Saturday, March 23, 2024

Y&R Report (March 23, 2024): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV, which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

NOTE: There were only three episodes of The Young and the Restless this week.  The show did not air on CBS on Thursday, March 21 and  Friday, March 22 (March 20 and March 21 on Global TV) due to sports coverage of NCAA basketball, known as "March Madness."

Hi fans, 
So, wicked Aunt Jordan is still alive and kicking, despite swallowing her own poison (I guess I'm not supposed to ask where a wanted fugitive obtained poison).  Nikki called 911 and Jordan was taken to the hospital.  She is handcuffed, but shouldn't a dangerous criminal, a murderer, be heavily guarded?.  Expect her to escape yet again and torment the Newman family further.  This is really becoming ridiculous!  Jordan is pulling off more escapes than Houdini.  We've had enough of that!  The storyline needs to move ahead.  
I don't understand why Victor and Nick left Jordan locked up in that dungeon room. Why didn't they just call the police to take her away?  I  guess the writers wanted a dramatic confrontation between Jordan and Victoria, Nikki and Claire.    Actually, when Jordan imbibed the poison, I thought she might be faking her death.  I thought she might jump up and attack the Newman women.  The scene ended abruptly and we viewers were left hanging.  It was maddening that Jordan's fate was not discussed later at the Newman ranch.  It wasn't until the next episode that we learned that Nikki saved her life.
Although Claire is still be haunted by her psychotic aunt, she has taken the first steps toward building a new life for herself.  I expect that she will be hired as Harrison's nanny, despite Summer's reluctance to let her have the job.  I also expect that Claire will fall for Kyle, which means more heartbreak and trouble ahead for her, given Kyle's track record with women.  He is much to worldly for Claire, who has never really been on her own.
By the way, I really enjoyed Claire's dream sequence.  It was quite entertaining with both Mariah and Cassie attending Claire's birthday party and Adam as the server.  It is interesting to note that Nick and Sharon were together in the dream, as well as Kyle and Summer.  
What in tarnation is going on with Ashley Abbott?  Whatever it is, I don't like what's happening to the brilliant chemist and businesswoman.  I doubt it's a popular storyline with fans.  We already have Connor experiencing mental problems.  That's fine, but why do we also need to see Ashley fall apart at the same time?  Can't we have a break between breakdowns?  I keep saying that Y&R really needs more lightheartedness and some comic relief.
Ashley is likely suffering from multiple personality disorder, now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), a mental health condition characterized by a person's identity fragmenting into two or more distinct personality states.  I think its great that Y&R deals with mental health issues as a public service, but do we really need a mental health crisis of the month on Y&R?
It seems that Tucker is the one most acutely aware of Ashley's mental distress,  It appears that he will be the one to help her.  I am not thrilled about that prospect because I don't like Ashley and Tucker together.  Audra seems to have had enough of Tucker and has lost patience with the hold Ashley has on him.  There was a hint in the previews that Audra and Nate will get together.  I can see a chemistry between those two.

There will be conflict ahead for Adam and Chelsea over how to handle their son Connor's obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).  Adam supports Connor's desire to remain in Genoa City, while his mother, Chelsea, wants him to go to a special treatment facility. I hope he stays in Genoa City.  Otherwise the storyline may reach a dead end.

Redding Munsell
There will be a new actor in the role of Harrison Abbott
Starting next month Redding Munsell will assume the role of the child Harrison.  He will replace Kellen Enriquez. This indicates that Harrison will play a more prominent part in the storyline, once Claire becomes his nanny.


M. Graziadei
Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) has dumped Lily and returned to Heather.  What will they do with Daniel's character now that he has reunited his family.  If he's just happy with Heather and daughter Lucy, there is no storyline.  There is no conflict.  I wonder what the writers have in mind.  I also wonder if you prefer Daniel with Heather or Lily.  What do you think. fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Is Daniel better off with Heather ? free polls


I really need your feedback.  If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name.  I really need your input.  I really need to hear your opinion.  I want to know if you agree or disagree with me. 

My email address: 
That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, April 6, 2024.  A Happy Easter to all who celebrate.

Take care,


Thursday, March 14, 2024

Whatever happened to Jason (Heshimu) and Bernie (David Joliffe) from Room 222?

David Joliffe & Heshimu on Room 222

Room 222 aired for five years, from 1969 until 1974.  It was a hit series about a Los Angeles high school with a racially diverse student body and faculty.  The fictional inner city school was called Walt Whitman High, and many of the show's stories revolved around Pete Dixon's American History class.  Pete Dixon was played by Lloyd Haynes, who passed away in 1986.

The series dealt with social issues.  It explored such hot topics of the 1970s as racism, drugs, alcoholism homosexuality, feminism (which was then called women's lib), the Vietnam Warr and Watergate.  At the same time, it offered some light-hearted and comical moments.  Two of the most prominent students at Whitman were Jason and Bernie, one African American and the other white.  Jason Allen was a soft-hearted tough guy, while Bernie (no last name given) was the white guy with the huge red Afro.

Heshimu Cumbuka

Heshimu Cumbuka portrayed Jason Allen in 91 episodes of  Room 222.  He appeared in all five seasons of the series from 1969 to 1974.  While on Room 222, the actor was billed simply as "Heshimu."  It is extremely difficult to find any current information about the actor.  It seems that he is very private and that information about him is very sketchy.  According to the website AmoMama (, he was born in Arlington Banks.  However, I cannot locate a place by that name.  There is no date of birth listed for him either.

Aside from his work on Room 222, Heshimu appeared in a 1974 episode of Run, Joe Run as a mute person.  The episode is entitled "The Mute" (Season 1, Episode 11, Air Date: November 16, 1974).  He played Stewart in a 1978 TV crime movie called To Kill a Cop.  He also portrayed a drummer in the 1979 television film The Ordeal of Patty Hearst.  

Heshimu had a role in the 1979 feature film Sunnyside, starring Joey Travolta.  That same year, he appeared as Clark in an episode of the TV drama Lou Grant, starring Ed Asner.  The episode is entitled "Slammer" (Season 3, Episode 3, Air Date: October 1, 1979).  

In the 1983 biographical TV movie Fighting Back: The Story of Rocky Bleier, Heshimu played a soldier.  He had a bit part as a hawker in the 1981 TV movie Born to Be Sold, which deals with a crime ring that sells babies illegally.  

Heshimu played a pimp in two episodes of the crime drama Hill Street Blues.  The episodes are "Hill Street Station" (1981) and "Invasion of the Third World Body Snatchers" (1982).  Heshimu's last screen credit is as Curtis in the 1982 feature They Call Me Bruce, a comedy action film about a goofy Korean who is continually mistaken for Bruce Lee.  According to the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), he has no further acting credits.  Since then, he has vanished from the public eye.

I found the following 2008 internet chat about Heshimu, which is very interesting.

This morning I happened to be thinking about the old TV series Room 222, and I wondered whatever happened to the actor who played Jason (the tall black student with the gap-toothed smile and a penchant for wearing colorful shirts). The actor's name is Heshimu, which should be fairly easy to seek out on the internet. But alas, it seems as though he has dropped off the face of the earth since making this TV show.

Whatever happened to Heshimu?

I can't even find a picture of him. Surely there must be an internet detective amongst us chit-chat denizens that can find more information about this guy.

I get him as being in Hill Street Blues.

Also a movie called Born to be Sold.
And apparently had a role in They Call Me Bruce?

You are assuming that Heshimu and Heshimu Cumbuka are the same person. I don't think this is true.

I stumbled upon a forum entry from 2004 that claims that Heshimu was working behind the scenes at a San Francisco radio station in the 1980s.

Heshimu is obviously wants to remain private, which is his prerogative.  

David Jolliffe AS Bernie

David Joliffe was born in Glendale California on November 19, 1952.  He is the son of actress Glorya Lord and Broadcast Executive Richard Joliffe.  At the age of ten, David appeared in a commercial for Kraft Marshmallows.

In the summer of 1969, David's mother heard about casting for the pilot of  an ABC comedy-drama called Room 222.  She thought her son would be ideal for the role of the free-spirited Bernie, a student at the fictional Walt Whitman High School in Los Angeles.  He was just 15 years old when he landed the part and his bright red hair made him stand out from the rest of the ensemble cast.

"I was living in Philadelphia with my dad and staying in L.A. in the summer, " David told the Los Angeles Daily News in 2007.  "I did the pilot and didn't think anything, went back to Philadelphia, and my mom called and said, "It got picked up!  Get back over here!."

David's trademark Afro was not quite formed in the pilot episode, but it wasn't long before he grew it out.  "That's my legacy.  I brought the Afro to the white guys.  Every year, I'd show up after (summer) hiatus, and it would just get bigger and bigger," he commented in his L.A. Daily News interview.

David appeared as Bernie (no last name given) in 83 of the 113 episodes of Room 222, over all five seasons of the series from 1969 to 1974.  Of his Room 222 experience he said, "I knew that I had just scratched off a great Lotto ticket.  This was a great opportunity, and I always felt very lucky.  We touched on a lot of issues during those 113 episodes.  We did a lot of social issues of the time.  I'm so proud to have been a member of this cast, which was the first fully integrated cast on television in 1969."

In his first three years on Room 222, David attended school on the 20th Century Fox Lot.  His classmates were Angela Cartwright and Billy Mumy of Lost in Space, who chose to remain in the studio school after their series ended.  For years, David played in a band, The Jenetors, with Mumy and Miguel Ferrer, the son of actor Jose Ferrer and singer Rosemary Clooney.

During his time on Room 222, David guest-starred in a 1971 episode of the legal dream Men at Law entitled "The Climate of Doubt",(Season 1, Episode 14,, Air Date: February 3, 1971), and in a 1972 episode of The Partridge Family entitled "This Male Chauvinist Piggy Went to Market" (Season 3, Episode 1, Air Date: September 15, 1972).

David Joliffe in 1973

In the 1980s, David became a prominent commercial performer.  He appeared in more than 100 TV commercials.  He eventually became a successful voice-over performer and Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR) Looper (An ADR Looper is a sound editor who reviews all the dialogue recorded in filming and decides what needs to be be re-recorded).

David played the role of Tongue in the 1984 film Lovelines.  He has lent his voice to many animated series such as Battle of the Planets, Clue Club, and Higglytown.

In 1995, due to his dissatisfaction with The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) management, David ran for both the SAG and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) National Boards.  He was elected to both boards.  Soon after, he was elected as SAG National Vice President.  David was recently re-elected as the Los Angeles Local Vice President of SAG-AFTRA.

On April 1, 1982, David married actress and Broadway star Patty Dworkin, known for her appearances in such films as Mr. Mom (1983) and Ghostbusters (1984).  After signing a contract with the ABC network, Patty appeared on TV shows such as The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Happy Days, One Day at a Time and Eight is Enough.  David and Patty divorced and Patty went on to marry news and entertainment publicist Andrew E. Freedman in 1987, after which she changed her name to Patty Freedman.

David is now married to talent agent Mary Ellen Lord.

Below is a more recent photo of David Joliffe.


* During her acting career, David Joliffe's mother, Glorya Lord, had roles feature films such The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), The Big Country (1958) and The Great Race (1965).  She appeared in bit parts and minor roles in episodes of such TV series as My World and Welcome to It (1969), Mary Tyler Moore (2 episodes 1970, 1971). The Doris Day Show (1971), Mannix (1971) and Newhart (1983).  She also appeared in four episodes of Room 222 from 1969 to 1970, in which she played Mrs. Jackson, Miss Jackson and a PTA member.  

Glorya Lord was originally billed as "Gloria Lord."  She was born on August 30, 1931.

* David Joliffe's first wife, Patty, passed away on February 17, 2017.  She died of breast cancer at the age of 64.

SOURCES:  Los Angeles Daily News, "For David Joliffe, there was life after 'Room 222,''" December 19, 2007; David Joliffe website (; Wikipedia; Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

- Joanne

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Y&R Report (March 9, 2024): The Latest on The Young and the Restless

Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV, which is one episode ahead of CBS.  I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet.  Read at your own risk.  If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.

Hi fans, 
Oh my!  Jordan is pointing a gun at Victor Newman and Michael Baldwin.  Why is Victor meeting that dangerous woman in an isolated place?  Why did he drag Michael along with him, endangering his lawyer's life as well?  Victor seems confident in his plan to bring Jordan down.  Michael, on the other hand, appears scared out of his wits  Michael is such a lackey.  He runs to Victor's side whenever Victor summons him.  He never turns Victor down, even when Victor's requests threaten his life and limb.
Poor Seth was killed by wicked Aunt Jordan, as she pushed him in front of a speeding car.  That woman is as Nikki describes her, is "pure evil."  She is a murderer and an arsonist.  She set fire to a prison and now she has set fire to Victoria's house. By the way, where will Victoria live now that her home has burned down?  Will she move into the Newman ranch, or will she get a suite at the Athletic Club like so many other Genoa City residents?  
Jordan's reign of terror against the Newman family will soon be coming to an end.  Her encounter with Victor and Michael appears to be the final showdown.  Jordan will be returned to prison or she will most likely meet her death.  
What will be Cole Howard's fate?  Will J. Eddie Peck, the actor who portrays Cole, stay around?  That depends on whether there's a storyline for his character.  If the writers can't fit Cole into a storyline, he'll likely pack his bags and return to England.
I expect that Claire, played by Hayley Erin, will remain with the cast.  When she's fully recovered, she'll be integrated into a new storyline.  She will probably become involved with Kyle, or maybe even Chance.  Kyle Abbott has been in the background lately and he doesn't have a woman in his life since he parted ways with Summer and Audra.  Kyle is much more worldly than Claire and will likely break her heart, just as he has broken Lola's heart and Summer's heart in the past.  
Now that Summer and Chance are an item, things are going too well for them.  There needs to be conflict.  Claire added to the mix, would stir things up, though I think she's more likely to become involved with Kyle.  Something or someone else may create conflict for Summer and Chance, but not right away.  They will bask in their romance for a while.
Michelle Stafford can certainly put on a smirky smile.  When she enters a room as Phyllis, she grins as if she is proud of herself  and getting ready to stir things up.  Phyllis is almost always ready to cause trouble and she enjoys every minute of it.  Phyllis will always be Phyllis, and she's her own worst enemy.  She has a habit of looking for love in all the wrong places.  
What's up with this reconnection between Nick and Phyllis?  According to an online spoiler, "after his talk with Phyllis, Nick makes a bold move,"
Good news for Y&R fans.  The Young and the Restless has been renewed for four more years.  Amy Reisenbach, president of CBS Entertainment, said, "The Young and the Restless has been a staple of daytime television for over 50 years, and it is with great pleasure that we will continue that legacy at CBS."  
This four year renewal of Y&R means that the show will officially remain on the air until at least 2028, when the show will celebrate its 55th anniversary.  Y&R premiered on March 26, 1973.
I must commend Y&R for tackling the issue of children's mental health with Connor Newman, played by young Judah Mackey.  It's about time for some focus on that sensitive topic.  Y'&R performed a public service because dialogue about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is needed.  By the way, I found the actress who played Connor's psychiatrist, Dr. Alcott, to be very convincing.  Her name is Catherine Dyer and she certainly played the part well.

Judah Mackey

If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them  You do not have to use your real name. 

My email address:
I received an email from longtime Y&R fan, Carly in Barhaven, Ontario.

I have been watching Y & R & keep wondering why.  It's getting so ridiculous especially like you said Phyllis-Cricket-Danny acting like teenagers & the hype over Tucker, two beautiful intelligent women fighting over him.  My big toe has more personality than he does.

Well Carly, it seems that Cricket has smartened up, but Phyllis hasn't.  She is still the same conniving woman she's always been.  Contrary to what Danny thinks, Phyllis hasn't changed at all.  She'll probably continue to torment Cricket, even though Danny has finally made it perfectly clear that he wants to be with Cricket.  
As for Tucker, your description of him having less personality than your big toe is quite apt.  It is not only accurate, but highly amusing.  However, Tucker is not a well-written character.  His true motivations remain unclear.  It's difficult to know whether he actually means what he says. or if he's ever sincere about anything.  However, I think he's genuinely confounded by Ashley's strange behaviour.  She's sending him mixed messages.  Sometimes it's "I love you."  Other times it's "I love you not."

Brian Gaskell ends his run as Seth

Soap veteran Brian Gaskell's character became a victim of dastardly Aunt Jordan.  Brian has completed his temporary role as Nikki Newman's former AA sponsor.  He began his daytime career in 1995 as the teenage Bobby Warner on All My Children.  He subsequently portrayed Rafe Kovich on Port Charles from 2001 to 2003, Oscar Marone on The Bold and the Beautiful from 2003  to 2004, and Dylan Lewis on Guiding Light from 2007 to 2008.  

Christel Khalil (Lily) returns from maternity leave

It was revealed in the previews that Christel Khalil will be returning as Lily Winters this coming week.  Christel has also posted an Instagram message, captioning a photo of herself with Bryton James (Devon) and Eric Braeden (Victor).  The message reads "Back At It!"
It has been two months since the Lily departed to be with her daughter Mattie in Mattie's time of need.  In the meantime, Lily's boyfriend, Daniel, has rekindled his romance with Heather.  Lily is going to come home to a rude awakening.
In a June Instagram post, Christel revealed that she was pregnant with her second child, her first with fiancé Sam Restagno (She has a son, Michael Caden Hensley, from a previous marriage).  In another post, Christel shared the news that her new baby would be a boy.  The date of the baby's birth is still a mystery, perhaps for personal or private reasons.  

Joshua Morrow's home is up for sale

The Los Angeles home of Joshua Morrow (Nicholas Newman) is on the market.  The actor is selling the 5,839 square foot home where he and his interior designer wife, Tobe Keeney, have raised their four children.  The asking price for the 6 bedroom, 6.5 bathroom multi-story home is $5.25 million.


Claire Grace (Haley Erin) is at a crossroads.  She's preparing to start a new life as a member of the Newman family and she is in the midst of a delicate recovery from mental trauma.  Claire enjoys spending time with children, so maybe working with kids will help her heal.  Is it too early for her to starting thinking of a romantic relationship?  What do you think, fans?  Respond to the poll below and let me know.

Now that Claire is recovering, with whom do you think she should have a romantic relationship? free polls

That's all for now.  Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Take care,
