
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Y&R Report (May 8, 2021): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance

Hi fans,

Faith Newman is experiencing another medical crisis. Doctors discovered that she needed a kidney  transplant.  Unfortunately, they also found that she has a rare blood type.  Surprise! Surprise! Her Uncle Adam, the black sheep of the family, turned out to be the only relative whose blood type matched hers.  Now she is about to have surgery.  She spoke to Adam beforehand and she seemed to reconcile with him,  He assured her that he regretted any pain he had caused her.  Yet, I can't help but wonder what Faith's reaction will be when Sharon and Adam hook up, as I am almost certain they will. 

So, Nikki and Sharon are getting along much better now.  We now know that Nikki prefers Sharon to Phyllis.  She told Sharon that she would much rather have her son Nick with Sharon than that wild and crazy hotel owner.  That says a lot about how much Nikki despises Phyllis.  Nikki was strongly opposed her son's marriage to Sharon, whom she considered to be a gold digger.  It's hard to forget the sour expression on her face at their wedding.  I guess she doesn't think anyone is good enough for her darling Nicholas.

Nikki and Sharon's, friendliness might not last because according to an online spoiler, Nikki will catch Sharon off guard.  The probably means that Sharon will accidently reveal her true feelings about Adam to her former mother-in-law.  It is so obvious that she would rather be with Adam and that she can't stay away from him.  The expression on her face when Adam said he would be leaving town once Faith's surgery said it all.  She looked very disappointed.  However, I don't expect that Adam will be going anywhere.  Victor has issued an ultimatum to Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) and she is scared out of her wits that he will take her son Connor away from her.  She appears ready to confess, but will she?  Is the jig up for the con woman?  Well, Melissa Claire Egan is having a baby in August and  she will be going on maternity leave soon.  That means that Chelsea will either be heading to prison or she will somehow escape and become a fugitive for a while.

It's ridiculous that Rey is investigating an attempted murder on himself.  It would never be allowed.  He is far too emotionally involved.  He is so biased against Adam that he can hardly wait to put the handcuffs on his adversary.  I know it's a soap, but don't insult our intelligence.  Furthermore, is Rey the only detective in the Genoa City Police Department?  How did he get assigned to the case, and where is Paul Williams (Doug Davidson)?  Why couldn't the writers give Paul a role in this storyline?  By the way, Doug has a real advocate in Eric Braeden (Victor Newman).  Eric has joined the legions of fans demanding that his fellow Emmy-winner be returned to centre stage.  Yesterday, Braeden tweeted, "I've been in Dougie Davidson's corner for years."  He added, "I think it is utterly wrong that he hasn't been involved in storylines.  He is one of the all-time favorites on our soap and should bloody well be an important part of it."  Davidson then replied, "Thank you, my friend.  You are so incredibly kind."

We know that Victor almost always gets his way.  He has been giving his total support for Adam.  So, I expect better days ahead the black sheep.

As for Nick Newman, he was involved in the best scene he's had for a long time when he had to persuade Adam to give himself up in order to donate a kidney to Faith.  It was fascinating to see Nick in a situation where he was forced to work together with his despised brother for the common cause of saving Faith's life.  Those scenes with Nick and Adam in Kansas were quite poignant as they faced a tornado and a collapsing roof together.  Kudos to Joshua Morrow (Nick) and Mark Grossman (Adam) for their performance in those scenes.

Could there be a romance in the offing between Dr. Nate and Lola?  The doc and the chef have been pretty chummy lately.  Lols tried to play matchmaker and smooth things over between Nate and Elena, but it didn't work.  Nate seems to be finished with Elena.  Elena can't stop dreaming of Devon, so I don't blame Nate for not wanting to be second choice.  However, if Lola and Nate become a couple, there will be complications since Elena is Lola's roommate.  Elena may feel that Lola is disloyal as  a friend, that she has betrayed her.

Well fans, there doesn't seem to be much COVID social distancing for couples on Y&R anymore.  Until now, only the real-life couples like Bryton James (Devon Hamilton) and Brytny Sarpy (Elena Dawson) and Sharon Case (Sharon Rosales) and Mark Grossman (Adam Newman).were seen kissing and hugging


How could Kyle not have known until recently that Tara had had a baby?  He couldn't have been that much out of the loop.  At the very least, Theo, as an internet influencer, would have found out three years ago, when Harrison was born.  Wouldn't Theo have mentioned it to Kyle then?  



Summer Newman, also know as "Snowflake" and heartbreaker Kyle Abbott, are planning a wedding.  They have survived Kyle's past philandering with Tara Locke, but can they survive the fact that he and Tara share a son?  Will they make it to the altar this time?  Fans, do you want them to stay together.  Respond to the poll below and let me know how you feel about "Skyle."

Do you think Kyle and Summer should stay together?
Yes, they were made for each other. They are both spoiled brats.
Yes, they have great chemistry and they are very romantic.
No, they aren't strong enough to last. Kyle's son with Tara will eventually break them up.
No, I don't like them together.
Please Specify:
Created with Poll Creator


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Please remember that the nest edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, May 22, 2021.  Enjoy the May sweeps.  I'm looking forward to watching Kyle and Summer's engagement party.

Take care.


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