
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Y&R Report (January 27, 2024): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV, which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans, 
The old saying that when the cat's away, the mice will play certainly applies to Daniel Romalotti.  With Lilly out of town, it didn't take much time for Daniel to start playing around with Heather.  He easily gave in to temptation. At first, Daniel planned to tell Lily himself about  Heather.  However, he decided against it because he felt that the timing isn't right.  He'd have to go to California and upset her while she's supporting her daughter through a difficult time.
You can be sure, however that Lily will find out that her boyfriend cheated on her as soon as she returns.  You can also bet that she'll find out before Daniel tell her himself.  I guess Daniel is a chip off the block.  He has no backbone.  He is much like his dad, the rock star.  
Danny Romalotti (Michael Damian) may be a rock star, but the writers have made his very wimpy and weak in his personal life.  He told Cricket that she is the one he wants to be with, yet he doesn't have the strength to resist Phyllis.  She senses his hesitation and his weakness, and she plays him perfectly.  Instead of asking her to leave, he sat and listened to her.  He failed to make it clear to the fiery redhead that the wanted no part of a romance with her.  That was exactly the opening Phyllis needed to work on him.  The truth is that Phyllis is not really in love with Danny.  She's in love with the idea of, as she put it, "bugging the Bug."  Danny is the best means for her to exact her revenge on Cricket.  Cricket's mistake was to flaunt how well things were going between her and Danny.  She never should have taunted Phyllis.  That is a recipe for trouble, and Phyllis is the ultimate troublemaker.
If there is one character on Y&R who baffles me, it's Tucker McCall.  He sits around drinking all day and discussing schemes to bring the Abbotts down, usually with Audra or Phyllis.  Yet, it is difficult to gauge his true fillings.  It's hard to tell if he ever means what he says, or if he's just playing games.  Someone like Ashley Abbott would never put up with it.  Why is she so obsessed with a man who has treated her terribly?  Now she's obsessed about whether he gaslighted her in Paris.
Unlike Asley, I thought Audra had distanced herself from Tucker, but now I'm not so sure, especially since Nikki fired her.  This may cause her to team up with Tucker again in a scheme to take over Jabot.  It seems that she's finished with Kyle,, so who else does she have to turn to?  As for Kyle, why did he suddenly get the idea that his mother, Diane, was the best candidate to be co-CEO of Jabot>  Diane doesn't have enough experience.  Also, I expected Kyle to be at least a little bit jealous when he found out about Summer and Chance.  He was rather nonchalant about it.


If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

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I received an email from longtime Y&R viewer Carly in Barrhaven, Ontario.  Here are Carly's comments.

Y&R is up & down.  There are times I enjoy it & other times I don't.  I fast forward a lot.  No I couldn't be bothered watching the special Sharon episode.  Yes there are lots of love triangles.  I don't like that they have brought back  Nikki's alcohol addiction.  I want to enjoy the soap not be depressed. There is enough sadness in the world.

Yes, Y&R can be up and down.  I wish some of the storylines would move faster.  Some of them drag on far too long.  There should be more happenings and less discussion in restaurants and coffee houses.  There is far too much repetition.  More comic relief and some lighter moments are needed.

I enjoyed the special Sharon episode.  Although the writers have dealt with Nikki's alcoholism before, this time there is a different angle to it.  Neil and Mrs. Chancellor aren't around and Nikki relapsed because the alcohol was forced on her by the wicked Jordan.  

I agree that the show could use some lighter moments.  There isn't enough fun.  There isn't enough singing.  Why doesn't Tessa have a singing engagement at a restaurant or club?  Danny Romalotti (Michael Damian) hasn't been singing very much.  Fans would love to hear Danny and Lauren and Traci sing a song together.

Mishael Morgan Returning for a Visit

Daytime Emmy winner Mishael Morgan is returning to her role as lawyer Amanda Sinclair on Y&R.  Mishael revealed the news to fans in an Instagram post.  There is no information yet as to when she'll be returning, or for how long.  My guess is she'll be involved in the storm that is sure to arrive when Lily returns from California and learns about Daniel and Heather.  Remember that Heather, who is also a lawyer, has been hired by Chancellor-Winters.  Will Lily and Devon still want her around their company?


Nikki is battling alcoholism again, but not Jack is stepping in to help her.  This will not sit well with their respective spouses, Victor and Diane.  Is Nikki tired of Victor's controlling ways and will she turn to Jack for solace?  Is that where this is headed?  What do you think, fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Do you think Jack and Nikki begin a romance? free polls

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, February 10, 2024.  Enjoy the February sweeps.

Take care,


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