
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Y&R Report (February 10, 2024): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV, which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans,
So Tucker McCall and Audra Charles are conniving again.  Those two are cut from the same cloth.  No wonder they don't trust each other, although that doesn't seem to bother Tucker.  He thinks it makes the relationship more exciting.  According to Audra, Tucker was the one who taught her not to trust anybody.
Tucker may have some competition from Nate over Audra.  It seems to me that Nate is very attracted to Audra, although he won't admit it.  That's why he couldn't keep his eyes off her when she was cozying up to Tucker.  It was just about business and family.  I detected some jealousy on the part of both Nate and Tucker.
For a guy who really hasn't made any concrete moves on Jabot.  Tucker just sits around drinking all day, but he sure stirs up a heap of trouble.  He upsets a lot of people in Genoa City.  He's actually more unpopular than Phyllis and Adam.  He even has Ashley Abbott obsessing over him.  Speaking of Ashley, what's going on with her?  Is she losing her mind?  I can't understand where this "gaslighting" storyline is going.  It's very muddled.  The writing is not very clear.  Viewers don't know what to believe.
Tucker, however, can't seem to shake his obsession with Ashley, which upsets Audrey greatly.  He even keeps track of Ashley's comings and goings.  Someone phoned him to inform him that Ashley had returned from Paris.  This leads me to believe that Tucker's obsession with Ashley is not romantic.  He seems to be stalking Ashley, which does not bode well for her.
Speaking of  romance, I haven't noticed any romantic sparks between Victoria Newman and Cole Howard.  They seem comfortable with each other. They share a deep concern about the welfare of their daughter, Claire, but that's all there is so far.  After what happened with Billy and Ashland and Nate, Victoria will likely take her time before rekindling a relationship with her  old flame and ex-husband.  I don't see much chemistry there, but maybe sparks will fly eventually.  Keep in mind that when Cole and Victoria were married, Heather Tom played the role of Victoria.  
Claire seems to be improving.  I thought that she would freak out when she was informed about the fire at the prison where Jordan was being held.  Instead, she was very calm about it.  She even came up with a very helpful suggestion.  I wouldn't be surprised if Claire's notion that her Aunt Jordan started the fire turns out to be correct.  
Unlike Claire, Nikki seems to be on a downward spiral and Jack Abbott didn't help by agreeing to keep her secret about him being her sponsor.  He finally showed some spine and told Victor the truth.  Nikki wasn't happy about that, but it's for the best.  Victor would have found out anyway.
By the way, that was quite a scene with Nikki wearing sunglasses in that seedy bar. 
Another Y&R character is becoming involved in the corporate world.  Abby doesn't find the restaurant business challenging anymore.  So, she's decided to join the board of Chancellor-Winters.  She's also offered the job of managing Society to Tessa Porter.  I guess the writers have decided to give Tessa more to do.  However, I fail to understand why she hasn't been hired to sing at Society.  I really thought Abby was going to ask her to perform there.  That would have been so much better.   Actually, she could do both.  She could manage the place and sing there.  

Mishael Morgan expected to return as Amanda in time for February sweeps

In the last edition of Y&R Report, I mentioned that Mishael Morgan, who plays attorney Amanda Sinclair, will be returning to The Young and the Restless.  I'm not sure for how long or how many episodes.  I do know that based on the dates of social media posts, Amanda will likely appear in Genoa City during the last week in February or the first week in March, just in time for the February sweeps.
Amanda won't be too happy to see Abby when she visits Chancellor-Winters.  Now that Abby has joined the board of the company, she'll be around there a lot. It will be awkward.
 Amanda will also catch up with her friend, Phyllis.  Phyllis, of course, will fill Amanda's head with her problems with Cricket.  I assume she'll advise Phyllis to leave Danny alone.  Phyllis, naturally, will ignore her friend's advice.  

Eileen Davidson (Ashley)

Trevor St. John (Tucker)

Why is Ashley so obsessed with Tucker McCall?  All she can think about is proving that he gaslighted her.  Why should it matter so much.  This behaviour doesn't seem normal.  The writers have given us no insight as to why Ashley is acting this way.  She is usually pretty level-heaved.  She wouldn't tolerate someone like that dastardly Tucker.  Why can't she just move on?  
So, what do you think, fans?  Is Ashley really being gaslighted by Tucker, or has her mind become muddled?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Is Tucker McCall really gaslighting Ashley? free polls


I really need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address: 
That's all for now.  Don't forget that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on  Saturday, February 24, 2024.  

Take care,


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