
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Y&R Report: (March 27, 2021 ): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS. I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk. If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance

Hi fans,

So, Rey Rosales was poisoned, but he's not going to die.  His life was saved by Dr. Nate and Dr. Elena.  That means that Jordi Vilasuso, the actor who portrays Rey, has not been written out of the show.  .  Adam will likely be charged with the crime.  Detective Rey has already asked District Attorney Michael Baldwin to question Adam.  Rey has also done a search of Sharon and Rey's home and he can't wait to put the handcuffs on his nemesis.  Methinks Detective Rosales is too personally and emotionally involved in this investigation to be objective and fair.

Viewers do not want soaps to be like the real world, especially when the real world is in the midst of a horrid pandemic.  How many people can just call up a doctor who will come immediately to your home during a health crisis.  That's what Sharon did.  When Rey's illness became worse, she just called Dr. Nate and he showed up at her doorstep right away.

It certainly hasn't been an easy time for young Faith Newman.  Her mother, Sharon, had a breast cancer scare.  Much to Faith's consternation, an article about her uncle, Adam, revealed how he switched her at birth. She's been bullied at school.  Her "friend" Jordan got her involved in underage drinking.  Her mother can't seen to stay away from Adam.  Her stepfather, Rey, was poisoned and suspects Adam.  

Faith felt elated when a boy began sending her admiring text messages.  However, she was crushed to learn that she had been hoodwinked by the devious Jordan.  Faith never had a secret admirer.  There never was a boy.  It was Jordan who pretended to be her admirer.  Faith was absolutely heartbroken.  She took some alcohol from Victor and Nikki's ranch and tried to drive a truck, although she doesn't even have a beginner's permit.  Using an app to locate her, Nick an Sharon tried frantically to catch up to her.  However, Faith was distracted by her cellphone and crashed.

Never fear, though.  Faith won't end up like her older sister, Cassie.  That is because she is going to have the support of Moses Winters.  Moses will be arriving in Genoa City any day now.  His ambition is to become a doctor.  His uncle, Dr. Nate, will be mentoring him and he will also spend time with his siblings, Lily and Devon.  I read that Moses will be working at the medical clinic with Nate and Elena.  I think that Faith will be taken to the clinic for treatment of her injuries.  That's where she'll meet Moses and they will fall for each other.  Maybe it won't happen exactly that way, but Moses will definitely interact with Faith sooner or later.  She's the only character who is in his age group and he will probably be attending her high school, Walnut Grove.  He will gallantly lend his support Faith when Jordan and the bullies try to torment her.

Chelsea is the same old con woman she has always been.  Although she has been mistreated and deceived by Adam Newman, her own actions have also been deceitful.  She is so full of vengeance against Adam that she treated her friend, Chloe, quite shabbily.  Her scheme to frame Adam in the attempted murder of Rey was over the top.  As Chloe pointed out, Rey could have died.  

Although Chelsea apologized to Chloe, the fact remains that she carried out  her plan without telling her friend everything.  Now Chloe, who has two children, is at risk of aiding and abetting a felony.  Some friend Chloe is!   Also, Chelsea let down her guard and Adam noticed her doing her stretching exercises.  He now knows that she has made a recovery from her paralysis.  Adam has his ace-in-the-hole and will use it when the time is right.

When Sharon eventually learns that Chelsea, not Adam, is responsible for Rey's poisoning, she will immediately come to Adam's defence.  This will cause another rift between Sharon and Rey.


* Why did Faith rely on Jordan as her only friend?  Why would she be so unpopular? 

* How did Faith obtain the keys to the truck she was driving?  

* I still want to know why Billy Boy Abbott doesn't have his own office.  It might be to save money on building another set during the pandemic.

* Rey Rosales is investigating his own attempted murder.  Is that accepted police protocol?  Would any police force allow it?  If not, why isn't Genoa City Police Chief Paul Williams dealing with the situation?  Shouldn't he make sure someone else is assigned to the case?



Mishael Morgan (Amanda) has emergency eye surgery

Mishael Morgan, who plays lawyer Amanda Sinclair on Y&R, had to undergo emergency surgery to save her eyesight.  The actress shared her experience on Instagram and posted two photos of herself with a large bandage over her eye.  She wrote: "So this happened!  Emergency eye surgery not fun, but saving my vision, rocking a sexy pirate look and one crazy story for the books . . . pretty fun!"

After being deluged with well wishes and inquiries about her eye, Mishael revealed that the reason for her surgery was a detached retina.  It was not the result of an accident on the set of Y&R.

Doug Davidson says he's had enough!

Longtime Y&R favourite, Doug Davidson, has had enough and I don't blame him.  He just hasn't been given any significant screen time.  His character, Paul Williams, hasn't appeared in Genoa City since November and the long layoff hasn't even been explained to him.  Doug hasn't been kept in the loop about his lack of air time and he's tired of waiting for answers.  He says he's "done" with the show and he is quite frustrated.

Doug Davidson, is a class act and he certainly doesn't deserve this kind of shoddy treatment after portraying Paul Williams on The Young and the Restless for 43 years.  Doug recently took to social media to express how he feels.  He says he's been "treated like a day player."  He posted a photo with the following caption: "At this age, I'm only interested in consistency, stability, respect & loyalty."  He hasn't been receiving any of that from Y&R for quite a while.  

Doug's TV wife, Christine (aka "Cricket), played by Lauralee Bell, has appeared on Y&R recently, but not in scenes with Doug.  In a March 16th interview with Soap Central, Lauralee Bell was asked how she felt about his announcement that he is done with Y&R.  She replied. "I completely understand where he's at."  Although she understands his feelings, she still hopes that with time, he may think differently.  She addend, "I can't fathom not working with him.  So, I guess I just don't accept it!"

The powers-that-be on Y&R should be ashamed of themselves for treating Doug Davidson so shabbily.  His "Paul Williams" character has been a staple of the show.  Doug deserves far better than this.


* Baby news for Michael Graziadei, who played Daniel Romalotti  on Y&R from 2004-2016.  The actor is going to be a first-time father.  Michael, 41, and his partner, Lauren, are expecting twins. 

* Jacob Aaron Gaines, a newcomer to daytime television, has been cast in the role of Moses Winters, son of Neil Winters and Sofia Dupre.  Moses is due to arrive in Genoa City on April 1 (CBS) and March 31 (Global). 

 Jacob Aaron Gaines has appeared on several commercials.  Most recently, he had a supporting role in the Netflix film Fatal Affair.

* Eric Braeden  (Victor Newman) celebrates his 80th birthday on April 3rd.  So, does he have any plans to retire after 41 years on Y&R.  Not on your life!  In an interview with People magazine, the German-born actor said that he is not considering retirement, at least not for the foreseeable future.  He stated: "I feel very loyal to The Young and the Restless, very beholden to the audience who has supported us all those years."  He intends to remain on Y&R as long as he can.

Eric Braeden


Melissa Claire Egan

Fans, do you have any sympathy for Chelsea, even though she poisoned Rey in order to frame Adam?  Adam hasn't been an angel either, so what do you think?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you have sympathy for Chelsea?
Yes, Adam saw Sharon behind her back and caused her to have a stroke.
Some. Adam treated her terribly, but she went too far by putting Rey's life at risk.
None at all. She is a deceitful con woman. She even treated her friend, Chloe, terribly.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Create your own Polls


Your feedback is very important to me.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, April 10, 2021.  


Take care,


Friday, March 19, 2021

The British Royal Family and TV Interviews

It seems that every time a member of the British royal family gives a television interview, it becomes the source of enormous grief, conflict and turmoil.  Those interviews have only served to weaken the institution of the monarchy and provide political fodder for its detractors.  The latest one has certainly been no exception to the rule.  The House of Windsor has been reeling since Oprah Winfrey's bombshell interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, also know as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.  It has has rocked the royal family to the core.

Harry and Meaghan's March 7th CBS interview has been a very polarizing event.  Almost two weeks have passed and there is still a huge fallout.  Viewers have taken sides.  Some people are sympathetic to Meghan and Harry, while others condemn the couple.  There doesn't seem to be room for any middle ground and the debate continues concerning the serious allegations made by Meghan and Harry in their discussion with Oprah.  The royal family has been accused of racism and indifference toward Meghan, who is biracial and American.  Meanwhile, Meghan's credibility has been questioned and British broadcaster Piers Morgan has left Good Morning Britain after strongly criticizing Meaghan.

I can certainly understand Prince Harry's disdain for the papararazzi and the British tabloids, considering the role they played in their mother's tragic death.  Harry has expressed a fear of history repeating itself.  Yet, he and Meghan are not exactly keeping a low profile.  Their interview with Oprah ensures that they will remain in the public spotlight for some time to come.

Harry and Meghan

Let's look back at the results of previous royal interview.  The most well known, until now, is Princess Diana's 1995 interview with Martin Bashir on Panorama, the British current events and documentary program.  That was Diana's first solo interview.  It occurred after her separation from Charles and nine moths before their divorce. The interview was controversial and quite candid.  Diana dealt with some difficult issues, such as her mental and physical health, palace intrigue, adultery and the future of the monarchy.  She discussed her self-harm, her bulimia, Charles' unfaithfulness with Camilla and her own unfaithfulness.  She uttered the famous phrase that "there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded."

Princess Diana during Panorama interview

In November of 2019, Prince Andrew, the Queen's second eldest son, gave a disastrous interview on a Newnight special.  He told the BBC's Emily Maitlis that he did not regret his friendship with convicted sex offender Jefferey Epstein.  He stated that their association was "actually very useful" and that Epstein's New York home was "a convenient place to stay."  The interview only served to harm Andrew's image further.  The Duke of York is no longer carrying out royal duties and his reputation has been destroyed.

Why do members of the royal family agree to television interviews, given the dubious history of those events?  In the case of Diana and Meghan, it seems these two woman had a  desire to get their side of the story out, no matter the costs.  They felt wronged and they wanted the world to know how unfairly they have been treated and how they have suffered at the hands of "The Firm."  For them, it was a matter of influencing public opinion.

For her part, the reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, has a different attitude.  Her mantra is "never complain, never explain.  The Queen prefers to keep family matters behind closed doors.  She would never sit down with an interviewer and spill her guts.  For her, privacy is the order of the day and problems should remain in the closet.  The problem is that every family has dirty laundry and the royal family is certainly no exception.  Should that dirty laundry be aired to clear the air, find closure and make amends?  Is a television interview the best way to deal with the royal family's skeletons.

Camilla, Dutchess of Cornwall has chosen to keep very quiet, at least in public.  I can't think of a single, memorable quote from her.  She didn't even respond publicly when Diana called her a "Rottweiler" over her affair with Prince Charles.  However, I'm quite certain that Camilla has had a lot to say in private.  She's just been holding her tongue.  

Queen Elizabeth ascended to the throne in 1952 and she is the first British monarch who has had to deal with television.  Now she has to deal with the internet and social media.  There is no doubt that modern technology has made life a great deal more complicated for her.  She and her family have to contend with situations that previous royals had never had to think about.  Yet, she has made an effort to adapt, even appearing on Zoom (Princess Anne apparently taught her how to use it).

The media haven't helped heal the rift between Harry and his brother, Prince William.  In fact, William is said to be afraid that anything he says to Harry will end up on American television.  However, I don't think it's all the media's fault.  Members of the royal family use the media for their own purposes, especially if they have a message to send out.  

Let's face it, the public also plays a big role in the treatment of the royal families as celebrities.  We provide an audience for gossip and innuendo about the royals.  We lap it up.  If there wasn't a demand for coverage of the royal family, the media would ignore them.  The lives of the British royal family are entertainment for the masses.

CBS has revealed that nearly 50 million people in 17 countries around the world have watched Oprah Winphrey's interview with Harry and Meghan.  17 million people have seen it in the United States, as well as 13.3 million in the UK.  Those numbers are sure to increase due to streaming platforms.  CBS is already planning a Friday night rerun.  No wonder!  According to CBS, the interview is the highest-rated entertainment special since the 2020 Academy Awards ceremony.

- Joanne

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Remembering Skip Young (Wally Plumstead on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet)

If Skip Young were alive today, he would be celebrating his 91st birthday.  Skip was born Ronald Bix Plumstead on March 14, 1930 in San Francisco, California.  He spent most of his life as an actor.  At the age of four, Skip made his show business debut with comedian Bert Lahr in a two-reeler movie entitled Mae West.  He eventually established a successful film and television career for himself.  However, he will always be best remembered for his role as Wally, the happy-go-lucky buddy of David and Ricky Nelson on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet 

Skip served in the United States Navy during the Korean War.  Before joining the staff of Ozzie and Harriet, he performed at Knott's Berry Farm's Bird Cage Theatre in Buena Park, California.  He was also a radio personality,  Skip's Ozzie and Harriet character, Wally, was a good-natured prankster.  The Nelson clan would often have to rescue their inept friend from his various misadventures and schemes.

Skip Young first appeared on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet as "Chubby" in a 1956 episode called "The Kappa Sigma Party (Season 5, Episode 1, Air Date: October 3, 1956).  His next appearance was as a bell hop in "A Doctor in the House" (Season 5, Episode 12, Air Date: December 12, 1956).  Skip's first appearance as Wally was in an episode entitled "The Duenna" (Season 5, Episode 19, Air Date February 6, 1957).

The plump, affable Wally had quite the appetite for desserts and he was very chatty.  He was given the last name "Plumstead," which just happened to be Skip Young's real surname. Wally also had a long-suffering girlfriend named Ginger, played by the late Charlene Salerno.  Charlene played Ginger from 1960 until 1965.  Skip, however, played Wally in several more episode and appeared in the final episode of the show, which is entitled "The Game Room" (Season 14, Episode 26, Air Date: March 26, 1966).

The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952-1966) wasn't the only long-running family comedy in which Skip appeared.  In 1960, he portrayed George Allison in an episode of Father Knows Best entitled "Bud Lives It Up (Season 6, Episode 30, Air Date: May 9, 1960).  He also guest-starred in a 1961 episode of My Throw Sons called "Mike in a Rush" (Season 1, Episode 17).  He played George Allison opposite series regular Tim Considine (Mike Douglas).  

When Ozzie and Harriet ended its run after 14 seasons, Skip guest-starred in episodes several popular series such as .Green Acres (1968), Adam-12 (1969), Starsky and Hutch (1977).  His final acting appearance on television was as a coffee shop regular in a 1989 episode of Growing Pains entitled "Mike and Julie's Wedding"  (Season 5, Episode 2, Air Date: September 27, 1989).

Skip Young was married twice.  According to IMDb, he was married to Beverly Ruth Trout from January 18, 1959 until August 6, 1960 and to Carol A. Whitaker from May 25, 1961 until 1967.  Both marriages ended in divorce.

In 1973, Skip moved to the San Bernardino, California community of Apple Valley (145 kilometres or 90 miles east of Los Angeles).  He made the move to be near his daughter.  In his last years, he was a radio personality.  He also became involved in judging such events as beauty contests and chili cookoffs.

On March 17, 1993, Skip Young was found dead in the Apple Valley home he shared with his daughter.  He was 63 years old at the time of his passing.  According to San Bernardino deputy coroner Linda Myers, Skip's body was discovered by family members.  Myers stated that Skip had been in poor health for years "but death was very sudden."  She stated that he died of a heart attack and that diabetes was a contributing factor.  Skip's funeral was held at Our Lady of the Desert Catholic Church in Apple Valley on March 19, 1993.

When Skip Young died, his friend Buck Buchanan, who played a neighbour on Ozzie and Harriet, said this about him: :"He was jovial, lovable.  He was that kind of imp.  If he had been born earlier, he would have been Spanky McFarland.  He always had a joke and he was always laughing.  He was a very nice man."  It sounds like Skip's personality was very similar to that of his TV character, Wally.


* Skip Young played a captain in Wake Me When the War Is Over, a 1969 television movie starring Ken Berry, Eva Gabor and Jim Backus.  It was a comedy set in the final months of World War II.

* Skip portrayed Elvis Presley's best friend Teddy in the 1957 film Loving You.

* Charlene Salerno, (Ginger on Ozzie and Harriet) died on March 5, 1986.  Born November 19, 1938 in Los Angeles, she was only 47 years old at the time of her passing.  According to her brother, Mark Salerno, in a comment posted on the webpage "Remembering The Adventures of Ozzie Harriet," (March 30, 2016), Charlene died of breast cancer.

Charlene Salerno

Charlene had very little screen acting experience prior to her role on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.  Ginger was Charlene's only adult role.  As a child actor, she appeared in two films: The Gay Sisters (1942) and The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944).  She did not have any television or film roles 
after her final appearance on Ozzie and Harriet in a 1965 episode called "Kris & the Queen" (Season 14, Episode 3, Air Date: September 29, 1965).

SOURCES: Los Angeles Times, obituary, "Skip Young; Co-starred in Ozzie and Harriet,'" March 21, 1993; Variety, "Skip Young of 'Ozzie and Harriet' dies," by Variety Staff, March 18, 1993; Desert News, obituary, "'Ozzie and Harriet' actor dies at 63," March 19, 1993; Wikipedia; Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

- Joanne

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Y&R Report (Saturday, March 13, 2021): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance

Hi fans,

Well, the old Victor Newman is back.  He is ruthless in his determination to exact his revenge on Billy Boy Abbott.  As he told Nikki, "I didn't get where I am by being a nice guy."  One of the online spoilers says that Victor is going to get the last laugh. (as usual).  That's why I wouldn't be the least surprised if Ashland Locke sells his media company to "The Moustache" and Adam.

The old Sharon is also back.  She's devious and deceptive and she's going to break Rey's heart into a thousand pieces.  Dr. Sharon, the self-proclaimed professional therapist, wants to have her cake and eat it too.  She doesn't want to give Rey up because she likes the security and stability he provides.  She doesn't want to give Adam up either.  She will never be able to stay away from him, so her marriage to Rey is a sham and doesn't stand a chance of surviving, that is if Rey himself survives.  He obviously has something seriously wrong with him.  Why is he shrugging it off as if it's just stomach flu?  Does he really think that Lola's Cuban chicken soup will cure what ails him?  Why wasn't Sharon firmer in insisting he get medical attention?  By the way, fans, I have not found anything on the internet which confirms that  Rey (Jordi Vilasuso) is leaving the show.

I hope that Dr. Nate tells Amanda the truth about Devon and Elena.  Devon is deceiving Amanda and leading her on.  She should find out before she becomes more deeply involved with him.  I think she would be better off with Nate.  At least he'd be more upfront with her than Devon.

I can't wait for Chelsea to surprise Adam and Sharon now that she is recovering.  Chelsea is no angel, but I'm on her side in this situation.  Adam also wants to have the best of both worlds.  He wants his family life with Chelsea and Connor, but he doesn't want to give up Sharon either.

Who is sending those mysterious text messages of support to Faith?  Could it be Moses?  Is that how she is going to meet him?  That's the only explanation I can think of right now.  If you have any ideas, email me and let me know.  

Faith is really going to need a friend, especially when her mother's marriage to Rey blows up.  By the way, I wonder if she stole her mother's prized knickknacks from Adam, such as that precious figurine.  Faith despises Adam, but how would she know those items are from him?  If  she didn't take the items, then who did? 

Let's talk about Jack Abbott and Sally Spectra.  I think Jack is actually aware of the risks involved in starting a relationship with the redhead.  He is having such a good time that he just doesn't care.  He's willing to throw caution to the wind.  Of course, there will eventually be a huge price to pay.  For now, however, Jack is just enjoying having his ego stroked by a woman much younger than he.  It's sure driving Summer and Kyle crazy, isn't it?  

Speaking of Snowflake and The Heartbreak Kid, Summer seems to have forgiven Kyle and has accepted the fact that he has a child.  That doesn't mean everything is hunky dory with them.  They are not out of the woods yet - not by any means.

So,  Princess Victoria has admitted to Billy Boy Abbott that she is still in love with him.  That may be the death knell for his romance with Lily.  Lily is already quite exasperated by Victoria's interference in their relationship.  She will never be able to get Victoria out of the picture unless Victoria becomes interested in a man other than Billy.  Right now, the princess is focused on him.  As for Billy, does he still have lingering feelings for Victoria?  He can't seem to get her revelation that she is still in love with him out of his mind.


Why doesn't Billy Abbott have his own office at Chancellor Media?  It is supposed to be a large operation.  Therefore, why is Billy always standing around in Lily's office?

Is Asland Locke interested in pursuing Victoria?  The business mogul invited Victoria to dinner and didn't seem to want his wife, Tara, there.

Since Victor is the owner and chairman of Newman Enterprises, wouldn't Victoria, as CEO, have to have his permission to make a bid on Ashland Locke's media company?  At the very least, she would not be able to make such a bid without his knowledge.  


Former GH and Desperate Housewives star, Richard Burgi, has joined the cast of Y&R

Richard Burgi

As expected, the wealthy and powerful Ashland Locke has arrived in Genoa City, with soap veteran Richard Burgi in the recurring role.  For several seasons, Burgi played Karl Mayer on ABC's prime time soap Desperate Housewives.  From 2014 to 2016, he portrayed  Paul Hornsby on General Hospital.  He has also appeared on Days of Our Lives and was cast as the lead in the series The Sentinel, which ran for three seasons.  

Burgi, 62, was born in New Jersey and is the brother of rock drummer Chuck Burgi.  He has been married twice and is the father of two sons, Jack and Samuel, from his first marriage.

The actor brings a great deal of experience to the role of business mogul Ashland Locke.  It should be fun to watch both the Newmans and Abbotts vie for control of Locke's company.  There has already been lots of drama surrounding the bidding for his media operation.


Jordi Vilasuso (Rey Rosales)

Rey Rosales is definitely not well.  His headaches, chills and dizziness are a very bad sign.  With Y&R, being a soap, he may suddenly die or go to Miami for medical treatment.  Jordi Vilasusa's departure from the show has been rumoured for a long time.  What do you think, fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you think Rey Rosales will die or leave town?
Yes, he is more ill than he thinks. There has been speculation about Jordi Vilasuso leaving the show for a long time.
No, the writers just want you to think Rey may die. There has been no confirmation that Jordi Vilasuso is leaving the show.
It's hard to say. There's definitely a reason for Rey's illness. Who knows where the writers will take this.
I don't know.
Please Specify:
Created with PollMaker


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, March 27, 2021.  Don't miss it!  Keep in mind that The Young and the Restless will be preempted on Friday, March 19 (CBS) and Thursday, March 18 (Global TV) due to NCAA "March Madness" basketball.

Take care and stay safe,


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Letter from a friend of Bobby Buntrock (Harold on Hazel)

This is third article I've posted about child TV star Bobby Buntrock.  Bobby played Harold Baxter on the popular 1960s sitcom Hazel, starring Shirley Booth in the title role.  He retired from acting in 1967 and moved to Keystone South Dakota with his family.  He eventually joined the South Dakota National Guard.  

On April 7, 1974, Bobby died tragically in a car accident in South Dakota when his car veered off a bridge under construction.  He was only 21 years old at the time of his passing.  There seems to be a great deal of interest in Bobby and his untimely death.

I recently received an lovely email from Harry Cordova Sr., who went to high school with Bobby and later ran into him when they were both serving in the military.  Here is the email:
"I first met Bobby when my friend and I were kicked out of Franklin HS in Highland Park, Los Angeles.(my third of four high schools) and we ended up over at the Eagle Rock High School in 1967-68.  There we became friends and he would occasionally borrow 25 cents and I would tease him about having all that money from Hazel.  He said it was in a "trust" and he didn't have it yet,  By the way, he always paid me back.  

Fast forward to 1971 . . . I was drafted in AIT (Advanced Individual Training) in Fort Ord, California.  One day I was coming out of the mess hall and I see this guy who was vaguely familiar and he's scrubbing trash cans.  I look at his name tag on his fatigues and sure enough it was his name.  He said he was with the South Dakota National Guard and we reminisced about those days at Eagle Rock High until we both got yelled at by the mess mess sergeant.  

I was saddened to hear of his death years later.  Truly a nice guy."

Note: To read my other posts on Bobby Buntrock, click on the links below.

- Joanne