
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Y&R Report (March 26, 2022) : The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans,

In a surprising and rather enticing move Y&R has brought Susan Walters back as Diane Jenkins.  She's calling herself Taylor Jensen and she's buying Keemo's house. "Didn't Diane die?" you may ask.  Yes, that's true, but this seems like another "back from the dead" soap storyline.  If you'll  recall, Diane was shot by Nikki in 2011 (Nikki claimed self-defence).  She wasn't presumed dead and there was no missing body.

So, how could she still be alive?  Well, I'm sure the writers will come up with some silly explanation.  They always do.  Remember how J.T. turned up after being buried alive?  Aside from that, resurrecting Diane offers some intriguing possibilities.  Phyllis certainly won't be thrilled about it because Diane was her arch-enemy.  I'm sure Nikki won't be thrilled. either.  Also, Diane is deeply connected with Jack and with Victor.

Don't forget that Diane is Kyle's mother.  Her return is going to have a profound effect on him.  Kyle will definitely want to see his mother if he learns that she is still somehow alive.

Diane is most likely the one who has been texting Jack, but plenty of questions still need to be answered about Diane's return.  Why did she want to meet Allie and why did she want to purchase Keemo's house?  She obviously knows that Allie is Jack's granddaughter.  What is her game plan?  Does she want to win Jack Abbott back?.  It appears that way.  Otherwise, why would she encourage Allie to get together with her grandfather.  

If Diane Jenkins wants Jack back, I'm sure Phyllis will have a lot to say about that.  I'm also sure that Phyllis will not be pleased if her old nemesis, Diane,, tries to sink her claws into Jack.  Diane is up to no good.  You can bank on that.

The Ashland Locke storyline is getting very interesting.  As expected, Princess Victoria's world has collapsed.  She has been taken for a ride.  The Lockness Monster has betrayed her and he is facing the wrath of a united Newman family.  When united, the Newmans are quite a force to be reckoned with.

It seems as if Victoria is determined to convince her wayward hubby that she doesn't believe her family and that she still loves him and is willing to support him.  She will, of course, be placing herself in extreme danger when Ashland catches on to her scheme, as he most certainly will.

Could the writers be setting up a "whodunit" murder mystery?  If Ashland ends up dead, there would be many suspects.   Otherwise, will he just disappear until the police find him?   A whodunit would be far more interesting.

At the moment, the Abby/Chance/Devon/baby Dominic storyline is the least enjoyable.  It really needs some sprucing up.  It's no wonder that the story is on the backburner.  It's stagnating and the writers don't seem to know where to go with it.  Chance just continues to struggle with the trauma his suffered in Spain.

The merger between Chancellor Industries and Hamilton/Winters is going much too smoothly.  Something is bound to go wrong.  Also, there must be a reason for storyline purposes why Dr. Nate is moving to the same building where Devon lives.

My oh my, but Chelsea and Rey keep running into each other and they are getting mighty friendly.  Sharon is not going to be pleased and my sense is that she will turn to Nick once again.  I have always thought that those two would get back together eventually.  She has been getting along well with Nick and Adam is far too involved with Sally Spectra and the Newman family drama over Ashland Locke to have any time for her.


Susan Walters returns as Diane Jenkins

Walters as Diane 

Susan Walters has returned as bad girl Diane Jenkins.  She is a native of Georgia and was born in 1963.  She is a former model who also appeared in TV commercials.  Walters is a soap veteran, having gotten her start playing Lorna Forbes on Loving back in 1983.  She's also had roles on TV shows such as Melrose Place., Dear John and Hotel.

In November of 2001, Susan took over the role of Diane on Y&R, following the departure of Alex Donnelly, the original Diane.  Walters portrayed Diane until 2004 and returned for a few appearances in 2010.  In August of 2010, Maura West began portraying Diane.  West played Diane when the character was supposedly killed.  Diane's body was seen floating down-stream in the park after Nikki had presumably killed her in self-defence.  So, how did Diane cheat death?  According to Soap Central, it might have something to do with the fact that Walters was not playing the role of Diane at the time.  

Michael Mealor is making long-term comeback as Kyle Abbott

Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will be returning to Genoa City - and not just for a short business.  According to Soap Opera Digest, Mealor has signed a new deal with Y&R to return long-term.   HIs return will coincide with the surprising reappearance of his mother, Diane Jenkins, who was supposedly killed in self-defence by Nikki Newman.  Obviously, Kyle will want to reunite with his mother.  

Since Kyle is scheduled to return, can his Snowflake be far behind?  I don't think so,  I expect that Summer, played by a new actress (unless Hunter King also reaches a contract agreement), will soon join him in  GC, along with Harrison.  Their move to Milan did not last long and it looks as if they are not destined to ride off into the sunset.


Kelsey Wang (Allie)

Well fans, what do you think of Allie,(Kelsey Wang) now that you've seen her for a bit.  Are you impressed?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

What is your reaction to Allie (Kelsey Wang)? free polls


I need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R or on anything I've written, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address:

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, April 16, 2022.

Take care,


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Y&R Report (March 19, 2022) : The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans,

The walls are closing in on Ashland Locke.  According to an online spoiler, he will soon be planning an escape.  Poor Princess Victoria.  Her heart is going to be broken yet again and, if Adam has his way, she is about to fall off her high horse.  Adam hopes that he and Sally Spectra will be crowned the king and queen of Newman Enterprises.  He wants them to become Genoa City's new power couple instead of Victoria and Ashland.  I'm not so sure if that will happen.  Victor calls the shots and I can't see him removing Victoria as CEO.  He would never allow Sally Spectra to replace Nikki as COO,

I wonder what will happen to the Ashland character once his dirty deeds are exposed by Victor and Dr. Nate.  He will have to go to prison or he will be killed off.  So, will he be written off or will the writers find some way to keep Robert Newman on the show?

The Jack Abbott storyline has taken a twist.  It turns out that Allie, played by Kelsey Wang, is Keemo's daughter, not Keemo's girlfriend or his wife, as I had thought she would be.  That means that Jack has another grandchild.  When Alli eventually comes to Genoa City, I'm certain that she'll catch Noah's eye, especially since he appears to have given up on Tessa.  That storyline seems to have reached a dead end and it seems as if the writers have chosen to take Noah's character in another direction.  I think Noah and Allie would suit each other, but since we're talking about a soap opera here, there will have to be some conflict. The writers have a lot of possibilities to work with.  

One possibility is that Allie's mother could show up stir things up.  Is she the one who has been sending the text messages to Jack?  We know that Keemo and Allie's mother divorced and that Allie's mother moved away.  She and Allie are not close.

So far, I've been really enjoying the story revolving Jack and Allie. It has intrigue and mystery.  It's the best storyline that Jack has had for a long time.  An online spoiler reveals that "A deadly trap is set for Jack."  I think his granddaughter is hiding something and that she is in some kind of trouble.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

Longtime Y&R viewer, CC in Etobicoke, Ontario, sent me the following email about the Newman/Ashland Locke storyline:

Hi Joanne,

An alternate scenario for Victoria and Ashland storyline.

I definitely agree that Robert Newman is not as suave as practiced lothario Richard Burgi.  Although a handsome man, he does not have the same Romeo kind of good looks as Burgi.
Robert Newman is able to pull the role off because he ways of being Ashland include the sneer of evil as he instructs his contact in Peru and he very quickly thinks on his feet when he has to come up with 'logical' excuses to convince Victoria he is for real.
Reminds me of Victor Kiriakis and Stefano DiMera of Days of Our Lives.

My alternate scenario is that Victoria is already on to him!  

Ashland's motive for wanting to take over Newman may have something to do with avenging a wrongdoing perpatrated against him in the past by Victor.

However, Victoria, proving more and more to be her father's daughter every day, just as cold and calculating as Victor when it comes to business, is keeping time with Ashland step by step.

She was most miffed when Ashland awarded the sale of Locke to Adam and Victor after the three presentations.  
Her motive is to get back at him by truly making the company NEWMAN LOCKE, not Locke Newman as Ashland would like it to be.

She even took extreme measures of going along with Locke romancing and marrying her to get back into position.   She sent the children away to school under the guise of protecting them from the reality of adaption to a broken family and the presence of both a stepfather and stepmother in their lives.
(This was certainly a convenience of the pandemic for the producers and writer as they could eliminate having kids on the set which likely helps them meet COVID limits in the workplace.)

Now Locke has taunted Victor with his instruction to go ahead with telling Victoria all about his charade!

This may be when it is revealed that she was onto him all along and had her own agenda.  The powers that be have left things just open-ended enough that many different scenarios would be racing to the big reveal as we get closer to Machu Pichu in search of Michael Baldwin and the doctors.

Victor made a strategic mistake when he confronted Ashland with the information he found out about what went on in Peru and his non-existent illness.

He should have waited until Michael returned with the evidence before he confronted Ashland.
However, that might have seemed too boring by producers and writers.  
Including Victor's strategy flaw certainly adds to the intrigue of the storyline.

So.....will that mean that things will move on to cat and dog and evil as Victoria, Adam, and Sally fight it out for Newman Locke?

Time will tell!

What do your followers think?

CC in Etobicoke

Well CC, you've covered a lot of ground.  Thanks for your input.   

I think that you've came up with an interesting alternate scenario for the Victoria and Ashland storyline.  However, it doesn't seem to be happening that way.  Ashland is turning out to be very wicked and Victoria is having difficulty believing that he would ever betray her so cruelly.  It is Ashland who is deceiving her and she is really beginning to have doubts about him.  As the evidence mounts against him, she will have to accept the truth.  Nick has been gently trying to get her to see the light.

In an interview with Soap Central, Robert Newman, who plays Ashland, says that he is convinced that his character has true feelings for Victoria and that his love for her hasn't been faked in the least. He thinks that Ashland is "petrified" losing Victoria.

Yes, I agree that Victor Newman made a strategic mistake and that he should have waited until Michael Baldwin returned with the evidence against Ashland.  He put Michael in grave danger and I don't blame Lauren for being extremely upset with him.  It seems that The Big Man put his own wants and ambitions before Michael's safety.  How callous of him!  However, I think that Victor will win in the end, as he always does.  He will bring down the Locke-ness Monster and Michael will return home safely.  

The cat and dog fight over Newman Locke has already begun, and it's going to be nasty.  Adam and Sally are waiting to pounce if Victoria falters, but Victor Newman will ultimately determine the outcome.  You can be sure that Victor won't stay out of it.  He never does.  Victor is no hero, though.  I think his most recent behaviour hasn't been much better than Ashland's.  You asked what my followers think about a potential battle over control of Newman Locke.  So, I have put the question to them in my readers' poll below.

Here are some thoughts from Y&R fan, Carly in Barrhaven, Ontario.

How do you like the new Ashland?  I think he is playing the part well but I miss Richard Burgi.  I am enjoying the storyline.  As for the Jack Abbott storyline, I am tired of all the sadness, doom and gloom.  Hopefully it will pick up with his newly discovered granddaughter  Also, I am tired of the Chance storyline.  Truly getting on my nerves.  Devon is turning me off too.  I like Sally Spectra with Adam.  It adds some spice to the show.

I think the new Ashland is a good, experienced actor.  He plays the part well, but I still prefer Richard Robert Newman.  Although I will say, Carly, that I think Robert Newman is better suited to playing a more villainous Ashland.  

I am confident that Jack Abbott's newly discovered granddaughter, Allie, will be a much-needed shot in the arm for Jack's storyline.  The Abby/Chance//Devon storyline could also use a shot in the arm.  It's moving much too slowly and viewers are losing interest.

Yes, I think pairing Sally with Adam has added some spice to the show.  Sally is very unpopular with the residents of Genoa City and she often behaves terribly, but she's a lively character and she stirs things up.  Lately, she's been doing a lot of spying and listening in on private conversations.  She stood outside Adam's office door, eavesdropping on a conversation between Victor and Adam.


Amelia Heinle
Will Victoria (Amelia Heinle) lose her powerful position?  A family feud is just around the corner on Y&R,  There is going to be an epic battle for control of the Newman Locke empire?  Fans, what do you think will happen?  Do you think  Adam and Sally will oust Victoria from her position as CEO?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you think Adam and Sally will win control of the Newman Locke empire? free polls

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, April 2, 2022.

Take care,


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Keeping up with Ted McGinley (Roger Phillips on Happy Days)


"But the truth is, I can name actors who’ve had one show after another that just came and went like candy. My thing is that I’ve come on iconic, classic television shows, and… I mean, I worked seven and a half seasons on Married With Children, four on Happy Days, and probably three, three and a half on Love Boat. I didn’t just show up and then… I like to think I helped extend the life of the shows, and that I actually helped add to the show. And I don’t really appreciate being the one you can blame for it, because it’s actually not the case."

- Ted McGinley, 2012 interview with Will Harris for AV Club (

Ted McGinley is best known for his role as Roger Phillips on Happy Days from 1980 to 1984.  Ted was born Theodore Morton McGinley on May 30, 1958 in Newport Beach, California, U.S.A.  He is the son of Bob and Emily McGinley and he is of Irish descent.  Ted attended Newport Harbor High School, where he excelled in athletics such as swimming and water polo.  After graduating from high school, Ted attended the University of Southern California (USC), on a water polo scholarship, where her was captain of the water polo team and a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.

During his sophomore year at college, Ted began modelling at the suggestion of a girlfriend.  In 1979, when his scholarship was not renewed, he left USC and headed for New York City.  As it turned out, a casting director, noticed a photo of Ted in GQ magazine,  The casting director. happened to be Joyce Selznick, the niece of  legendary Hollywood film producer David O. Selznick (Gone with the Wind).  Selznick, who had been hired by ABC-TV to search for talent, assured a doubting Ted that he would be given a screen test in New York in three months.  She said , "we're gonna put you on tape"  and she told him to "start studying."  Much to his surprised, an ABC crew actually arrived in New York three months later.  Ted underwent a screen test and signed a contract with the network.  ABC offered to pay for classes for the inexperienced McGinley, so that they could hold onto him for one year.  That's how he ended up with the role of Roger Phillips on Happy Days.

Ted didn't join the cast of Happy Days until the hit comedy's eighth season.  Ron Howard, who played Richie Cunningham, had left the show in order to pursue a directing career and a new character was needed to help fill the void left by Richie's join the army.  

In a 2012 interview with Will Harris for AV Club, Ted explained why he was chosen to play Roger Phillips.  He said the following: "Well, they were looking for an all-American straight guy to play against the Fonz . . . 'straight guy meaning to help set up jokes."

Ted made his Happy Days debut as Roger Phillips in an episode entitled "Hello, Roger" (Season 8, Episode 4, Air Date: December 2, 1980).  In the episode Roger, Marion Cunningham's nephew, comes to Milwaukee to start a new life.  Clean-cut Roger finds work as a teacher and basketball coach at Jefferson High School in the city.

In his AV Club interview, Ted described his acting in his  Happy Days debut as "horrible."  He said it had to have been "taxing:" for Henry Winkler and the rest of the cast because "I didn't even know what comedy was, really, I didn't know the rhythms, the timing or any of that.  But that was a pretty good place to learn."

Below is a photo of Ted McGinley as coach Roger Phillips on Happy Days.

During the eighth and nineth seasons of Happy Days, Roger became a recuring character on Happy Days.  By Season 10, he was a major character and Ted McGinley remained with the show until its 11th and final season.  

After Happy Days finished its run in 1984, Ted became a regular on The Love Boat,  playing Ashley "Ace" Covington Evans, the ship's photographer and later, a purser on the vessel.  The series ended its run in 1987.  

From 1986 to 1987, Ted portrayed Clay Fallmont in 34 episodes of the primetime soap Dynasty.  Fallmont was a wealthy young businessman from a family of politicians.  His father was a senator.

In 1989, Ted began playing the role of Jefferson D'Arcy, the second husband of Marcy Rhoades (Amanda Bearse) on the Fox network's hit comedy Married . . .with Children.  Jefferson was lazy and self-centred.  He married Marcy for the economic benefits.

Below is a photo of Ted with Amanda Bearse in a scene from  Married . . .with Children.


From 1998 to 1999, Ted played Gordon Gage in eight episodes of  Sports Night, an Aaron Sorkin comedy/drama about sports anchors on a nightly cable TV program.  

Ted played Kyle in the 1998 feature film Physical Evidence, a crime thriller starring Burt Reynolds and directed by Michael Crichton.

From 2001 to 2003, Ted portrayed Mark Gottfried in three episodes of another Aaron Sorkin series, the political drama, The West Wing.  From 2003 to 2006, he portrayed Charley Shanowski on the ABC sitcom Hope and Faith, alongside Kelly Ripa  and Faith Ford.

In 2013, Ted guest-starred as Mel in an episode of the popular drama Mad Men, about 1960s era advertising executives.  The episode is called "To Have and To Hod" {Season 6, Episode 4, Air Date: April 21, 2013).  In 2016, Ted appeared in four episodes of the short-lived TV comedy/drama No Tomorrow..  He portrayed Greg Covington on the show.

Ted McGinley has the dubious reputation of being a sitcom killer.  Critics say that when he joins the cast of a successful television series, he kills it.  He was called "the patron saint of shark-jumping" by American radio personality and founder Jon Hein.  However, on his website, Hein denied hat he was commenting on Ted's "fine acting skills."  He wrote that Ted, "has a good sense of humor about it, too."  He went on to say, "Thankfully, Ted remains gainfully employed in the industry and keeps us in business.  Remember, it's just busines, never personal."

In a 2013 story in Maclean's magazine, Jaime Weinman refuted the argument that Ted is a jinx.  Weinman wrote the following: "The idea of Ted McGinley as the man who destroys TV shows has been over for a long time.  I don't even think the creator of "Jump the Shark" was even seriously suggesting that he was a jinx, since it didn't make any sense - Married . . .with Children did fine with him in it."  Weinman pointed out that most of the shows he'd joined had been on their last legs, that they "had been dying either in the ratings or artistically or both: Happy Days, The Love Boat, Dynasty."

For most of his career, Ted has joined the cast of series in mid-run, but there has been one major exception.  He starred on Hope and Faith from beginning to end.  He played the husband of Faith Ford;s character, who was called "Hope."

Below is a photo of Ted with Kelly Ripa (top left) and Faith Ford from the sitcom Hope and Faith

Ted McGinley has been able to joke about his reputation as a show killer and he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously,   In a 2003 interview with Melanie McFarland of the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, he said, "I've had a lot of fun with it.  To be honest with you, it's meant people are still talking about me.  It's kind of doing me a favour.  And people keep hiring me, so I know that I'm okay jumping the shark."  In 2004, however, Ted told Newsweek magazine that "Every time I'm on a show I'm supposed to kill it, but it took me 7-1/2 years to kill Married . . .with Children and 4-/2 years to kill Happy Days. It's my own fault.  I used to make the joke that I sank "The Love Boat." And now its grown into this monster."   

Ted has been a professional actor for over forty years now.  Indeed, he has had a varied and successful career.  In more recent years, he has appeared on the TV CBS comedy/drama Mom (20220) and he has played the role of Webb in the 2021 TV mini-series Keeping Up with the Jones.

On June 21, 1991, Ted married actress Gigi Rice.  Ted met Gigi at Burt Reynolds's Maltz Jupiter Theatre in Florida, where they were both performing in a play.  In his interview with AV Club, Ted stated that he first became acquainted with Reynolds "up in Toronto when I did Physical Evidence, which was directed by that other genius, Michael Crichton."  It was then that Burt asked Ted to play at his theatre, where he met his future wife.

Ted and Gigi have two sons, Beau Martin McGinley (born May 25, 1994) and Quinn Thomas McGinley (born May 29,1997).  Beau is a graduate of the Washington University in St. Louis, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in cellular biology.  Quinn attended Loyola High School in Los Angeles and has been an avid golfer.

Gigi Rice

Beau McGinley


* In 2010, Brooke Shields told the New York Post that Ted McGinley escorted her to her senior prom at the Dwight-Englewood in Englewood, New Jersey in 1982.  They were dating at the time and Ted flew in from California to take her to the prom.

* Ted's wife, Gigi Rice, was born in Columbus, Ohio on March 13, 1963.  She is a graduate of Oho State University and is known for her appearances in the 1998 feature film A Night at the Roxbury and her role as Carly Watkins on The John Larroquette Show from 1993 to 1996.  Ted appeared with her as three episodes of the Larroquette series from 1995 to 1996,   He played Karl Reese.

Gigi also made guest appearances on Will & Grace (2001) and on three episodes of Frasier (1999, 2,000, 2001).  In 2005 she portrayed Trudy in an episode Ted's series, Hope and Faith, entitled "The Halloween Party" (Season 3, Episode 6, Air Date: October 28, 2005). From 2007 to 2012, she had a recurring role as Marda Brooks in the war drama Army Wives.  In 2016, Gigi played Gloria Covington, alongside Ted in three episodes of No Tomorrow. She also guest-starred in a 2021 episode of the comedy United States of Al.

Ted and Gigi co-starred in 1996 NBC television movie called Deadly Web, a mystery/sci-fi drama in which Gigi played Terri Lawrence, a divorced mother who is terrorized by a Cybergod.  Ted portrayed Peter the movie.  The couple also appeared in the 2004 TV movie MTSB: The Crash of Flight 323.

* In 2008, Ted was a contestant on Dancing with the Stars.  He was partnered with Inna Brayer, a Russian-born, American raised ballroom dancer. 

More recent picture of Ted

SOURCES:  Maclean's magazine. "There is no Ted McGinley curse," by Jaime Weinman, April 22, 2013;  AV Club ( interview, by Will Harris, May 15, 2012; Newsweek, "The Curse of the Show Killers," by Marc Peyser, November 7, 2004; MeTV; "5 fun facts about Ted McGinley, the so-called 'sitcom killer,'" by MeTV Staff, Wikipedia; Verge Wiki: Biography: Beau Martin McGinley. Quinn McGinley; Internet Movie Database (

- Joanne

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Y&R Report (March 5, 2022) The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans, 

Wow!  Weren't those scenes where Victor Newman and Ashland Locke confronted each other great?  Both actors were really good, but Eric Braeden as Victor was in a league by himself.  His facial expressions and his mannerisms are something to behold.  He looks so menacing when he walks into a room dressed in black.  He starts off speaking softly and then he begins to shouts and point his finger.  Then he issues commands, beginning his sentences with "You listen to me!" and ending his sentences with "Got that?!!

There's little doubt that Princess Victoria is headed for a very big fall.  She is smug and confident right now.  She believes Ashland's lies, but she will eventually see the light.  Ashland's going to beaky her achy breaky heart when she realizes the truth about his deception.  However, I have to question the Ashland Locke storyline.  At this point, it's hard to believe that Ashland faked his illness, that he really didn't have cancer.  There were scenes when the previous Ashland, Richard Burgi, coughed and felt ill when he was alone in a room and he had no reason to fake it.  It seems as if the writers decided to change course when Robert Newman replaced Richard Burgi as Ashland.

Richard Burgi was very likeable and very popular in the role.  The writers may have originally intended him to be a bad guy, but he had good chemistry with Amelia Heinle, who plays Victoria.  It would have been difficult to believe that he didn't really love her and that he was faking his cancer diagnosis.  When Burgi was fired over a violation of COVID-19 protocol, the whole complexion of the storyline changed.  His replacement, Robert Newman, reshaped the dynamic.  He portrayed Ashland as a villain, a complete fraud.  Although Robert Newman is an experienced actor but he doesn't have the same chemistry with Amelia, so viewers don't really care about the couple.  Robert Newman is much more believable as a villain than Richard Burgi.  It seems that when he took over the role, the writers decided that Ashland would become nasty, as he was originally intended to be. 

 One of the problems with soaps is that whenever a new actor takes over a role, they often has a different style than the actor who previously played the role.  They have their own interpretation of the character.  This sometimes leaves viewers scratching their heads and wreaks havoc with the continuity of the storyline.  This happened with the character of Ashland and it also happened with the character of Chance when a new actor took over the role.

Adam Newman is just sitting back biding his time.  He's just waiting for Victoria's world to fall apart and for Ashland Locke to be banished.   He is poised to take over the throne and to be crowned the next king of Newman Enterprises, with Sally Spectra as his queen.  But not so fast, Adam!  Victor will always call the shots.  He will never give up control.  You can be sure of that.  I don't think the Big Man will have much tolerance for Sally.  Adam may have to throw her under the bus if he wants to replace Victoria as CEO.  

I know I've mentioned this a couple of times before, but I still can't understand why Y&R hasn't paid tribute to Jerry Douglas , who played John Abbott for years on the show for years.


Y&R reportedly replacing Hunter King as Summer Newman

Hunter King

There may soon be a new Snowflake in town.  According to Soap Hub, Y&R has put out a casting call to replace Hunter King in the role of Summer Newman.  Hunter King has been playing Summer since 1992.  She reportedly left the show in 2021 due to a contract dispute.  

Just months ago, Summer and Kyle went off into the sunset together.  Summer accepted a high level fashion job in Milan.  She and Kyle moved to sunny Italy, along with Kyle's son, Harrison, and they were married there.  A happy ending, right?  Probably not.  Summer and Kyle's stay in the sunset may turn out to be short-lived if a new Summer who decides to return to Genoa City.  A new Summer would have to interact with the other characters in GC.  So, she couldn't remain in Milan.

So, what would the recasting of Summer mean in terms of a Y&R storyline.  It would most certainly mean trouble in paradise for her and Kyle.  The big question is whether the role of Kyle, played by Michael Mealor, would be recast.  Would Kyle remain in Italy or would he also be recast and return to GC?  Soap Hub reports that it has no word yet on whether Summer will be returning to Genoa City alone or whether the role of Kyle will be recast.

Kelsey Wang is set to join Y&R as mysterious new character

Kelsey Wang

Kelsey Wong, who played Daisy Kwan on General Hospital, has joined the cast of The Young and the Restless.  She will play the role of Allie, a mysterious young professional who catches the eye of one of an eligible Genoa City bachelor.  Kelsey is 29 years old and there aren't many bachelors in Genoa City in that age group except for Noah Newman. So, I would have to say that he is the most obvious candidate for a romance with her character.

Noah's infatuation with Tessa seems to have hit a dead end.  The writers don't seem to know where they are going with it.  At least, it appears that way.  Maybe they'll just change course and point Noah in a new direction, although there has to be some conflict for Tessa and Mariah at some point.

If Kyle and Summer break up and a new actor plays the role of Kyle, then Kyle would be another possible candidate for Allie's affections.  Who would take a chance with Kyle after his record with relationships and marriages?  His first marriage to Summer lasted a few weeks before he dumped her for Lola.  He then married Lola, but that only lasted about a month before he decided he really wanted Summer.  He remarried Summer a very short time ago.  Will his second marriage to Summer fall apart so soon?  It will on a soap.

Jack discovered a photo of Allie in the house of his deceased son, Keemo, so we know she has some connection to him.  Could she be the one who sent the mysterious text messages to Jack?  Was she Keemo's girlfriend or his wife?

Here is a brief biography of Kelsey Wang.  Kelsey was born on June 20, 1992.  She is a first-generation immigrant.  She grew up in China and Singapore and immigrated to the United States when she was seven years old.  She attended Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, after which she studied voice and movement technique for two years.  Kelsey has appeared in Netflix's Daredevil and the film Chimerica.  However she is best known for her recurring role as Daisy Kwan, a member of a cult, on General Hospital.



What do you think about the report that Summer is going to be recast?  Do you think its a good idea or do you think Summer should stay in Italy now that Hunter King has left the show?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Should there be a new Summer to replace Hunter King? free polls


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That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, March 19, 2022.

Take care,

- Joanne