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  1. Hello. I have a question to start off the banter: How old was Lucy Ricardo when she had her baby on "I love Lucy"

  2. Hi Joanne,

    It's me again!

    Waht is the canadian connection the the BBC series - Coronation Street?


  3. Thanks for the info. on Jimmy Mcnichol. I was one of those teen girls that had a HUGE,HUGE crush on him! I found the link below on the internet. It is from a few yrs. ago, but I thought I would share it. I also read that he lives in Colorado now??

  4. Update info on James McNichol - he and Rene (nee Nash) are not divorced. They currently reside in Durango, Colorado where they own the "Blue Water Lodge" - a lakeside cabin that they rent out. Their son James, whose goes by his middle name Nash, is a freshman at Animas High School in Durango. The above referenced image of James, Rene and Nash was taken in 1998 and appeared in People Magazine as a "Where are they now?" feature. There were several other photos from the same photographer used for that article. James is completely removed from the entertainment industry.

  5. my question is the actress kris harmon who appears on psych on the usa network is she the one that was married to Ricky Nelson

    1. Did you find out if she is?

    2. Kirsten Nelson, who starred as Karen Vick on the USA Network's Psych, is not the woman who married Ricky Nelson in 1963. The answer is NO, absolutely not. Look closely. The names are similar but not the same. Rick Nelson married Kristin Harmon, the sister of actor Mark Harmon. Kristin Harmon Nelson is now 69 years old and is an artist in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Check out the piece I posted on TV Banter on May 6, 2012.

    3. Yes, they had twin Sons

    4. That's right - Gunnar and Matthew Nelson.

  6. I recall a tv show of a caravan theatre wagon , and it always did a play on the road each week and it had a funky theme song, but I cannot recall the name of the program, nor who sang or what the theme song was called/sung by...this is bugging me, if you can help ? Thanks...I remember the opening of the tv show, it was a caravan/covered wagon or trailer, and they are travelling down some road....

  7. I think you may be referring to Wonderly Wagon, an Irish children's television program. I watched a video of the opening theme of Wonderly Wageon and it seems to fit your description. The show ran from 1967 until 1982.

  8. I had heard that Jay North's mother Doroy had passed away in Lake Butler, Florida in 2011. DO you know anything about this? Thanks.

    1. According to an obituary on a website called (, Dorothy Alixe North died in Lake Butler, Florida on December 31, 2011 at the age of 95 (She was born on June 12, 1916). Dorothy was a resident of Lake Butler and I assume she moved there to be near her son Jay and his wife Cindy. Note: The information on the obituary is based on information from the U.S. Government's Social Security Death Index.

  9. Hi Joanne, You have a really awesome site here. I just tripped across it when I found your article about Judy Norton which I have since linked to it from my Mary Ellen/Judy Norton page from my Waltons site.

    I live just down the road in Kitchener. I spent many an hour at the Toronto Reference Library 25 years ago during my college days when I was overly fixated on and researching actress Megan Follows. That certainly gave me a love for pouring through microfilm, card catalogues and documents looking for the next thrill of discovery. Dave

  10. Thanks, David. I recommend that fans of The Waltons check out the website All About the Waltons

  11. What does the 'B' stand for in Lincoln B Hayes, Mod Squad?

    1. Check out my reply to your question about Lincoln B. Hayes on my blog posting for June 19, 2014.

  12. How is Jethro Bodine Jed Clampetts nephew? He is the son of Jed's cousin Pearl. Jed's wife's last name was Moses and Pear'ls husband was a Bodine so they werent brother and sister. Jethro would be Jed's 2nd cousin not his nephew?

  13. I wrote that although Jethro was the son of Jed Clampett's cousin, Pearl, he always referred to Jed as "Uncle Jed." The most logical explanation is that Jethro used the term "uncle" as a sign of respect for the older man.

  14. That would explain Jethros' reference to Jed. However, Jed refers to Jethro as his nephew?

  15. Maybe Jed refers to Jethro as his "nephew" because Jethro calls him "uncle" and he regards Jethro more as a nephew than a cousin due to their age difference.

  16. Hello
    Can you tell me which Perry Mason episode contained a scene with a heavy set woman in curlers in a bathrobe eating potato chips and drinking beer out of a can?

  17. I can't identify the episode right away. I will investigate further and try to find the answer for you.

  18. i am searching for a tv channel that shows dick van dyke ? will it ever be put back on the air either on tv land .me tv or antenna tv?

  19. What ever happened to Glynnis O' Conner? She was quite popular on t.v in the 70's.

    1. Glynnis O'Connor was born on November 19, 1956 (some sources say 1955). She has a role in the film "Angelica." a thriller directed by Mitchell Lichtenstein. I am considering writing a profile on her for TV Banter.

  20. everybody knows the line, "such and such show was filmed in front of a studio audience" that always came before the show, and I might be crazy here but I swear I remember another line being said once. What could it have been? For some reason I'm thinking Tom Bosley and Happy Days.

  21. Hello, I've a question to submit. I enjoy the original Dennis the Menace with Jay North, and appreciate Seymour's character, as he usually comes off pretty cynical, opportunistic and to the point. I can find very little about him online, except that he died in 1990. Can you tell us anymore about Robert John Pittman, the actor who portrayed Seymour, and his life and death? Thanks.

  22. Thanks for your question. I am doing some research on it right now. When I am finished I will post an article about Robert John Pittman on this TV Banter website. Keep checking.
