy is too overconfident and vindictive right now.  Lily is really going to have to get him under control.  It seems as if a romance is brewing between those too.  Billy brought up the subject of kissing his partner in Chancellor Media.  Lily appeared to be giving it some serious consideration.  Due to COVID regulations, however, the kissing, if it happens, will not take place on camera.  At any rate, I would advise Lily to think it over very carefully before getting romantically involved with Billy.  After her experience with Cane, does she really want another broken heart?  Princess Victoria will probably give her fair warning.

It will probably take some time, but I expect Billy and Lily (I love the way the names rhyme) will get together.  In the end, like most soap characters, Lily will listen to her heart, not her head.

It was great to see Gloria back, but is she really leaving so soon?  I hope not.  As usual, she's in trouble and it will be fun to see what kind of a mess she's gotten herself into this time.


Victoria Rowell (ex-Drucilla on Y&R) loses brother

On October 16th, Victoria Rowell (ex-Drucilla Winters) reported the death of her brother, David Alan Rowell, on Instagram.  Victoria had a difficult childhood.  According to her 2007 memoir, The Women Who Raised Me, Victoria had four siblings and her mother, Dorothy Collins Rowell, suffered from mental illness.  After an investigation, two of the children were sent to live with their biological father.  Victoria and the other two children had nowhere to go..  They were removed  from their home and became wards of the state.  As a result, Victoria was taken to an orphanage and was raised in foster care.  She did not meet her brother, David (they shared the same mother), until the two found each other as adults.  

David Rowell was a musician.  He played guitar  with some of New England's most prominent musical acts.  He also opened for country music greats Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Tammy Wynette.
David leaves behind his wife, Donna, a daughter, Melissa, and a son, Andy Rowell.




There seems to be much reaction to Christian LeBlanc's (Michael Baldwin) new look.  During the pandemic hiatus, he stopped dying his hair and let it go grey (Some Y&R viewers think he may be wearing a toupee).  On the show, reference was made to Michael's new look by his mother, Gloria, and his brother, Kevin.  Kevin said that Michael look distinguished.  What do you think, fans?  Does Christian look more distinguished or just older?  Do you like his hair grey?  Respond to the poll below and let me know. 

What do you think of Christian LeBlanc 's (Michael Baldwin) hair?
I like his new look. It makes him look handsome and distinguished.
I don't like it. It makes him look years older.
I think it's a toupee.
I haven't decided yet. I'm just getting used to it.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with Poll Creator


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, November 7, 2020.

Take care and stay safe,


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