
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Y&R Report (February 24, 2024): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV, which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans, 
What possessed the writers of Y&R to come up with the idea of Ashley Abbott having a breakdown?  Isn't it enough that Nikki is battling alcoholism and that she is being terrorized by Jordan?  People watch soaps for a bit of escapism.  By the way, how convenient that wicked Jordan, wearing glasses and a wig, should meet up with Nikki's former AA sponsor, Seth, in the same seedy bar where Nikki went in disguise.
Many of the storylines on the show are becoming tiresome and repetitious, especially the Ashley, Tucker, Audra storyline.  It seems to be going in all directions.  It's very murky, especially where Ashley is concerned.  She is behaving very strangely and it really makes no sense.
As for Tucker, he just sits around drinking all day.  He talks a lot, but he never really does anything. Yet, now he has Ashley and Audra fighting over him.  What they see in him, I will never understand.  However, head writer Josh Griffith really likes romantic triangles.  We already have Phyllis, Danny and Cricket, plus Lily, Daniel and Heather,  Notice how it's two females competing for the affection of one male.  The only exception is the Adam. Sally and Nick triangle.  That seems to be over, though.  Nick has conceded that she prefers Adam.  Yet Sally's business partner, Chloe, continues to despise Adam.  She is going to create problems in the plan to put their interior design company under the Newman umbrella.
Claire seems to be on the road to recovery.  She'll eventually be incorporated into a storyline without Jordan.  Maybe she'll be the third person in a triangle with Summer and Chance.  Things are going too well for those two.  There's bound to be complications.  Kyle doesn't have a love interest at the moment.  Maybe Claire will become involved with him.  Of course, he would most likely break her heart, just like he broke the heart of Summer and Lola.
I hope Connor Newman (Judah Mackey) shows up soon.  There's all this talk and concern about him between Chelsea, Adam and Billy.  When is he going to appear onscreen again?
It was good to see the return of Mishael Morgan as Amanda Sinclair, at least for a visit.  I've missed her.  Welcome back Mishael!
I was disappointed that Y&R completely ignored Valentine's Day,  When is the show going to feature some lighter moments?  Does everything have to be so tense most of the time?  

Melody Thomas Scott celebrates 45 years in the role of Nikki

On February 20, 2024, Melody Thomas Scott celebrated 45 years in the role of Nikki Reid Newman.  Her Newman castmates made a video to mark the occasion.  They wore black T-shirts featuring their matriarch with all her hairstyles through the years.  Joshua Morrow, who has portrayed her son Nick since 1994, began the video with a tribute to his television mother.  He said, "To my mama, Melody Thomas Scott, celebrating a huge, huge, huge anniversary, an absolute icon the show." 
All the Newmans model the T-shirt in the video, including Amelia Heine (Victoria), Melissa Ordway (Abby), Haley Erin (Claire), and Mark Grossman (Adam).  Eric Braeden, who portrays Nikki's onscreen husband, The Great Victor Newman, just smiles slyly and holds the T-shirt.
The Nikki character debuted on the Y&R in 1978.  She was first played Erica Hope, but the character didn't really take off until Melody assumed the role in 1979.  All these years later, Nikki is involved in a major storyline involving her alcoholism and her battle with her archenemy, crazy Jordan.   


When it comes to storylines, tastes differ.  So, Y&R fans, the question I would like to ask you to consider to be the worst storyline on the show.  I don't like what the writers have done to Ashley.  I don't mind Phyllis and Cricket both chasing Danny.  It's amusing at times.  I just wish that those two supposedly mature women wouldn't behave so much like teenagers.  As for Danny Romanlotti, I wish he wouldn't act so wimpy.  What do you think?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

What do you think is the worst storyline on Y&R? free polls


I really need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address: 

That all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday March 9, 2024.  

Take care, 

- Joanne

Monday, February 12, 2024

Jeopardy! News

Emma Stone dreams of appearing on Jeopardy!

Emma Stone

Oscar winner Emma Stone is a huge fan of Jeopardy!  In a recent interview with Variety's "Awards Circuit" podcast, Emma expressed her desire to become a contestant on the long-running quiz show.  In fact, she applies every year.  If you think she means Celebrity Jeopardy!, you are wrong.  Her goal is to compete in the regular, syndicated show, with non-famous trivia buffs.  "I apply every June," Emma stated in the podcast.  "I don't want to go on Celebrity Jeopardy!  I want to earn my stripes."

Aspiring Jeopardy! contestants must first take an online test. They are only permitted to apply once a year with their email address.  According the show's website, a random group of applicants who pass the test may then be invited to audition.  Those who do well in their audition will then enter the contestant pool.  Emma has yet to be chosen to compete.  She will, however, be competing for an Academy Award this year on Sunday, March 10th.  She has been nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her performance in Poor Things.  She already has one Oscar under her belt for La La Land.  

Another Canadian shines on Jeopardy!

Juveria Zaheer

Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist from Whitby, Ontario, has earned a spot on Jeopardy!'s Tournament of Champions, beginning on February 23rd.  Juveria triumphed in the Champions Wildcard Season 39 competition.  She won the $100,000 grand prize with a two-day final score of $20,000.  Ken Jennings gently teased her because she missed a question on Canadian-born Lorne Greene, but she emerged the winner with an impressive performance.

Dr. Zaheer s a psychiatrist and researcher for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The mother of also an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.  In addition, she is recognized in Canada as an expert in suicide risk assessment and prevention.  Her credentials are impressive and I will be cheering her on in the Tournament of Champions.

- Joanne

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Y&R Report (February 10, 2024): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV, which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans,
So Tucker McCall and Audra Charles are conniving again.  Those two are cut from the same cloth.  No wonder they don't trust each other, although that doesn't seem to bother Tucker.  He thinks it makes the relationship more exciting.  According to Audra, Tucker was the one who taught her not to trust anybody.
Tucker may have some competition from Nate over Audra.  It seems to me that Nate is very attracted to Audra, although he won't admit it.  That's why he couldn't keep his eyes off her when she was cozying up to Tucker.  It was just about business and family.  I detected some jealousy on the part of both Nate and Tucker.
For a guy who really hasn't made any concrete moves on Jabot.  Tucker just sits around drinking all day, but he sure stirs up a heap of trouble.  He upsets a lot of people in Genoa City.  He's actually more unpopular than Phyllis and Adam.  He even has Ashley Abbott obsessing over him.  Speaking of Ashley, what's going on with her?  Is she losing her mind?  I can't understand where this "gaslighting" storyline is going.  It's very muddled.  The writing is not very clear.  Viewers don't know what to believe.
Tucker, however, can't seem to shake his obsession with Ashley, which upsets Audrey greatly.  He even keeps track of Ashley's comings and goings.  Someone phoned him to inform him that Ashley had returned from Paris.  This leads me to believe that Tucker's obsession with Ashley is not romantic.  He seems to be stalking Ashley, which does not bode well for her.
Speaking of  romance, I haven't noticed any romantic sparks between Victoria Newman and Cole Howard.  They seem comfortable with each other. They share a deep concern about the welfare of their daughter, Claire, but that's all there is so far.  After what happened with Billy and Ashland and Nate, Victoria will likely take her time before rekindling a relationship with her  old flame and ex-husband.  I don't see much chemistry there, but maybe sparks will fly eventually.  Keep in mind that when Cole and Victoria were married, Heather Tom played the role of Victoria.  
Claire seems to be improving.  I thought that she would freak out when she was informed about the fire at the prison where Jordan was being held.  Instead, she was very calm about it.  She even came up with a very helpful suggestion.  I wouldn't be surprised if Claire's notion that her Aunt Jordan started the fire turns out to be correct.  
Unlike Claire, Nikki seems to be on a downward spiral and Jack Abbott didn't help by agreeing to keep her secret about him being her sponsor.  He finally showed some spine and told Victor the truth.  Nikki wasn't happy about that, but it's for the best.  Victor would have found out anyway.
By the way, that was quite a scene with Nikki wearing sunglasses in that seedy bar. 
Another Y&R character is becoming involved in the corporate world.  Abby doesn't find the restaurant business challenging anymore.  So, she's decided to join the board of Chancellor-Winters.  She's also offered the job of managing Society to Tessa Porter.  I guess the writers have decided to give Tessa more to do.  However, I fail to understand why she hasn't been hired to sing at Society.  I really thought Abby was going to ask her to perform there.  That would have been so much better.   Actually, she could do both.  She could manage the place and sing there.  

Mishael Morgan expected to return as Amanda in time for February sweeps

In the last edition of Y&R Report, I mentioned that Mishael Morgan, who plays attorney Amanda Sinclair, will be returning to The Young and the Restless.  I'm not sure for how long or how many episodes.  I do know that based on the dates of social media posts, Amanda will likely appear in Genoa City during the last week in February or the first week in March, just in time for the February sweeps.
Amanda won't be too happy to see Abby when she visits Chancellor-Winters.  Now that Abby has joined the board of the company, she'll be around there a lot. It will be awkward.
 Amanda will also catch up with her friend, Phyllis.  Phyllis, of course, will fill Amanda's head with her problems with Cricket.  I assume she'll advise Phyllis to leave Danny alone.  Phyllis, naturally, will ignore her friend's advice.  

Eileen Davidson (Ashley)

Trevor St. John (Tucker)

Why is Ashley so obsessed with Tucker McCall?  All she can think about is proving that he gaslighted her.  Why should it matter so much.  This behaviour doesn't seem normal.  The writers have given us no insight as to why Ashley is acting this way.  She is usually pretty level-heaved.  She wouldn't tolerate someone like that dastardly Tucker.  Why can't she just move on?  
So, what do you think, fans?  Is Ashley really being gaslighted by Tucker, or has her mind become muddled?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Is Tucker McCall really gaslighting Ashley? free polls


I really need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address: 
That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on  Saturday, February 24, 2024.  

Take care,


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Netflix has reported a substantial increase in profits. Can we expect lower subscription prices?

“It is becoming increasingly clear that Netflix has won the ‘streaming wars,"
- Bank of America media analyst Jessica Reif Ehrlich, as quoted in a January 2024 Reuters story 

In recent years, the dominance of Netflix has been challenged by several other streaming companies such as Amazon Prime, Hulu and Disney+.  Not too long ago, the world's largest streamer was concerned about losing subscribers.  In 2019, Forbes even published an article entitled "All The Reasons Why Netflix Is Doomed."  The article described Netflix as being in the "Danger Zone".. 

My, how things have changed!  Netflix seems to be regaining popularity.  As of the fourth quarter of 2023, the giant streaming service had about 260 million subscribers worldwide.  This was an increase of more than 13 million subscribers as compared to the previous quarter.  Furthermore, in the fourth quarter of 2023, the company reported a net income of $937.8 million or $2.11 per share, a significant increase from the $55.3 million or 12 cents per share posted for the same period in 2022.  Netflix's revenue for the fourth quarter of 2023 was $8.83 billion, up from $7.85 billion in the fourth quarter a year previously.

Netflix's strong showing was fueled by a strong slate of shows, including the final season of the royal drama The Crown, as well as David Fincher's original film, The Killer.  Since Netflix is obviously doing well financially, will subscribers benefit from the company's increased revenue?  Will subscription costs decrease?  All I can say is don't expect lower subscription prices any time soon.

Netflix is planning to eliminate its Basic zero-ad plan, the company's cheapest ad-free plan.  The Basic plan, which is priced at $9.99 per month, is already being phased out.  New subscribers, as well as existing subscribers, have not been allowed to choose the Basic plan since 2023.  The Basic plan will be "retired" in  Canada and the United Kingdom beginning in April of 2024. 

Back in June of 2023, when Netflix announced that it was cutting off its lowest priced ad-free plan to new clients, the company informed The Canadian Press that those customers would have a choice between a cheaper $5.99 per month plan that includes advertisements, or one of its advertisement-free plans, which start at $16.49 per month.  I

n a letter to shareholders in its 2023 fourth quarter report, Netflix justified the changes in its plans.

"We seek to provide a range of prices and plans to meet a wide range of needs, including competitive starting prices," the letter reads.  "As we invest in and and improve Netflix, we'll occasionally ask our members to pay a little extra to reflect these improvements, which in turn helps drive the positive flywheel of additional investment to further improve and grow our service."

Unfortunately, streaming services are becoming more expensive.  Those higher prices seem here to stay. Will customers continue to stick with Netflix, or will they be able to find less expensive alternatives?

- Joanne