
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Y&R Report (November 5, 2022): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans,
The Young and Restless bravely tackled a very sensitive issue - suicidal tendencies related to distress and mental illness.  It is a very disturbing subject, but I think that Y&R handled Chelsea's trauma with grace and dignity.  I was pleased that Melissa Claire Egan (Chelsea Lawson) and Sharon Case appeared at the end of the episode to promote the suicide distress helpline.  The show provided a very important public service. 
It hasn't taken long for Abby and Chance's marriage to turn sour.  They're just not on the same page anymore, which is not surprising.  As you know, very few couples remain happy on a soap because there has to be conflict.  On Friday's show (on Global), Abby was seen kissing Devon. CBS viewers saw it in the previews.  It's been coming for a while.  Remember that Mishael Morgan, who plays Devon's girlfriend, Amanda Sinclair, is no longer on contract.  She will only make occasional appearances.  Amanda has been spending time with her ailing mother.  There have already been hints to the effect that she and Devon have hit a rocky patch in their relationship.  In the last scene (on Global), we see Amanda returning home with a smile on her face.  The smile won't last long because she will find Abby and Devon together.
Billy and Lily are another couple in trouble  They don't seem to be on the same page either.  Billy really helped Chelsea in her hour of need.  He saved her life.  Now he is determined to keep his promise to stay with her every step of the way.  Lily feel bad about Chelsea, but she is certainly not happy about how devoted Billy is to the distressed woman.  Lily feels that Chelsea is safe now and that she is undergoing treatment.  She doesn't understand why Billy can't leave her side.  This is driving a wedge between them.  It may even bring Billy and Chelsea together as a couple.
I thought that Connor had a great Halloween costume.  Kudos to his costume designer.
I am pleased that Eileen Davidson has been making more frequent appearances on Y&R.  I am enjoying the cat and mouse game she is  playing with Tucker McCall.  Their banter is light and fun.
I can't stand when Harrison calls Diane "DiDi," (By the way, will somebody trim that poor kid's hair.  It's all over his eyes).  Diane is not some sweet grandmother.  She is using an innocent child to achieve her own ambitions.  Her main purpose in Genoa City is to win the heart of Jack Abbott.  Her goal is to marry Jack and get her hands on the Abbot fortune.  She wants to become the "Lady of the Abbot Manor" the way Nikki is the "Lady of the Neman Manor."  Jack can't see it, or he doesn't want to see it.   He's so gullible.
Lauren was right.  Phyllis had got to let go.  She's got to put an end to her crusade to drive Diane out of town.  It's consuming her and it's creating problems for Kyle and Summer.  It's not necessary either, because Diane is going to do the job herself.  However, Phyllis being Phyllis, won't be able to stop.  She can't control herself.  


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:
Here are some comments I received in an email from longtime Y&R fan, Carly in Barrhaven, Ontario.

As for Y&R, I am finding the Chelsea mental illness storyline very depressing.  I watch this soap opera to be entertained, not depressed.  There is enough sadness in the world without adding to it in a soap opera.

I hope Sally ends up with Nick, not liking Adam’s character as much.
I’m not fussy about the actor playing Tucker.  I keep thinking he will grow on me but to date, he has not.  

Victoria is such a witch.  I want her to fall flat on her face.  She plays the role well.
Nate has turned out to be a real jerk.  Hope he gets his too.  I don’t think that Elena will stay with him even though she didn’t accept the other job.

Well, Carly, I have to agree that Chelsea's mental illness is not the most lighthearted.  However, it's a story that needs to be told.  Her battle to recover will be uplifting and inspiring.  Having said that, I think that Y&R could do with a little more humour.  

I have to disagree with you about Sally.  I think she is better suited to Adam.  As for Tucker, his character is not exactly likeable.  Still, I think he's a good actor.  As for Victoria, I've written that she's becoming more like Daddy Victor every day. All she needs is a moustache.  Oh, and she should take up the game of chess.

Nate has been acting like a jerk, but Devon is no angel either.  He assaulted Nate and he is currently cheating on Amanda with the very married Abby.

What is going on with Brytni Sarpy, who plays Elena Dawson?  When Elena broke up with Nate and decided to take a job in Baltimore, it seemed that she had left the show.  However, she returned to Genoa City and told Nate that she had decided against taking the position in Baltimore.  She appeared ready to reconcile with Nate, until he informed her that he was the new CEO of Newman Media.  Elena was definitely not pleased with that news.  So, maybe she will remain in Genona City, but she won't go back to Nate.  On the other hand, that may have been one of her last scenes on the show.  Her disappointment with Nate may cause her town after all.

BREAKING NEWS: Michael Damian is set to return to Y&R as Danny Romalotti

Michael Damian

If you are a longtime viewer of The Young and the Restless, then you will remember Michael Damian in his role as Genoa City's rock and roll heartthrob Danny Romalotti.  Well, I am pleased to report that Michael will be making another appearance to the show.  Michael originated the role of Danny Romalotti back in 1981 and he left the show in 1998.  Since then, he's made some brief appearances, but has not been seen onscreen on Y&R since September of 2013, when Danny attended Katherine Chancellor's memorial service.  This seems like an opportune time to bring him back, since the show is about to celebrate its 50th year   Also, Danny's son, Daniel Romalotti, played by Michael Graziadei, is also returning to the show.  Since Daniel's mother is Phyllis, things should really be interesting.

What's going on with Reylynn Caster (Faith Newman)?

You've probably noticed that Faith Newman (Reylynn Caster) has not appeared on screen much lately, even in scenes with other Newman family members.   Her onscreen boyfriend, Moses Winters (Jacob Aaron Gaines), has been seen even less. Yes, Faith has gone off to college, but does that mean she's no longer involved in the storyline?  Fans wondered if she was on contract with the show any longer.
Last year was an eventful year for Faith.  She was bullied.  She was involved in underage drinking. and an alcohol-related car accident.  After some time in rehab, she underwent a kidney transplant.  After recovering and pulling herself together, she embarked on a sweet teenage romance with Moses.  Since then, her storyline has ground to a halt.
One fan was curious to know what was going on, so he tweeted Reylynn, hoping for an answer,  He asked if she were still on contract.  Reylynn saw the tweet and responded.  She didn't explain her absence on screen by she did post a smiley face emoji with the message that she's "still here!"  
Reylynn revealed that she participated in a Y&R wardrobe fitting in late October.  So, something is definitely on the horizon.  We should be seeing Faith and Moses again soon.


Melissa Claire Egan (Chelsea)

What do you think of the Chelsea storyline, fans?  Is it too depressing for you, or do you think it's a story that needs to be told on a soap?  Was it handled sensitively?   Reply to the poll below and let me know.

What do you think of Chelsea's mental breakdown storyline? free polls

That's all for now.  Don't forget that the nest edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, November 19, 2022.  

Take care,


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