
Saturday, June 18, 2022

Y&R Report (Saturday, June 18, 2022): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans,
As I mentioned in the last edition of Y&R Report, this will be my final Y&R blog posting for the summer.  I am going to take a break  This column will return on Saturday, September 24, 2022.  Don't forget to mark that date on your calendars.  Thanks for your continued support and readership.  It is much appreciated.  If you would like to contact me during the summer, I will respond to your emails.
Well, Princess Victoria has declared her independence.  The Rebel Princess wants to prove she can make it on her own.  She's giddy with the prospect of creating a really successful company without the Newman name attached to it.  I don't doubt that she can do it.  It's just that the all-powerful Victor Newman will never allow it. to happen.  Victoria can't stay in New York permanently or she will have to leave the show.  So she will eventually go home.
Diane has become Genoa's City's resident party crasher.  I wasn't surprised when she crashed the Mariah-Tessa extravaganza, using the excuse that Kyle was officiating at the ceremony.  I really expected that to happen.  However, I didn't expect her to crash the Chancellor-Winters launch at the Grand Phoenix.  Kyle wasn't even there, so she wasn't able to use him as a convenient excuse, as she always does.  Instead, she said that she had an appointment at the spa and that she wasn't really aware of the party.  If you believe that, then you've probably bought some swampland in Florida.
Diane displayed a lot of nerve when she burst into the Chancellor-Winters event uninvited and unwanted.  Nikki and Abby both expressed their profound contempt for her.  That didn't faze Diane at all.  She's used to being vilified and criticized.
Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) is as smug as a Cheshire Cat right now.  He's grinning from ear to ear because he's been appointed CEO of Newman Enterprises and his girlfriend, Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) will be the  new head Newman Media.  He and Sally drank champagne because they think they have everything they've always wanted.  Adam really feels he has control of the Newman empire.  I'm astonished that he thinks Victor would give him that much power so easily.  
The first thing the newly appointed CEO of Newman Enterprises decided to do was to take down Victoria's portrait (at least he didn't smash it).  Adam doesn't seem to have any plans to replace the portrait with one of himself.  He mentioned hanging up a work of abstract art instead.  Perhaps he has the right idea about that.  There does seem something narcissistic about looking at your own portrait in your office all day.
Imani is quite brazen in her attempt to win over Nate Hastings.  It's true that she's been coming on far too strong and that Nate doesn't seem very impressed with her behaviour.  However, the situation is bound to change and Nate will be drawn to her.  In the previews, Amanda learns some disturbing news about the health of her and her Imani's mother.  Will that affect the situation?
It looks like a bumpy road ahead for Michael and Lauren.  They don't seem to be on the same page right now.  Lauren is not happy about the work Michael is doing for Victor.  Michael enjoys doing it..  Lauren detests Diane, while Michael has a soft spot for her.           


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:

I received the following email from longtime Y&R viewer, CC in Etobicoke:

Hi Joanne,

I really enjoyed the episode looking back on the lives of Traci and Ashley.
They have both been such crucial characters in building the spirit of Genoa City.
Both Beth Maitland and Eileen Davidson were so young when they started on the show.
It is a real tribute to them to have developed their characters and lived  their own lives simultaneously!

Looking forward to the reveal of a connection between Diane and Allie. It must be something quite sinister.

Haven't we all come across 'Diane's' in our lives.  They may not have been so criminally minded but they insinuate themselves into the lives of others so easily, and are so annoying, yet they act like they are accepted and belong. All the while they are just methodically carrying out schemes to create havoc for everyone while they get what the set out to get.

It looks like things seem be starting to unravel for Diane.  She has gone a little too far by baiting Kyle with a hope of getting a work position through with him. 
It results in her revealing a little too much about what her life has been all about during these may years.
Phyllis will come to the rescue and out her eventually.

What evil and terror awaits Victoria now that she has reconciled with Ashland?

Waiting with bated breath to find out what other plans Victor has in store for Ashland.

Will Billy and Lili survive as a couple?

What lies ahead for Sharon?

I also enjoyed Traci and Ashley's trip down memory lane, CC,  The history of the Abbott family is one of the foundations of Y&R, and we watched the sisters grow up on the show.  Yes, Eileen Davidson and Beth Maitland deserve credit for developing their characters during their 40 years on the soap.  However, I was disappointed that Y&R missed a perfect opportunity to pay tribute to Jerry Douglas, the man who portrayed John Abbott, the patriarch of  the family.  Jerry played such an important role on Y&R and he appeared in flashbacks in this special  episode.  At the end of the episode, there could have been a picture of him and a dedication.  Jerry passed away on November 9, 2021 at the age of 88.  Y&R has been remiss in not paying tribute to him.  Will it be done by the first anniversary of his death?  What about Doug Davidson?  Why wasn't he given a similar tribute for his forty years as Paul Williams on Y&R?  Why was he so shabbily treated?
CC, there is a reason why Diane Jenkins has asked Kyle to help her find a job.  She's going to end up working at Jabot, where she'll be around Jack all the time.  She's going to manipulate him and he will likely fall into her trap..  Diane will also be around Allie, who will mostly certainly be given a job in the Jabot lab.  Then we'll see if there is any connection between Diane and Allie, and if it involves anything sinister.
There's also a reason why Michael has agreed to look into Diane's life in Los Angeles.  He will discover something about her past.  It may even be related to Allie's mother.  By the way, if Diane is in such need of money, how did she afford to buy Keemo's house?  Since she's decided to stay in Geona City "as long as Kyle wants her there," why doesn't she sell the house in L.A. and use the money to pay for her expenses in Genoa City?
Victoria and Ashland's reconciliation will be a disaster.  I've watch Y&R long enough to know that Victor Newman always wins.  Whatever he has in store for Ashland Locke, it will be devastating for Locke.  
Will Billy and Lily survive as a couple?  I doubt it, although they are really trying to make it work.  Billy seems really sincere about having a good relationship with Lily.  He appears to have matured and learned from  his mistakes.  However, this is a soap and there is bound to be complications.  Something could make him go back to his old ways.  Billy Boy s trying very hard not to be bothered by Victoria's decision to go back to Ashland.  Sooner or later, he won't be able to stay out of it.  He will get involved and Lily will not be pleased.
As for Sharon, the only thing I foresee is that she will reunite with Nick Newman.  It's a matter of time.


Susan Walters

Peter Bergman
It's obvious that Diane's master plan is reunite with Jack Abbott.  Will she somehow get to him?  Will he eventually buy into her attempts to to portray herself as a changed woman.  Will he believe her expressions of remorse for her past actions.  Diane has been using her own son, Kyle, to achieve her goal of winning Jack's approval.  Will Jack be gullible enough to let her back into his life and romance her again?  What do you think, fans?  Replay to the poll below and let me know.

Do you think Jack Abbott will hook up with Diane again? free polls

That's all for now.  Have a great summer and I will be back in September.  They'll be lots of summer fun on Y&R.  Also, remember that the Daytime Emmys will be broadcast on Friday, June 24, 2022.

Take care,


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