
Sunday, January 30, 2022

You wanted to know about . . . Barry Greenberg and Scott Bernstein of Happy Days

A reader asked me to find out what happened to Barry Greenberg and Scott Bernstein, who played minor roles on Happy Days.  The reader is celebrating a milestone birthday today.  So, I have granted him his birthday wish.  Happy Birthday, M.C.!

NOTE: The Happy Days characters played by Greenberg and Bernstein disappeared from the show without explanation just like Richie Cunningham's older brother, Chuck.

Barry Greenberg 

Barry Greenberg is not only a former actor.  He is a retired Certified Public Accountant and attorney, based in Los Angeles (He has been fond of saying that he is "Stuck in the "A's").  Barry prepared taxes and dealt with various taxing authorities such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRA), The Franchise Tax Board and The California Board of Equalization.  As a bankruptcy attorney, he helped consumer and small business debtors file for bankruptcy protection.

Barry M. Greenberg was born in Los Angeles, California on May 2, 1956.  He is known for his portrayal of Moose in three 1974 episodes of Happy Days during the show's first season.  The episodes are "Guess Who's Coming to Visit" (Season 1, Episode 4, Air Date: Feb. 5, 1974), "Hardware Jungle" (Season 1, Episode 5, Air Date February 12, 1974) and  "Because She's There" (Season 1, Episode 11, Air Date: April 2, 1974).

Prior to his stint on Happy Days, Barry appeared as Alfred in the 1974 TV movie version of Miracle on 34th Street, starring Family Affair's Sebastian Cabot as Kris Kringle.  The cast also included Jane Alexander, David Hartman, Roddy McDowall, Jim Backus, David Doyle and Tom Bosley, who played patriarch Howard Cunningham on Happy Days.

In addition to his role as Moose on Happy Days, Barry appeared in the 1976 horror film Dogs, along with David McCallum, Linda Gray and George Wyner.  The film is about a pack of dogs that go on a killing spree.

 Barry also appeared in the soap opera parody Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, which ran from 1976 to 1977 and starred Loise Lasser.  I found a photo online of Barry with Louise, Marian Mercer, Robert Snivel, Nedra Volz and Robert Snively from Mary Hartman. The photo was taken circa 1976.  Due to copyright reasons, I can't display the photo on this website.  However, you can easily find it if you google the information that I have provided.  It is part of the Granger Historical Picture Archive.  I have also tried to find the name of the character Barry played on Mary Hartman, but for some strange reason, Barry's name does not appear on IMDb in the list of actors who appeared on the series.

Below is a photograph of Barry M. Greenberg in more recent years.

Scott Bernstein

On Happy Days, Scott Bernstein played Melvin Belvin, a nerdy classmate of Joanie Cunningham and Chachi Arcola.  Melvin was the socially inept brother of Eugene Belvin, played by Denis Mandel.  He and Eugene often tagged along with Joanie and Chachi's group of friends.  

Scott Mitchell Bernstein was born on September 19, 1956.  He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature.  He was trained in comedic acting in New Jersey, New York and Los Angeles, studying under some of the best comedic tutors, including Harvey Lembeck (1923-1982), an American actor best known for his role as Corporal Rocco Barbella on The Phil Silvers Show (also know as Sgt. Bilko) in the late 1950s),  He has performed in more than 100 shows on stage and he has been involved in directing and co-writing comedic theatre productions in Las Vegas.

Scott joined the cast of Happy 1981.  He appeared as Melvin Belvin in seven episodes of the series from 1981 until  1983.  The episodes are "Fonzie the Substitute" (Season 9, Episode 7, Air Date: November 17, 1981), A Touch of Classical" (Season 9, Episode 16, Air Date: February 2, 1982), "Letting Go" (Season 10, Episode 2, Air Date: October 12, 1982), "Empty Nest" (Season 10, Episode 3, Air Date: October 19, 1982), "Such a Nice Girl (Season 10, Episode 8, Air Date: November 30, 1982), "I Drink, Therefore I Am" (Season 10, Episode 13, Air Date: January 11, 1983).  

Happy Days aired for 11 seasons, from 1974 to 1984.  All but one of Scott's appearances on Happy Days occurred during the show's tenth season, in 1981 and 1982).  In the episode "Such a Nice Girl," Howard Cunningham's shy niece, K,C, Cunningham, played by Crystal Bernard, agrees to go on a date with Melvin Belvin.  Melvin takes her to a costume party and catastrophe ensues.

After leaving Happy Days, Scott became a professional acting coach for The PLUS Workshops, which he founded.  The PLUS Workshops consist of several types of acting workshops, including group workshops, comedy workshops, drama workshops, private coaching and others.  There is also additional work as a director or comedy writer and voice-overs for comedy voices and animation.


* When Scott Bernstein auditioned for Happy Days, he thought he was auditioning for Laverne and Shirley, which happened to be one of his favourite shows.  He wasn't aware that he had auditioned for Happy Days until the audition was over.

* Scott was born with a visual impairment.  He has hereditary retinitis pigentosa or RP.  This results in "tunnel vision" and gradual loss of eyesight.  His condition was a major challenge for him during the time he was on Happy Days.  He had limited visual fields, no significant peripheral (side) vision and he had great difficulty adjusting his eyes to the stage lights.  He was also nearsighted, which suited his nerdy character well.  Scott managed to continue his work on Happy Days without anyone knowing that he was close to being legally blind.  If that had been known, he may not have been given the role back then.

SOURCES: Law Offices of Barry M. Greenberg, February 16, 2010; sitcoms "Scott Bernstein: biography;"    Wikipedia; Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

- Joanne

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Jeopardy! update


Amy's run is over

Well, Jeopardy! fans, Amy Schneider's remarkable 40-game win streak came to an end, but not before she became the second-longest consecutive winner in the history of the popular game show.  The only contestant with more victories is Ken Jennings with 74 wins.  Amy appeared to be taking aim at Ken's record until she was defeated yesterday by Rhone Talsma, a librarian from Chicago, Illinois.

During her run, Amy amassed total winnings of $1,800, placing her in fourth place earnings-wise alongside behind Natt Amodeo, James Holzhauer and, of course, Ken Jeennings.  However, we haven't seen the last of the engineering manager who lives in Oakland, California.  She will appear on  Jeopardy!'s Tournament of Champions.

Amy Schneider

Get ready for the Jeopardy! National College Championship

The all-new Jeopardy! National College Championship will air in primetime on ABC from February 8 to February 22, 2022. It will be hosted by Mayim Bialik and it will feature 36 students from 15 colleges across the United States.  The contestants are 18 year old or older.  They are full-time undergraduates with no previous bachelor's degree.  The championship rounds will reportedly be shown in hour-long  segments instead of the usual half-hour.

Mayim Bialik

Jeopardy! poll

Ken Jennings

Ken Jennings has been hosting Jeopardy! for a while now and Mayim Bialik is getting ready to host the show's next tournament, a national college championship.  Provided Ken Jennings wants the job, do you think he should be named the permanent host, with Mayim Bialik presiding over the tournaments.  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

- Joanne

Do you think Ken Jennings should be named the permanent host, with Mayim Bialik presiding over the tournaments? free polls

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Y&R Report (Saturday, January 22, 2022): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance

Hi fans,

My oh my, but Princess Victoria Newman is full of herself these days.  She is deliriously power hungry and she makes no bones about it.  I couldn't believe it when she told Nikki that it bothered her that there was a company out there with her name on it that wasn't part of her empire.  She actually said that!  She thinks she has taken Victor's place as supreme ruler of the Newman Empire.  I guess she's risen in rank from a princess to an empress.  I think it's about time that someone knocked Empress Victoria off her pedestal.  Others have noticed how arrogant and power-crazy she has become.  That' why they've  told how much she is her father's daughter.  It's true that of all of Victor's children, Victoria's personality is the most like his.  

Victor was motivated by the fact that he was abandoned by his parents and left in an orphanage.  He scratched and clawed his way to business success.  Victoria seems to have another motivation.  She is out to prove that she has not merely benefitted from nepotism.  She wants to be recognized as a talented businesswoman in her own right.  She is determined to prove that she has earned the right to be CEO of Newman Locke, formerly Newman Enterprises.  She wants to show the world that she's worked hard and that she deserves to be CEO because of her own talent and hard work and not just because she is Victor Newman's daughter. 

I have to wonder if Victoria is attracted to Ashland's ambitions more than the man himself.  Right now, she seems to be dreaming of the two of them become Genoa City's resident power couple, a younger version o Victor and Nikki.  It would serve Victoria right if she never got her hands on Newman Media.

The Abby-Chance-Devon baby storyline seems to be dragging.  It's been moving along at a snail's pace.  Why doesn't Chance just get psychiatric help, and please, not from Dr. Sharon?  (What kind of a "professional therapist" is Sharon anyway?  She only has a university degree in psychology, her only "patient" has been Adam and she runs a coffee shop all day).  

Chance obviously needs psychiatric help.  He's been back home in Genoa City for weeks.  So, why hasn't he sought professional help?  He could have undergone a lot of treatment by now.  Couldn't he and Abby have made some agreement that would have allowed Devon to spend more time with Dominic only until Chance finishes his treatment and his emotional state improves?  That would be too logical, I suppose, and we can't expect logic from a soap, can we?  There'd be no drama and soaps are called "daytime dramas" for a reason.

Having said all that, I really don't think there's any compromising with Devon.  He refers to Dominic as his son.  He also wants to add" Winters" to the baby's list of names.  The truth is that Devon is using Chance's emotional state as an excuse to get what he wants.  What he wants is to be daddy to Dominic permanently.  Now that Abby and Chance have given in to Devon's wishes, Devon feels like he has succeeded in attaining his goal.  Meanwhile, Abby is crestfallen.  She feels that  her son is slipping away from her.  I don't blame her.  She has been caught in the middle of her husband and Devon.

Victor Newman will always be a control freak.  He has announced his intention to play a greater role in Newman Media and has hired Michael Baldwin to assist him.  Michael wants to spend more time with Lauren once he resigns from his position as Genoa City's district attorney.  He has been Victor's lackey in the past and he knows how demanding Victor can be.  Therefore, he's made it clear to Victor that he doesn't wanted to be disturbed at all hours of the night.  Victor has assured Michael that he will not do so, and Michael is banking on Victor keeping his word.  Lauren is more skeptical.  She thinks Victor will return to his old ways and dominate Michael's time.  I tend to agree with Lauren.  Victor will be paying Michael handsomely and there will be instances when Michael will be summoned to the Big Boss's side.  Victor will just use the excuse that it's an emergency.  He'll say that he can't do without Michael's help and that he needs him as soon as possible.  

It seems as if there is a lack of storyline for Faith and Moses right now.  They aren't onscreen very often.  At one time, Faith was front and centre, but not anymore.  Maybe the writers are cooking up a storyline for her, but the spotlight is on other storylines right now.  Nothing much is happening with Dr. Nate and Elena either.  Why don't they get Amanda's sister, Imani, to stir things up?

Rey and Chelsea get along quite well and Chelsea is just devious enough to make it seem that they are more than friends, if it suits her purpose.  Rey seems disenchanted at the moment.  He feels left out the family dynamic between Nick and Sharon and their children.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

I recently spoke to longtime Y&R viewer, Fifi in Collingwood, Ontario.  Fifi pointed out that Chance left the Chancellor home with the front door unlocked. and baby Dominic in his bassinet.  Abby was upstairs.  Anyone could have waltzed right in and harmed or kidnapped the child.  Either Chance is very neglectful or people in Geona City don't lock their front doors.  Maybe it's just an easer way for actors to leave and enter a scene.



Richard Burgi out as Ashland Locke

In a stunning development, Richard Burgi has been removed from his role as wealthy media mogul Ashland Locke.  Fans were left shaking their heads after learning that the popular actor was leaving Y&R.  It seemed strange because Burgi's Ashland character had just received some good news that his cancer treatment was working.  Why would Burgi be leaving if Ashland seemed likely to survive?  Then we learned that he was not leaving the show by choice.  He was let go because he had "inadvertently" violated Y&R's COVID policy.  Around Christmas, tested positive for the virus.  He followed the five-day quarantine recommended the the CDC (Center for Disease Control) but id not adhere to the 10-day set by Y&R.

I am very disappointed that this happened.  It really is a shame and very disappointing for legions of Y&R fans.

Robert Newman, who played Josh Lewis for years on Guiding Light, has the unenviable task of filming Richard Burgi's shows.  It will take some time for Burgi's disappointed fans to warm up to his replacement.  Note that Robert Newman will make his first appearance in the role of Ashland Locke in February.

Camryn Grimes (Mariah Copeland) is engaged

Here's some more proof that the years have really flown by.  Our once little Cassie is all grown up and engaged to be married.  Congratulations to Camryn Grimes who will wed her boyfriend, Brock Powell.  Camryn announced her engagement on Instagram, revealing that she had become engaged on January 2022.  She also posted a photo showing off her diamond engagement ring.


Mark Grossman (Adam)

Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) claims to have changed.  He says he's left the vindictive Adam behind and that he's a new man.  I don't doubt that Adam is trying to reform.  So far, he's managed to keep a distance from Sally, although he's obviously attracted to her.  Sally, of course, is the last woman Adam should become involved with if he truly wants to be a better person.  She will do everything in her power to lower his resistance.

Adam faces some difficult challenges right now and he's not happy.  His father, Victor, is trying take control of Newman Media.  Victoria and Ashland are determined to bring him down because they want Newman Media.  He also has to deal with the feud between Chelsea and Sally over him.  That may be too much foo much pressure for him to overcome.  Fans, do you think that Adam Newman can overcome all these obstacles or will he revert to the old Adam.  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Will Adam go back to his old ways? free polls

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, February 5, 2022.

Take care,

- Joanne

The Fall Out Over the Cancellation of Kim's Convenience

It's both annoying and disappointing when a s TV show is cancelled abruptly, without much notice to fans.  There have been two examples of this on the CBC - Anne with an E and Kim's Convenience, with Kim's Convenience being the most recent example.

After five years, a television series can become stale.  It often loses its lustre and the time come for the cast to move on.  Such was not the case for Kim's Convenience.  It could have continued for at least one more season.  There could have been a series finale to tie up all the loose ends.  Instead, the series ended abruptly, leaving fans disappointed and frustrated.  A sixth season had been planned, but the show was unexpectedly cancelled, leaving its viewers high and dry. The last episode of the fifth season was more of a season finale than a series finale.  It left so many unsettled issues.  Many fans, including myself, were left unsatisfied.

So, why was Kim's Convenience cancelled?  Apparently the show's two co-creators decided to move on and pursue other opportunities.  The producers of the series posted the following statement on Twitter.

"To our amazing fans: Authenticity of storytelling is at the center of the success of Kim's Convenience.  At the end of production on Season 5, our two co-creators confirmed they were moving on to other projects.  Given their departure from the series, we have come to the difficult conclusion that we cannot deliver another season of the same heart and quality that has made the show so special."

 Kim's Convenience was a series about a Korean-Canadian family who operated a convenience store in Toronto..  The cast was terrific with Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Mr. Kim, the patriarch of the family (known as "Appa" to his children; Jean Yoon as Mrs. Kim, the matriarch of the family, known as "Umma" to her children; Simu Liu as their somewhat estranged son, Jung, and Andrea Bang as their daughter, Janet.

Some members of the cast have become busy with other ventures.  Simu Liu, who stated. "I feel we deserve better," when the shown was cancelled, has found success elsewhere.  He was chosen to play Shang-Chiang, Marvel superhero and first Asian lead.  He also hosted Saturday Night Live on NBC.  Simu Liu has stated that he has no intention of appearing in any spinoff of Kim's Convenience  However, two other members of the cast have their own CBC shows now.

Nicole Power, who played Shannon Ross in Kim's Convenience, stars in a spinoff called Strays..  In Kim's Convenience, her character, Shannon, managed the car rental agency where Jung and his friend Kimchee (Andrew Phung) worked.  Power's new sitcom follows Shannon in her new job as executive director of an animal shelter in Hamilton, Ontario.  I must say, it's kind of interesting to see Hamilton as a setting for a TV comedy.  I've watched two episodes of the show and, unfortunately, I haven't found it to be particularly funny.  For one thing, Nicole Power is not supported by the wonderful cast of Kim's Convenience.  I may watch some more episodes to see if it grows on me.

Andrew Phung, who played Kimchee, also has his own CBC sitcom called Run the Burbs, which is not a spinoff of Kim's Convenience.  In Run the Burbs, Phung plays a suburban stay-at-home dad with an entrepreneur wife and two children.  I've watched the first episode about his family's attempts to hold a block party in their neighbourhood.  I think it has potential.  It certainly reflects Canada's growing diversity in the suburbs.

CBC has produced some good quality shows such as Heartland, Schitt's Creek, Anne with an E, Murdoch Mysteries, Little Mosque on the Prairie and, of course, Kim's Convenience.  Imagine what it could do with more support - financial and otherwise.  

- Joanne

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Y&R Report (January 8, 2022): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance

Hi fans,

I'm back after a brief Christmas and New Year's break.  I hope you had a good holiday season, in spite of COVID.  I wish you all the best in 2022.  

Here's my take on the holiday happenings in Genoa City.  I was disappointed that there was so little focus on the Abbott clan this Christmas.  Traci showed up with some presents and everyone spoiled little Dominic. Speaking of the former Blanket Baby, Dominic is certainly going to be a confused and messed up child.  Devon is planning to seek custody of him and I think Tessa and Mariah will eventually follow suit.  That poor little boy is going to be pulled in more directions than the four winds.

We never saw any Christmas celebrations involving Jack and Ashley.  The Newman family put the spotlight on Nick and his issues.  He ended up visiting Summer and Kyle in Milan.  That's all well and good.  However, Nicholas Newman has definitely not been busy enough.  Oh sure, he does some laudable charity work for New Hope, but he's had has too much leisure time.  Prior to his breakup with Phyllis, he just hung around the Grand Phoenix with her.  Now he spends a lot of time with Sharon at the coffee house.  It may be a sign that something other than coffee is brewing at Crimson Lights.  Sharon and Nick share a long history.  Their marriage lasted ten years, which is a considerable amount of time for a soap couple.  They seem to be getting along so well and confiding in one another.  

Nick has done a great deal of soul searching and he seems to have some work project in mind, although he hasn't been specific.  We have to wait for him to make his plans clear.  He did ask his son, Noah, to come and work with him.  An online preview for 2022 says that Nick will "throw himself into work."  That will be a change of pace for him.

Yes, I know. Sharon and Rey seem happy right now.  They celebrated their first wedding anniversary on New Year's Eve.  I don't think their current wedded bliss will last, not on a soap opera.  I'm surprised that they made it to their first anniversary.  Admittedly, Sharon seems to have forgotten her connection to Adam and he doesn't seem to be thinking about her right now.  Who knows how long that will last. Also, as I mentioned, Sharon seems to be spending a great deal of time with Nick.  I wonder if those two will reunite again.  As for Rey, he seems to be getting quite chummy with Chelsea.  

Here's another possibility.  It was suggested to me by longtime Y&R fan, Fifi in Collingwood, Ontario.  Fifi thinks that Chelsea might  try to break up Sharon and Rey by going after Rey.  Here's how it would work.  Chelsea would make it appear to Sharon that something was going on between her and Sharon's husband.  A distraught Sharon would then turn to Adam again and he would try his best to soothe and support her.  Then, Sally's plans to get her hooks into Adam would be thwarted, allowing Chelsea to get her revenge on her red-haired rival.

Noah is not being upfront.  My guess is that something more happened to him in London than a breakup with his girlfriend.  He's also being disingenuous about his feelings for Tessa.  His sister, Faith, saw right through him but he still refused to admit that he has fallen for the singer.  Faith noticed the way Noah looked at Tessa.  It's pretty obvious that Noah wants to become involved with her.  He probably would be starting a relationship with her right now if Mariah weren't in the picture.

Chance and Abby had a disappointing New Year's Eve.  They certainly didn't ring in 2022 joyfully.  For some reason,  I can't bring myself to have much sympathy for Chance or much enthusiasm for Connor Floyd, the actor who plays him.  Perhaps it's Chance's character right now and the role Connor Floyd has been given.  Chance is such a downer.  He has no confidence in himself and he is so depressing.  I realize he went through a harrowing experience in Spain.  It's understandable that he would be mentally affected by what happened.  He requires professional psychiatric treatment, not some advice from Dr. Sharon.

Chance has been happier lately, but that may change when he discovers what Devon intends to move forward with shared custody of Dominic.  If only Chance would comb his hair away from his face more often.

I'm pleased that Melissa Claire Egan (Chelsea) is back.  Although she really wants to reunite with Adam, I don't think she'll succeed.  She has a very formidable opponent in Sally Spectra.  Sally is a master manipulator.  Chelsea, who was trained to be a con woman by her mother, can certainly hold her own.  However, Adam seems to be much more interested in Sally.  He seems to be enjoying Sally's flirtations and the cat and mouse game that the two are playing.  Now that Chloe, has laid down the law, however, Sally will have to cool her ardour for Adam, if she wants to keep her job.  Don't expect that to happen, though.  Sally likes to live dangerously, so I fully expect her continue her pursuit of Adam, although much more discreetly.  She'll really have watch her step.

Traci Abbott has a big heart.  She's kind but she's no pushover.  I loved the way Traci walked into Victoria's office and stood her ground about Billy.  She gave Victoria food for thought.  Billy wasn't too happy about Traci's visit to his ex, though.

Three characters on Y&R have made abrupt changes,  First, there's Tessa.  She was reluctant to become a parent.  It didn't seem as if Mariah could convince her otherwise.  Now, she's suddenly on board.  Then there's Devon.  He seemed content enough to be able to visit Dominic and be a part of his life.  Abby left the baby with him for one week when she went to Spain to find Chance.  Suddenly, Devon became Super Daddy.  All his paternal instincts rose to the surface. The third example is Billy Boy Abbott.  Billy was so intent on bringing Adam and Victor down.  Now, he's wisely decided to put  an end to the whole thing.  He's going to work with Lily at Chancellor Industries.  

I miss Paul Williams (Doug Davidson).  They don't even show scenes at the Genoa City police station anymore.  However, I doubt Doug will be back.  He's too upset by the way he's been treated.  Frankly, I don't blame him.  My other beef concerns Jerry Douglas, who portrayed John Abbot for years.  Maybe Y&R will eventually pay tribute to him, but his death should have been acknowledged by now, at least with his picture and death date after the closing credits.

Since I watch Y&R on Global TV, I've already seen he episode that pays tribute to Christian LeBlanc and his character, Michael Baldwin (CBS viewers will be able to watch in on Monday, January 10, 2022).   Christian is marking his 30th year on the show.  I must say, I enjoyed the episode immensely.  It was also quite entertaining to see Christine "Cricket," Victor Newman and Michael's family (Lauren, Kevin, Chloe and Gloria) talk to him about his past, his future plans and whether he should retire.  Victor even invited him to work at Newman.  The flashbacks were fun to watch.  It was a much-needed lighter episode.  Phyllis (Michelle Stafford) was mentioned but she did not make an appearance.


Devon Hamilton wants shared custody of baby Dominic. He wants Dominic to spend some time overnight with him.   Do you think Devon has made a good enough case for this?  If he succeeds, will Dominic be confused, as Abby contends?  Are Abby and Chance right in denying Devon greater access to Dominic, who is his biological son and his godson?  Are Abby and Chance fit parents for the child?  What do you think?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you think it's a good idea for Devon to have joint custody of baby Dominic? free polls


I need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, January 22, 2022 

Take care,

- Joanne