
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Y&R Report (December 11, 2021): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance

Hi fans,

First, a note to readers: I am going to take a short Christmas break.  I will be back in the New Year.  My Y&R column will return to this space on Saturday, January 8, 2022.  

Now that Abby (Melissa Ordway) and Chance (Conner Floyd) have reunited, don't expect everything to go smoothly for them.  Y&R is not a fairytale.  It's a soap and soaps have few "happily ever after" stories - unless the couple involved is leaving town or the show.  Kyle and Summer are a prime example.  They got married and began a new life in Italy.  However, if they ever return to Genoa City, you can be sure that they will encounter some serious difficulties and they will likely break up.  In the  case of Abby and Chance, there are already dark clouds on the horizon.  Chance is experiencing deep emotional problems as a result of his ordeal in Spain. He's not having an easy time adjusting to life back in Genoa City.  Devon and Mariah are still very much in the picture. They are not going to give up their attachment to Dominic.  Mariah has been pretending that she is not so obsessed with "Bowie."  However, it is obvious by the expressions on her face that she wants to be a mother to the child.  As for Devon, he has developed a deep bond with Dominic and really enjoyed playing daddy when Abby was in Spain.  We all know that there will be trouble ahead.

In her recent interview with JLJ Media, Melissa Ordway made it clear that she doesn't expect Chance and Abby to just pick up where they left off before Chance took off on his mission to save the world..  "I'm not sure how that's going to go," she said.  "I think its going to be a lot more dramatic than, 'Hey, you're back.  Cool!  We're in love again, we're gonna raise this baby and its gonna be happily ever after.'"

Now that Abby and Chance's baby has been mentioned, let me just say is that I'm so glad that they have finally cast a real child in the role of Dominic, just in time for Chance's return.  The Blanket Baby is gone forever.  Thank heaven and good riddance!  By the way, the human baby is very cute.

So, now we know why Victor Newman doesn't like Billy Abbott.  He thinks Billy's had it too easy, that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.  Victor is proud of the fact hat he scratched and clawed his way to success in business.  He was sent to an orphanage and worked hard to make something of himself.  However, I think Victor is too judgmental where Billy Boy is concerned.  He should be reminded that his own children were also born with silver spoons in their mouths and a sense of entitlement.  The only exception is Adam, who was raised in more humble surroundings on Hope's farm in Kansas.

As for Adam Newman, it seems to me that he is reverting to the old Adam.  What has happened to the new and improved Adam?  As Billy pointed out, he's still holding grudges.  It must be Victor's influence because he's been working so closely with his ruthless father.

I hope that they get Amanda's sister, Imani, into a good storyline.  I also hope that the writers will eventually create a good triangle involving her and Dr. Nate and Elena.  Speaking of triangles, it looks like there's one involving Noah and Tessa and Mariah.  You can see how Mariah is eying Tessa and Noah and how Noah is eying Maria and Tessa.  It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

So, Ashland Locke has received good news about his cancer treatments.  That's not surprising.  Don't expect him to die anytime soon.  Richard Burgi, who plays Ashland,  is too popular with fans,  He's not going anywhere right now.

Why did Jack put the breaks on his relationship with Phyllis?  Is he really afraid that she will hurt him again or is there some other reason?   Is Phyllis really going to accept Jack's decision so easily?  Why isn't Phyllis scheming to get him back?  When has she ever been known to behave in such a mature manner?

It was great to see Kate Linder (Esther Valentine) back on camera.  Kate was hospitalized after an injury she incurred while taking care of her elderly mother.  As a result, Esther hadn't been seen in a while.  She told Sharon that she had been busy looking after her grandchildren, Bell and Miles, while Kevin and Chloe worked.  Good to see you again, Kate!

Kate Linder


Christian LeBlanc celebrates 30 years on Y&R

Christian LeBlanc has just celebrated 30 years of portraying Genoa City lawyer Michael Baldwin on The Young and the Restless.  To celebrate this landmark anniversary, Y&R will air a special episode dedicated to him in January of 2022.

Sasha Calle (Lola Rosales) has left Y&R for now

Genoa City is going to miss Lola's famous chicken soup.  When Lola left for Miami, it was only supposed to be a temporary move.  Now we know       that she's staying there because she's  found her dream job in Florida.  Abby was left high and dry and had to find a new chef to replace Lola at Society.  So, Lola is gone.  Oh well, she didn't have much of a storyline anyway.  She was just cutting vegetables in the kitchen and giving advice to her roommate, Elena.

The truth is that Sasha Calle, who played Lola, has taken on the role of Supergirl in the upcoming movie The Flash.  She is the first Latina to play the part of Supergirl.

It is not known whether Sasha will return to Y&R,  Her departure means that Jordi Vilasuso, who plays Lola's brother, Rey, is the only member of the Rosales family still on the show.


Cooner Floyd (Chance)

Fans, now that you've seen the new Chance, Conner Floyd, what is your initial reaction to him?  Are you impressed?  Do you think he is a good actor?  Does he suit the part?  Does he have good chemistry with Abby (Melissa Ordway)?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you like the new Chance? Are you impressed with him? free polls


I need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  A Merry Christmas to all who celebrate the season.  Have a good one and I will back in the New Year.  I'm looking forward to watching Y&R during the holidays.  See you in next year.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, January 8, 2022.

All the best in the New Year.

Take care,


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