
Saturday, December 2, 2023

Y&R Report (December 2, 2023): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV, which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans, 
The Newman family experienced quite a Thanksgiving nightmare.  Nikki was drugged, kidnapped and tormented by Claire and her evil Aunt Jordan.  Meanwhile, Victor, Nick and Victoria were poisoned.  We didn't really know Jordan and Claire's motives.  We also didn't know their true identities.  The picture seems clearer now, but it is still somewhat murky.  
Aunt Jordan claims to be Eve Howard's sister.  She is a mad woman who wants revenge on the Newman family for what she perceives as their unjust treatment of her sister.  But can we believe anything Jordan says?  Maybe.  Cole confirmed that his mother did have a sister, even though he was not familiar with her.  You'd think he'd be able to recognize her immediately.
Since so many years have passed, let's have a little refresher on Eve Howard, portrayed by Margaret Mason.

Mason as Eve Howard

For a brief history of Eve Howard, were going to have to go all the way back to 1980, when Victor Newman was married to his first wife, Julia.  Eve was Victor's assistant at Newman Enterprises and Victor had a one-night-stand with her.  In 1982, Eve returned to Genoa City and attempted to get Victor back.  She claimed that Victor was the father of  her son, Cole.  In order to rid himself of Eve.  Victor agreed to accept her claim that he was Cole's father, as long as she left town to work for one of his other companies.
Eve continued to scheme against Victor, but it was eventually proven that Cole was not Victor's son.  Eve died after an illness caused by a mosquito bite while she was on a plane on her way to Genoa City.
As for Claire, she seems quite confused.  It appears that she has been been brainwashed against the Newmans by Jordan.  Claire referred to Victoria as her mother.  Jordan claimed that Claire is the daughter of Victoria Newman and Cole Howard. She was able to persuade Claire that her parents rejected her.  Why was Claire so vulnerable to Jordan's manipulation?  
 Back in 1998, when Victoria and Cole were married, they tried for a child.  Victoria conceived, but the couple's daughter, Eve Nicole Howard (named after grandmothers) died soon after birth.  So how could Claire be their daughter?  Wicked Aunt Jordan came up with the old switched at birth explanation.  She claimed that she switched baby Eve in the hospital for the child who had died.  Is this true?   If so, what happened to the baby who died?
All signs seem to indicate that Jordan is telling the truth about the baby swapping.  Victor discovered that Jordan was a registered nurse at Memorial Hospital  at the time of baby Eve' birth.  That isn't surprising since she used an IV to feed alcohol to Nikki.  However, more proof is needed, such aa a DNA test,
The whole storyline is convoluted and complicated.  Many viewers don't even remember Cole or Eve Howard.  Claire was finally convinced that her Aunt Jordan had lied to her all these years, but she was still arrested.  Nick Newman was stabbed and the police were unable to find Aunt Jordan.  She is hiding in the house.  It looks as if we haven't seen the last of her.  Will she go to Genoa City and continue to torment the Newman family. Is the nightmare really over?
Now that Victoria and Nate's relationship is on the rocks, will Nate hook up with Audra.  They've been quite chummy lately and she seems attracted to him.
Kyle is just going to get himself into more trouble by pretending he's spying on Jabot in order to help Tucker.  Tucker is a snake-in-the grass, but he isn't stupid.  He's already skeptical that Kyle would betray his family.
I enjoyed the Baldwin/Fisher Thanksgiving reunion.  Gloria (Judith Chapman) was hilarious.  She provided some much-needed comic relief on a show that has become much too serious and tense.

J. Eddie Peck is back as Cole Howard

J. Eddie Peck portrayed Cole Howard from 1993 to 1999.  He was married to Victoria Newman and then to Ashley Abbott.  Cole eventually accepted a teaching position at Oxford University and relocated to England.  He divorced Ashley.  Since Aunt Jordan and Claire have been written into the storyline, it makes perfect sense that J. Eddie has returned as Cole.

Now that Cole is back, will he become close with Victoria again?  Will they rekindle their romance after all these years?


Haley Erin (Claire)
Is Claire really the daughter of Cole and Victoria?  Only a DNA test will provide proof,  However, I think it's very likely that she is their daughter.  That would be a reason to keep Claire (Haley Erin) in the storyline.  It would be interesting to see how Victoria deals with the appearance of a daughter she thought she lost years ago.  It's noteworthy that Victoria expressed empathy for Claire and how she was manipulated by Aunt Jordan.
What do you think, fans?  Is Claire really the daughter of Victoria and Cole?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you think Claire is the daughter of Victoria and Cole? free polls

I really need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

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That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, December 16, 2023.   Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate!  It begins on December 7th and ends on December 15th.
Take care,


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